HOTEL IN_三揚精品有限公司

Company Introduction

25 Employees
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『HOTEL IN』的每一位同仁以體貼入微「真心在乎顧客的感覺」為我們公司的文化,追求卓越的服務與精神是我們永恆的目標;我們傑出的員工讓團隊合作與憂患意識發揮最大效能,由此,一個融合了優雅、浪漫、低調奢華與的構思及創意、全面顧客體驗等領先理念與實踐,專為精緻旅遊人士打造的商務住宿旅館,將帶給您恒久的卓越價值。 『HOTEL IN』位於北台灣桃園中壢經貿發達交匯處,預計於2016年開幕,由三鶯建設專業團隊打造而成。三鶯建設深耕大桃園地區38年,知名建案有『澤院聖宅』、『群都』等系列;『HOTEL IN』設計理念承襲『三鶯建設』林修三董事長對建築品質的高度堅持,並結合建築設計團隊精心規劃,以低調奢華的設計風格,打造64間舒適精緻客房、『Fusion』跨國界料理餐廳及明亮寬敞公共空間,定能為往來商務旅客提供一個身心放鬆的舒暢休憩『家外之家』。 我們招聘精力充沛、有活力、工作積極的人士作為『HOTEL IN』的員工,並為員工創造一個公平舒適的工作環境,提供一系列的設施和福利來確保員工工作的情感投入。如果您是有相關飯店、俱樂部工作經驗,較強的英語能力和溝通能力的合適人選,請將您的中英文簡歷發到。 To have a sincere care about customers’ feeling is HOTEL IN’s culture, and to pursue a superior service and spirit is HOTEL IN’s eternal goal. Our outstanding employees have developed the most efficient from the teamwork. Consequently, HOTEL IN’s scheme which is combined with elegance, romantic, and low-profile luxury is especially designed for travelers would bring you extraordinary value while you join in HOTEL IN. HOTEL IN is located in the mature business & economy area of the northern Taiwan--- Taoyuan Zhongli. HOTEL IN which is estimated to have a soft opening in 2015 is designed and constructed by “San Ying Construction Company”, which was founded since 1976, and the prominent architectures are “Ze Yuan Sheng Zhai” , “Qun Dou” and etc. The design concept of HOTEL IN is combined with Chairman Lin’s high-quality construction consistence and professional team’s elaborate scheme of San Ying Construction Company. HOTEL IN presents a low-profile luxury design style with 64 deluxe guest rooms, a fusion of multi-national cuisine and a bright & spacious public area in order to provide our valuable guests comfortable staying with us. Human Resource is the precious assets of HOTEL IN for HOTEL IN’s management team. We are sincerely to inviting you who are interested in hotel management and catering management to join with us. We will provide you a professional training plan in order to improve your ability and strength your skill. Beside the job responsibility, we believe that you will develop your personal potentials with joining HOTEL IN. If you are vigorous, active and responsible, and have the related hotel and resort experiences, please feel free to send your resume to

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HOTEL IN精心打造64間精緻客房,以低調奢華的裝潢及現代化設備完美結合,提供客人舒適優雅的住宿空間以及提供無國界(fusion)料理,結合中式、日式、西式珍饈美饌,呈現出精彩的美食饗宴。 HOTEL IN has a total of 64 rooms, designed to provide guests comfortable living space by our intimate facilities offered. A fusion cusine which is combined of Chinese-style, Japanese-style, and Western-style delicate foods would be provided as well.


1. 勞保、健保、勞工退休金 6% 提撥 2. 員工餐廳提供同仁免費用餐 3. 提供免費制服及換洗服務 4. 生日禮金 5. 三節節金 6. 旅遊津貼 7. 年終獎金 8. 工作同仁館內住宿及用餐折扣優惠

Company & Workplace


房務公清員 HOTEL IN_三揚精品有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 28,000~30,000
1.客房清潔整理及保養。 2.公共區域清潔整理及保養。 3.客房備品補充及倉庫整理盤點。 4.主管交辦事項。
9/22 Updated