
Company Introduction

40 Employees
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PDVL OVERSEAS ADVISORY (Company Registration No: 961176A) is an education academy founded in March 2007, Malaysia to provide an impartial professional and free counseling and application services for students who are interested to study in UK, US, New Zealand, Australia, Korea and etc. The service was exclusive and has continued to excel with staffs to make sure students get the very best advice and help with their plans to study overseas. The director has vigorously sought to expand the network of the profession and helps advance the mission of making free quality counseling and applications services to British education easily accessible to all students. PDVL升學服務中心成立於2007年,是馬來西亞最大的教育諮詢顧問機構之一。我們的角色是給予與我們簽約的學校最新的教育趨勢,走向多角度且專業的建議以助其順利招生。 十年間,我們秉持著經驗與一貫地熱忱,成功幫助超過16,000名學生順利進入英國著名頂尖學府就讀。本中心也被一間英國政府資助的大型學院 - 普利茅斯城市學院委任為亞洲唯一學院代表。除了馬來西亞以外,分公司遍及泰國、印尼及越南等國家。 台灣是我們2019年重點開發的市場之一,誠聘有理想和幹勁的你加入我們亞洲的團隊。

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Placement services for student who would like to study overseas such as United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, US, Korea etc. Other services like accommodation arrangement and visa application guidance.


◆ 週休二日;國定假期放假 ◆ 年度國外旅遊、員工聚餐 ◆ 年終獎金、績效獎金、其他獎金 、電腦購置補助金 ◆ 不定期教育訓練,充實自己 ◆ 勞保、健保、退休金提撥 ◆ 婚假、喪假、病假、公傷病假、生理假、安胎假、產檢假、產假、陪產假、特別休假及其餘勞基法保障之勞工假期 ◆ 順暢的升遷管道、多元的學習機會 ◆ 上班無須穿著公司制服

Company & Workplace


Business part time teacher / Native speaker 威能國際留學有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 800~1,200
1.訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容給高中學生。 2.依據課本授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度。 3.負責教學活動規劃與執行選擇、準備及組織教材。 4.準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 5.課本為原文書,全英文教學為主。 請說明能教授的科目,若有相關背景或證明請提供。 1. Establish learning objectives, scope, and sequence for high school students. 2. Assessing students’ learning progression and adjusting the instructional pacing accordingly. 3. Prepare learning materials, handouts, and course works for students. 4. Lessons should be carried out in English including course materials. 5. Other teaching-related activities. Please include these in your job application letter when you are applying for this position: 1) Out of the 6 subjects listed below, what subjects will you be able to teach. 2) If you have any business-related certificates or background, please provide them. [Business subject] - Marketing - Economics Environment for Business - Managing knowledge and information - Business Finance - Organisation Behaviour We are looking for teachers that are cooperative, preferably those that can work with us long-term. We want passionate teachers that want to inspire students to become better, improving their English and knowledge in Business. We hope by the end of the course, students will be more confident in their English ability as well as building up a strong foundation in the knowledge and understanding of business.
Partially Remote
10/15 Updated
IELTS part time teacher / Native speaker 威能國際留學有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 800~1,200
1.訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容給高中學生。 2.依據課本授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度。 3.負責教學活動規劃與執行選擇、準備及組織教材。 4.準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 5.課本為原文書,全英文教學為主。 1. Establish learning objectives, scope and sequence for high school students. 2. Assessing student’s learning progression and adjust the instructional pacing accordingly. 3. Prepare learning materials, handouts, and course works for students. 4. Lessons should be caried out in English including course materials. 5. Other teaching related We are looking for teachers that are cooperative, preferably those that can work with us long term. We want teachers that are passionate about inspiring students to become better, improving their English. We hope by the end of the course, student will be more confident in their English ability as well as building up a strong foundation in the knowledge.
Partially Remote
10/15 Updated
國內招生業務(兼職) 威能國際留學有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 900,000~1,000,000
1. 主要諮詢有意願留學的學生、開拓及擴展台灣市場。 2. 完善獎金制度,有學生便有獎金。 3. 有留學經驗者為佳,沒有也無妨,可接受員工培訓。 4. 公司提供完整的教育訓練,歡迎喜歡吸收知識的人踴於加入。 5. 擁有前往國外出差與參訪探視的機會,並且增加實質經驗。 6. 經常大量接觸海外資訊,可增加自己的國際價值觀。 7. 主要接觸的對象大多數為學生、家長及國外大學和學校代表,因此工作環境並不復雜。 8. 能接觸到其他各個國家的文化、教育以及相關資訊,從而學到東西,也讓自己開闊眼界。 9. 上班時間彈性,不用進公司。
English Required
Fully Remote
10/15 Updated