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提供專業成人、兒童及幼兒英語教學服務 全球英語系國家英語學習網絡的海外長短期遊學 國際兒童英語夏令營、全日英式幼稚園、足球營 培養學員具有國際級的英語力為教學目標


友善的工作環境、週休二日、年終(年度教學績效)獎金、端午、中秋、教師節獎金/禮品、生活工作諮詢、部門聚餐、員工優惠、特約商店。 【休 假】:週休二日、特休假、婚假、產假、生理假、家庭照顧假…。 【保 險】:勞保、健保、6%退休金、團保。 【福 利】:績效獎金、節慶禮金、部門聚餐、制服、有機餐點、健康檢查…。 【友善育兒環境】:子女入學優惠。 【專業成長】:教育訓練、教學輔導、研究所進修獎勵…。 【教育人才培育】:專業培訓制度、實習獎學金

Company & Workplace


English Teacher Positions (throughout Taiwan) available at Shane_KS 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~700
SHANE ENGLISH SCHOOL TAIWAN (Taipei, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Tainan, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and more!) • Shane English School Taiwan is currently hiring English teachers to work at our language centre branches throughout Taiwan. • We are an employer, not a recruiter, and welcome both new and experienced teachers. ★NT$600-700 per hour, performance-related salary raises every 6 months, and a contract completion bonus every 12 months. ★ Paid training, paid annual leave, and unpaid leave. ★ Guaranteed teaching hours of 20 hours per week (for full-time teachers). ★ Classes taught include: Very Young Learners, Elementary School, and Junior High School. ★ Course guides, materials, and resources are provided to teach a curriculum that favours spoken English over bookwork and allows for flexibility in teaching styles. ★ Complete and continuous support, both inside and outside the classroom, from school staff and Head Office. ★ Work permit, ARC, and health insurance sponsorship provided. (Only provide work permits to teachers from countries where English is the official language.) ★ Not just another buxiban - genuine opportunities for growth, development, and career advancement within an expanding and progressive organization. For further information about our language centre roles and requirements please visit the official Shane website: ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/◀◀ APPLY NOW: please visit ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/apply◀◀ and indicate your interest in the location in the "Tell us more about you" section of the application form.
10/16 Updated
English Teacher Positions (throughout Taiwan) available at Shane_CH 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~700
SHANE ENGLISH SCHOOL TAIWAN (Taipei, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Tainan, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and more!) • Shane English School Taiwan is currently hiring English teachers to work at our language centre branches throughout Taiwan. • We are an employer, not a recruiter, and welcome both new and experienced teachers. ★NT$600-700 per hour, performance-related salary raises every 6 months, and a contract completion bonus every 12 months. ★ Paid training, paid annual leave, and unpaid leave. ★ Guaranteed teaching hours of 20 hours per week (for full-time teachers). ★ Classes taught include: Very Young Learners, Elementary School, and Junior High School. ★ Course guides, materials, and resources are provided to teach a curriculum that favours spoken English over bookwork and allows for flexibility in teaching styles. ★ Complete and continuous support, both inside and outside the classroom, from school staff and Head Office. ★ Work permit, ARC, and health insurance sponsorship provided. (Only provide work permits to teachers from countries where English is the official language.) ★ Not just another buxiban - genuine opportunities for growth, development, and career advancement within an expanding and progressive organization. For further information about our language centre roles and requirements please visit the official Shane website: ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/◀◀ APPLY NOW: please visit ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/apply◀◀ and indicate your interest in the location in the "Tell us more about you" section of the application form.
10/16 Updated
English Teacher Positions (throughout Taiwan) available at Shane_TC 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~700
