58 Results
Mechanical Engineering Engineer 海可納新能源有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Overview: This position located in Taiwan and directly report to the group CEO. This is a senior engineering function with a strong emphasis on detailed components design /SW capabilities in Solid Works and Fluent Dynamic (Ansys) Successful candidates require good skills in technology, and good command in English communications. Key Responsibilities • Further develop and maintain the design integrity of generic WEC design and as-built configurations of installed WEC arrays. • Further develop and maintain the relevant standards, design criteria and requirements specifications for Aquanet Power technologies. • Contribute to planning engineering resource needs to achieve product development and R&D programs. • Further development of Integrated Turbine & Auxiliary Systems & control for the Wave Energy Converter (WEC) •Work closely with Electrical & Control engineers to maintain a robust engineering and design control system. • Customization of the systems Basic Requirements: • Master or PHD Qualifications in Mechanical • Thorough understanding of Systems Engineering principles, Configuration Management, Design Control, Requirements Management and Verification. • Competence in development product design. • In-depth design competence in one Aquanet relevant discipline eg: electrical power generation and distribution, marine structures or electrical control. • Fluent & Experienced in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Modeling & Design or; • Experienced in FEA (Finite Element Analysis) Modeling & Design &; • Fluent with CAD/Solid works or similar software applications
Senior Level
9/20 Updated
全端工程師 台泥企業團_台泥儲能科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 具備前端框架開發經驗, 熟悉 Angular 和 typescript 尤佳 2. 熟悉 git 等版本控制工具 3. 有串接 Restful API 經驗與協同開發之合作能力 4. 至少 3 年以上開發經驗以及獨立開發之能力 5. 了解網路架構以及資訊安全 6. 熟悉 Linux 開發操作環境 7. 熟悉 MySQL(RDBMS) & Redis(memory catch) 等資料庫之操作與建置 8. 有前後分離開發經驗。 9. 懂得編寫清晰易懂且容易維護之程式碼
Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
財會出納專員 寶晶能源股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 編輯及審核有關各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理 2. 編輯及審核廠商貸款或費用等應付款項帳務 3. 各類所得、營業稅、營利事業稅申報及扣繳作業 4. 辦理銀行現金存款、提款、匯款、轉帳、現金收付和結算業務 5. 製作出納科目餘額表、收款日報表、利息收入調節表、銀行存款收支日報表、銀行往來授信明細表等資金票據系統管理 6. 完成例行付款開票及電子支付作業 7. 配合及提供會計師查帳資料 8. 主管交辦事項 熟悉鼎新ERP WORKFLOW系統尤佳、熟悉IFRS各項公報規定尤佳
Mid to Senior Level
9/20 Updated
Project Engineer 專案工程師 台船環海風電工程股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Your Profile: 1. Bachelor/Master degree in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Marine/Ocean Engineering or equivalent. 2. Demonstrate advanced skills in Excel and AutoCad. 3. Capable of monitoring site progress and prepare comprehensive reports. 4. Proactively seek out for opportunities to improve productivity and efficiency in projects. 5. Self-motivated, flexible, meticulous, initiatives and ability to work independently in the team. 6. Excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills (spoken and written) in English and Traditional Chinese. Job Description (includes, but not limited to the following): 1. Perform project planning. 2. Prepare, monitor, track and maintain project scheduled progress. 3. Coordination of material design, fabrication, delivery and installation, ongoing interaction with field supervision, management of cost and design issues. 4. Establish and maintain good working relationships with internal departments and subcontractors. 5. Liaise with various departments on progress updates to keep progress on. 6. Pre-field visits to work locations to coordinate construction. 7. Support the field by providing the information and materials needed to construct a quality project. 8. Identify potential problems/delays and elevate these to the appropriate level(s) of management. 9. Able to travel and relocate domestically to project sites as needed.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
專案約聘行政助理 晶紘能源有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~32,000
1. 負責一般文書資料處理及歸檔工作。 2. 協助處理庶務性行政工作(如:事務機器叫修維護、文具用品採買)。 3. 收發公文並處理會簽文件。 4. 負責辦公室環境與設備之清潔與維護。 5. 支援監工作日報表,自主檢查表...等等工地文書表格資料。 專案期間在雲林台西鄉駐地辦公 本職缺若日後可以配合公司調回台中上班者後續可繼續為不定期契約而非定期契約
9/19 Updated
現場工程師 晶紘能源有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
1. 指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 2. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構、設施與系統。 3. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決如工作程序、抗議和施工問題等事務。 4. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守施工要求、安全法規和其他章程。 5. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 6. 確實填寫監工日報表,並記錄每日施工前,中,後並拍照以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 7. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 8. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議(如:施工方式之改進、施工程序之變更、施工機具之增減、施工人員數量及素質之改善、進場材料品質之改善、工地環境之清潔衛生、施工過程之安全措施等)。 9. 視狀況採取各項措施,以因應分包廠商之不良行為(不接受建議或不履行應辦事項),如:將不合格材料運離現場、撤換不合標準施工人員、重作施工不良之半成品、勒令暫時停工、更換施工廠商、中止分包合約等。 10. 代表設計公司向分包廠商解釋合約內圖樣及條文說明,共同取得合約共識。 11. 要求施工單位確實按圖施工以符合施工設計。 12. 進行各分包廠商完成工程之驗收與結算。
