ACT Genomics Co. Ltd_行動基因生技股份有限公司

Company Introduction

200 Employees
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ACT Genomics Co. is a world leading precision medicine cancer solution provider. We are based in Taiwan with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. Through our cutting-edge Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platform, we are dedicated to providing every cancer patient personalized genomic information based-treatment plans, cancer relapse and drug resistant monitoring, risk assessment, and immunotherapy evaluation. We aim to rewrite existing model of cancer diagnostic, cancer treatment and cancer monitoring, so we can Make Cancer Manageable. 行動基因為癌症精準醫療的領導者,依據基因特性評估標靶、免疫、荷爾蒙以及化學治療,將複雜的基因資訊轉化為可實行的癌症治療方案。目前在台灣、新加坡、香港及日本均設有服務據點。我們透過尖端技術進行基因檢測,搭配縝密的疾病與藥物分析,提供癌症治療之最佳方針、癌症復發與抗藥性監控、特定癌症風險評估和免疫治療評估。我們致力於改寫癌症診斷、治療、監控的既有模式,讓癌症成為一個能被管理的疾病。

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員工是行動基因最重要的資產,我們致力打造優質職場環境,落實完整員工照顧。 1. 休假福利:優於勞基法的休假 (特休、帶薪病假、放空假、生日假等) 天數 2. 彈性上下班時間:上班時間 8:00-10:00、下班時間17:00-19:00。依工作內容屬性可選擇 WFH (居家辦工) 3. 保險福利:勞保、健保、團體綜合保險,包括壽險、重大疾病險、意外險、醫療險、癌症險等 4. 職涯發展:全球化教育訓練、海外輪調機會、健全升遷制度、在職進修補助 5. 福利金加給:三節、生日、結婚、團康補助、生育補助、弔唁慰問金 6. 休閒活動:生日會、家庭日、運動會、多樣化社團組織,如手作社、羽球社等 7. 其他福利:員工健康檢查、健康講座與諮商、尾牙、哺乳室等 8. 多元友善職場_性平承諾:(1)為全體員工提供無歧視、性別平等的就業環境、培訓與職業發展機會 (2)尊重並支持人權和無歧視原則,平等對待所有男女員工 (3)加強對女性員工的專業職能及培訓,促進其職業發展 (4)女性在管理階層比例不低於40%,並致力於員工事業與家庭的平衡

Company & Workplace


Frontend Engineer ACT Genomics Co. Ltd_行動基因生技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Job Description】 We are looking for a talented and motivated Frontend Engineer to join our dynamic development team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for building and enhancing user-facing applications, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience. You will work closely with other developers, designers, and product managers to deliver high-quality web applications. 【Key Responsibilities】 - Develop and maintain responsive web applications using JavaScript and the React framework. - Collaborate with UX/UI designers to implement design specifications and enhance user experience. - Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. - Conduct tests and troubleshoot issues to ensure optimal functionality. - Participate in code reviews to ensure coding standards and best practices are followed. 【Qualifications & Capabilities】 - Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field is preferred.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/10 Updated
Genetic counselor ACT Genomics Co. Ltd_行動基因生技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Job summary】 We are opening for both junior and senior genetic counselor to join the Medical Informatics group. In ACT Genomics, a GC is responsible for running daily WES/WGS genomic data analysis, identifying clinically-relevant variants with hereditary cancer, rare disease and genetic disorders, generating, and providing and discussing the genomic test report with the ordering physician to help inform decision making. This is a very interdisciplinary role that involves collaboration with the internal laboratory scientists, bioinformatics and data science teams, R&D scientists, and sales team. 【Responsibilities and Duties】 1. WGS Data Analysis: • Understand and interpret whole genome sequencing data, including variants (such as point mutations, insertions/deletions, structural variations) and their potential impact on health. • Screen and prioritize gene variants that may be related to diseases based on clinical context and family history. • Integrate other genetic information (such as family history and phenotypic data) for a comprehensive assessment. 2. Report Generation: • Generate clear and detailed genetic reports outlining discovered gene variants and their clinical significance. • Explain complex genetic information in simple, understandable language to physicians and patients. • Provide recommendations on diagnosis, prognosis, the associated cancer risk, and medical management based on current scientific evidence and guidelines. 3. Discussion with Physicians: • Work closely with physicians to discuss genome analysis results and their clinical implications. • Address physicians’ questions regarding report content, the clinical significance of gene variants, and recommendations for further testing. 4. Other duties as assigned.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/10 Updated