倉儲營運副理 / 經理 (附3PL經驗)
9/23 更新
英文 條件要求
0 ~ 5 應徵者


(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)




1. Responsible for profit and loss of the accounts under his/her care and actively involved in regional roll out of key accounts operation where necessary.
2. Process Optimization
• Analyze and improve existing operational processes to increase productivity and reduce costs.
• Develop and implement standard operating procedures to ensure consistency.
• Responsible for the optimum use of storage space and store layout in the warehouse and for customer's stock inventory records to be kept accurate and up-to-date.
3. Team Leadership and Management
• Supervise and coach a team of employees from outsourcing partner(s)/ own full-time employees, providing performance feedback and training.
• Allocate resources and assign tasks to ensure the smooth functioning of operations.
• Responsible for the coordination of all warehousing and distribution functions, including inventory, physical distribution, maintenance, record-keeping, traffic scheduling and etc.
• Responsible for staff discipline to upkeep company service level and corporate image while facilitation effective training & development for operations personnel.
4. Quality Assurance
• Establish and monitor quality control measures to meet or exceed industry standards.
• Address quality issues and implement corrective actions promptly.
• Conduct relevant operation audit and provide advice, striving for continuous improvement towards Operations Excellence.
5. Inventory Management
• Manage accurate inventory levels for the clients and minimize non-conformance costs.
• Coordinate with clients to ensure timely availability of materials and supplies.
• Provide monthly management reports on overall performance against agreed objectives in the areas of warehouse utilization, stock movements of customers and other matters relating to warehousing and distribution.
6. Budgeting and Cost Control
• Prepare and manage the operational budget, controlling expenses and maximizing resource utilization.
• Identify areas for cost reduction and implement cost-saving initiatives.
7. Project Management
• Oversee special projects and initiatives related to operational improvements.
• Ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet specified objectives.
8. Communication and Collaboration
• Liaise with other departments to ensure seamless coordination and alignment of goals.
• Communicate operational updates and issues to upper management.
• Drive for active customer experiences as Customer Focus Team (Operations) CFT to increase customer loyalty.
• Develop and maintain a high standard of customer service and satisfaction. Attends to customers' enquiries and adopt a proactive approach to minimize complaints.
• Liaise closely with internal stakeholders to meet customers' needs and requirements.
• Explore business opportunities with existing customer and their suppliers / clients as a lead for further development by sales and marketing staff.
9. Risk Management
• Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate them.
• Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and policies.
1. 負責所有管轄範圍内客戶的盈虧管理,並在必要時積極參與區域內主要客戶營運的推展。
2. 流程優化
o 分析並改進現有的操作流程,以提高生產力並降低成本。
o 制定並實施標準操作程序,以確保一致性。
o 負責倉庫中儲存空間和布局的最佳利用,並確保客戶的庫存記錄準確且及時更新。
3. 團隊領導與管理
o 監督並指導團隊,包括全職員工及外包同仁,提供及時的績效反饋和培訓。
o 分配資源並分派任務,以確保運營順利進行。
o 負責所有倉儲和配送功能的協調,包括庫存、實體配送、維護、記錄管理、交通排程等。
o 負責員工紀律,維護公司服務水平和企業形象,並促進操作人員的有效培訓和發展。
4. 品質保證
o 建立並監控質量控制措施,以符合或超越行業標準。
o 及時處理質量問題並實施糾正措施。
o 進行相關操作審核並提供建議,致力於持續改進以達到運營卓越。
5. 庫存管理
o 管理及確保客戶庫存的準確性,並最小化不符合要求的成本。
o 與客戶協調,確保工作上需要之材料和用品及時到位。
o 提供每月管理報告,涵蓋倉庫利用率、客戶庫存變動及其他與倉儲和配送相關的事項,並與既定目標進行對比。
6. 預算編制與成本控制
o 編制並管理運營預算,控制開支並最大化資源利用。
o 確定成本削減領域並實施節約成本的措施。
7. 專案管理
o 監督與運營改進相關的特殊專案和計畫。
o 確保專案按時完成,符合預算,並達成既定目標。
8. 溝通與協作
o 與其他部門聯繫,確保目標的無縫協調和一致。
o 向高層管理層通報運營更新和問題。
o 作為客戶專注團隊(Operations CFT),推動積極的客戶體驗以提高客戶忠誠度。
o 建立並維持高標準的客戶服務和滿意度,處理客戶詢問,採取主動措施以最小化投訴。
o 與內部利益相關者密切合作,以滿足客戶需求和要求。
o 與現有客戶及其供應商/客戶探索業務機會,作為銷售和市場營銷人員進一步開發的領頭羊。
9. 風險管理
o 確定潛在風險並制定應急計畫以減輕風險。
o 確保遵守相關法規和政策。


Order/Management Report Creation
Shipping Cost Quotation and Billing
Transportation Route Planning Management
Warehouse Goods Labeling/Placement/Inventory
Warehouse Process Design and Management
Warehouse System Maintenance and Management
Inventory Management Planning Operations
After-Sales Service Data Compilation
Goods Packaging Operations
Goods Receiving/Returning Operations
Goods Transfer Operations
Sorting/Picking/Replenishing Goods Operations
Goods Transportation and Material Distribution
Passenger and Luggage Transport Services
Collection/Payment for Goods Operations
Receiving/Checking Operations
倉庫貨物標示╱置放╱盤點 倉管流程訂定與管理 倉儲系統維護與管理 庫存管理規劃作業 售後服務資料彙整 貨品包裝作業 商品收貨╱退貨作業 商品調撥作業 理貨╱揀貨╱補貨作業 貨物運送與資材配送 載送乘客與行李運送服務 點收╱代收貨款作業 簽收╱驗收作業 訂單╱管理報表製作 運送費用報價與收費 運輸路線規劃管理
Business Management Supervisor
Transportation and Logistics Manager
新加坡葉水福集團 (YCH Group) 成立於1955年,開始以Yap Chwee Hock運輸和總承包商的名號運作乘客運輸。然而,危機出現,家族企業被迫在上世紀70年代改造業務。這標誌著該公司的合資企業開始融入貨運業務,隨後成長為包括諸如倉儲、貨運管理的供應鏈和物流服務。 如今,葉水福是新加坡最大的本土供應鏈解決方案公司和區域領先的供應鏈管理合作夥伴,也是世界上許多亞太地區的領導品牌的優先選擇。 葉水福集團 (YCH Group) 在台設立之公司,歡迎有志青年加入本公司之行列,可郵件至talent@ych.com
0 ~ 5 應徵者