Senior Level
9/19 Updated
會計人員 大躍離岸運維股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~40,000
1.處理內部會計任務,包括應付帳款、應收帳款和總帳。 2.管理每月的財務流程,如發票、信用備忘錄和現金流管理。 3.解決審計發現、帳戶差異和不符合規定的問題。 4.操作公司內部的ERP系統進行數據輸入和查詢。 5.執行與稅收相關的任務,監督發票的開具。 6.專門管理內部會計事項,特別是與零部件和備件相關的事項。 7.倉庫管理作業:庫存追蹤和相關的業務支援。 8.現金流管理 9.處理各類稅務相關作業,與會計師進行月度報告的溝通。 10.其他主管交辦事項
Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
L1-儲能軟體控制工程師 台普威能源股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
我們是電池儲能系統整合商(BESSI),也是國內少數能提供電網級儲能系統的公司,目前提供台灣BESS的項目開發設計、安裝施工、營運管理和維護服務,未來我們放眼亞太,若您對綠色產業有興趣並具備以下條件,歡迎加入我們的團隊! 1. 儲能控制器開發 2. 自動化設備PLC程式設計或PC based 自動控制程式撰寫 3. 電控圖設計,自動控制配電盤線、配電設置、電氣圖確認 4. 具機電設備檢討修正能力 5. 負責施工圖整合及圖面釋疑、工程界面之溝通協調
Mid to Senior Level
9/19 Updated
Field Operations, Site Engineering 義電智慧能源股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
In this role, you will join a world-class operations team that is working to connect new businesses to our VPP. Reporting to our Technical Lead, you will be responsible for implementing technological solutions that enable customers to participate in Taiwan's energy markets and improve grid security. In this role, you will: • Familiar with C&I Site Electrical Systems with confidence to secure customer confidence in implementing on-site solutions. • Implement and execute upon standard procedures to perform site evaluations, develop preliminary technical solutions for customers to participate in Enel X's VPP and develop project budgets and timelines for customers • Oversee installation, commissioning and registration of customer assets into Enel X's VPP and TPC's ancillary service markets • Manage third-party contractors by training and scheduling electrical contractors to meet committed schedules and provide highest-quality customer service • Manage internal data flows to provide error-free project management and customer onboarding, and visibility to other internal stakeholders for the purposes of business planning and customer communication • Manage ordering and logistics for our hardware, liaising with suppliers and Enel X global teams • Communicate professionally with customers to keep them up-to-date on progress, resolve issues that arise (escalating internally as needed) and ensure customers provide required information and support for successful project implementation • Understand Enel X's technical and systems solutions, their applications and limitations. Support development of new technical and systems solutions to unlock new market opportunities or more efficiently meet existing needs • Manage Enel X's hardware deployed in the field through its lifecycle, resolving hardware and connectivity issues as they arise to maintain VPP operations • Support health, safety, environment and quality in our field works by applying Enel X standard procedures and identifying opportunities for improvement
Partially Remote
9/18 Updated
Lead Grid Modelling Engineer Fluence Energy Taiwan Ltd._台灣富安能源有限公司
Salary negotiable
ABOUT THE POSITION Primary Responsibilities • Support assessment of BESS solutions to comply with Energy Market Regulations. • Manage grid modelling studies for BESS system grid connections, including model troubleshooting and technical support. • Undertake preliminary modelling and assessments (such as Model Acceptance Tests) • Management and provision of registration, commissioning documents and technical information (such as performance curves, datasheets, model user guides (RUGs) etc.) and provision of project-specific documents when required. • Collaboration with design teams for preparation of key design items affecting grid connections, including voltage control strategy, plant performance curves etc, • Review and inform BESS and BoP designs for grid connected BESS assets to ensure Registration compliance. • Manage stakeholders (internal, customer, consultant, regulatory etc.) to ensure grid connections are achieved end-to-end in a timely manner, including attending meetings and providing progress reports. • Assist technical teams in maintaining and updating proprietary PPC and OEM dynamic models. Secondary Responsibilities • Conduct feasibility and locational studies utilizing dynamic and grid models to identify and evaluate opportunities. • Support modelling requirements and activities in the Asia-Pacific region. • Collaborate with technical teams to develop new PPC solutions.
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/18 Updated
Sales Manager, Asia Fluence Energy Taiwan Ltd._台灣富安能源有限公司
Salary negotiable
ABOUT THE POSITION Sales · Closing deals and complex sales to meet the allocated segments / accounts topline and margin budget targets within Asia, and build a sustainable pipeline of opportunities for the long-term · Build strong commercial relationships with external stakeholders, implement strategic account approach to develop partnerships · Lead offer preparation and negotiations on commercial and technical aspects of customer contracts with sales engineering / proposal manager and the assigned commercial project manager: o Aligning the Fluence team to achieve the volume objectives o Work with Commercial Project Management, Sales Engineering, and Procurement to formalize and define solutions for customers and get relevant customer and Fluence approvals for sale o Develop full understanding of Fluence energy storage technology platforms and their capabilities to provide customers with technical support and differentiated offering o Capture customer commercial, technical and application requirements, as well as problem(s) to be solved to help define competitive solutions o Support finding Balance of Plant contractors or external partners if needed, and support communicating scope and evaluate proposals with the deal team · Adhere and apply to governance along the sales cycle (SFDC, Go/No Go, Capture teams, Close plans), including holding up to forecasts Business development / growth · Understanding of the Fluence energy storage current and future technology platforms to sell based on value proposition / differentiation · Provide customers with technical support as well as feedback of customer needs to Technology / Product Management and Growth teams - Constant communication of Asia market needs, activities, learnings, and targets. Be the voice of the customer. · Develop network and market knowledge of relevant electricity grids / markets in coordination with the regional Commercial Growth team and take part to external activities to shape markets and position Fluence’s value proposition · Embrace and support Fluence’s local growth strategy, focus on defined customer(s) and customer segments and execute according to that strategy. · Identify new market segments, applications, business models, sales channel, contracting models, and delivery models/partner strategies for review, prioritization, and implementation based on approved go to market strategy for region · Develop and manage approved sales channels through the formulation, adoption, and management of sales/marketing programs / policies with the support of the region’s Commercial Growth team · Ensure the proper implementation of such sales and marketing programs and policies in Fluence, as well as report on the effectivity and manage the continuous improvement of said programs · Execute specific assigned projects in relation to the development and management of market segments, applications, business models, and sales channels
Executive Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/18 Updated
太友工程_電纜接續助理 太能系統股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.負責台電工程、電纜接續施工。 2.工程現場管理及協調。 3.工程專案進度執行與管理 。 4.與廠商溝通、協調。
9/18 Updated
監工工程師 (高雄) 鴻晶新科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 太陽能發電系統現場工程進度監工、圖面工法確認及施工品質管理 2. 案場現勘與現場工程協調 3. 基本電力輸配電系統配置圖,結構圖等視圖能力 4. 其他主管交辦事項 5. 有埋管作業經驗佳
Mid to Senior Level
9/18 Updated
工務監工主任 (新竹) 鴻晶新科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~60,000
1. 太陽能發電系統現場工程進度監工、圖面工法確認及施工品質管理 2. 案場現勘與現場工程協調 3. 基本電力輸配電系統配置圖,結構圖等視圖能力 4. 其他主管交辦事項
Mid to Senior Level
9/18 Updated
家電電商客服小編「台中店」【每年加薪3000上下】 宏騰興企業有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 29,000~45,000
每年固定加薪3000上下 工作滿一年可享團隊業績獎金 有相關證照或上班期間考取一張證照+2000 歡迎邏輯清晰想一起打拼的夥伴加入 表現優異者可參與分店合夥人共同經營管理 1.接聽電話處理相關客服問題 2.LINE、FB、信件、WACA平台訊息回復 2.與客戶進行商品報價、查件、確認聯繫 3.主管交辦事項 4.需基礎文書處理能力、KEY單、網路平台商品上下架、後台管理、客服處理。
9/17 Updated
空調學徒/家電安裝「台中店」【每半年加薪/無經驗可/工作滿一年+6000】 宏騰興企業有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~65,000
每半年固定加薪,進步越快加薪越高 工作滿半年+3000,工作滿一年再+3000 之後每半年+1500上下,看進步程度調整 工作滿一年可享團隊業績獎金 有相關證照或上班期間考取一張證照+2000 表現優異者可轉內勤做儲備店長 考取店長之職可參與分店合夥人共同經營管理 歡迎年輕有活力想一起打拼的夥伴一起加入 初期工作內容如下: @家電配送安裝 @冷氣安裝維修保養 @須略懂電腦 @會駕駛手排小貨車
9/17 Updated
空調學徒/家電安裝「台北店」【每半年加薪/無經驗可/工作滿一年+6000】 宏騰興企業有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~65,000
每半年固定加薪,進步越快加薪越高 工作滿半年+3000,工作滿一年再+3000 之後每半年+1500上下,看進步程度調整 工作滿一年可享團隊業績獎金 有相關證照或上班期間考取一張證照+2000 表現優異者可轉內勤做儲備店長 考取店長之職可參與分店合夥人共同經營管理 歡迎年輕有活力想一起打拼的夥伴一起加入 初期工作內容如下: @家電配送安裝 @冷氣安裝維修保養 @須略懂電腦 @會駕駛手排小貨車
9/17 Updated
家電電商客服小編「台北店」【每年加薪3000上下】 宏騰興企業有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 29,000~45,000
每年固定加薪3000上下 工作滿一年可享團隊業績獎金 有相關證照或上班期間考取一張證照+2000 歡迎邏輯清晰想一起打拼的夥伴加入 表現優異者可參與分店合夥人共同經營管理 1.接聽電話處理相關客服問題 2.LINE、FB、信件、WACA平台訊息回復 2.與客戶進行商品報價、查件、確認聯繫 3.主管交辦事項 4.需基礎文書處理能力、KEY單、網路平台商品上下架、後台管理、客服處理。
9/17 Updated
總經理祕書 中佳電力事業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000~79,000
1. 協助經營管理委員會(PMC)與高階主管,協助公司經營團隊與國外股東,執行天然氣電廠籌設業務,並以優良雙語能力,對國內外公民營機構進行公關與溝通的窗口。本職務人員主要是執行以下工作: (1)協助主管統合電廠籌設工作的各項業務聯繫、法規資料彙整、各項電郵回覆擬稿、各國內外相關單位溝通說明。 (2)以外文進行對國際股東(GE Vernova )、各顧問公司、EPC與OEM公司的溝通與公關。 (3)協助電廠的銀行聯貸案、電廠建廠工程管理、與保險(及再保險)業務聯繫,需與各國內外機構進行聯繫溝通。 2. 英文能力優秀、多益900分以上、具汽車駕照者,優先錄取。 3. 其他主管交辦事項。
English Required
9/17 Updated
全台太陽能電廠兼職業務開發(免到公司,無底薪,高額獎金) 達鑫能源科技有限公司
論件計酬 NT$ 200,000+
1. 對業務開發工作有高度興趣, 具強烈企圖心, 且善於人際溝通協調及業務談判技巧 2. 有開發能力或人脈管道進行太陽能電廠潛在客戶之開發, 如合法工廠、倉庫、畜牧場、菇寮、農舍….等大面積屋頂, 並促成屋主同意出租屋頂或投資設置太陽能. 3. 協助客端提案, 租賃或自建合約簽訂, 案件執行過程之障礙排除及客戶問題解決 4. 具備工廠開發、牧場開發, 房屋土地開發仲介、民代機關職員…等業務背景尤佳 5. 無實際經驗可, 公司提供基本培訓及後續相關後勤支援(太陽能技術或行政法規) 6. 時間地點皆彈性, 可於各縣市原地兼職開發業務,無需進辦公室. 7. 無底薪, 採高額開發成案獎金-依實際成交案件大小計算酬庸 8. 歡迎電洽聯繫 : 06-2797150
9/17 Updated