SHANE ENGLISH SCHOOL TAIWAN (Taipei, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Tainan, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and more!) • Shane English School Taiwan is currently hiring English teachers to work at our language centre branches throughout Taiwan. • We are an employer, not a recruiter, and welcome both new and experienced teachers. ★NT$600-700 per hour, performance-related salary raises every 6 months, and a contract completion bonus every 12 months. ★ Paid training, paid annual leave, and unpaid leave. ★ Guaranteed teaching hours of 20 hours per week (for full-time teachers). ★ Classes taught include: Very Young Learners, Elementary School, and Junior High School. ★ Course guides, materials, and resources are provided to teach a curriculum that favours spoken English over bookwork and allows for flexibility in teaching styles. ★ Complete and continuous support, both inside and outside the classroom, from school staff and Head Office. ★ Work permit, ARC, and health insurance sponsorship provided. (Only provide work permits to teachers from countries where English is the official language.) ★ Not just another buxiban - genuine opportunities for growth, development, and career advancement within an expanding and progressive organization. For further information about our language centre roles and requirements please visit the official Shane website: ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/◀◀ APPLY NOW: please visit ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/apply◀◀ and indicate your interest in the location in the "Tell us more about you" section of the application form.
10/16 Updated
English Teacher Positions (throughout Taiwan) available at Shane_TN 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~700
SHANE ENGLISH SCHOOL TAIWAN (Taipei, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Tainan, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and more!) • Shane English School Taiwan is currently hiring English teachers to work at our language centre branches throughout Taiwan. • We are an employer, not a recruiter, and welcome both new and experienced teachers. ★NT$600-700 per hour, performance-related salary raises every 6 months, and a contract completion bonus every 12 months. ★ Paid training, paid annual leave, and unpaid leave. ★ Guaranteed teaching hours of 20 hours per week (for full-time teachers). ★ Classes taught include: Very Young Learners, Elementary School, and Junior High School. ★ Course guides, materials, and resources are provided to teach a curriculum that favours spoken English over bookwork and allows for flexibility in teaching styles. ★ Complete and continuous support, both inside and outside the classroom, from school staff and Head Office. ★ Work permit, ARC, and health insurance sponsorship provided. (Only provide work permits to teachers from countries where English is the official language.) ★ Not just another buxiban - genuine opportunities for growth, development, and career advancement within an expanding and progressive organization. For further information about our language centre roles and requirements please visit the official Shane website: ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/◀◀ APPLY NOW: please visit ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/apply◀◀ and indicate your interest in the location in the "Tell us more about you" section of the application form.
10/16 Updated
English Teacher Positions (throughout Taiwan) available at Shane_TP 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 600~700
SHANE ENGLISH SCHOOL TAIWAN (Taipei, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Tainan, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and more!) • Shane English School Taiwan is currently hiring English teachers to work at our language centre branches throughout Taiwan. • We are an employer, not a recruiter, and welcome both new and experienced teachers. ★NT$600-700 per hour, performance-related salary raises every 6 months, and a contract completion bonus every 12 months. ★ Paid training, paid annual leave, and unpaid leave. ★ Guaranteed teaching hours of 20 hours per week (for full-time teachers). ★ Classes taught include: Very Young Learners, Elementary School, and Junior High School. ★ Course guides, materials, and resources are provided to teach a curriculum that favours spoken English over bookwork and allows for flexibility in teaching styles. ★ Complete and continuous support, both inside and outside the classroom, from school staff and Head Office. ★ Work permit, ARC, and health insurance sponsorship provided. (Only provide work permits to teachers from countries where English is the official language.) ★ Not just another buxiban - genuine opportunities for growth, development, and career advancement within an expanding and progressive organization. For further information about our language centre roles and requirements please visit the official Shane website: ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/◀◀ APPLY NOW: please visit ▶▶https://careers.shane.com.tw/apply◀◀ and indicate your interest in the location in the "Tell us more about you" section of the application form.
10/16 Updated
HR Specialist【總部】 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000~48,000
歡迎擅長與人溝通、有耐心、且獨立性強的你,加入夏恩團隊! 1. 招聘及任用 ●刊登職缺及招聘新人 ●新進人員資料核實 ●處理外師徵才平台合約 ●招募狀況報表分析 ●維護各項職務工作說明書 2.薪酬及福利 ●外師、時薪人員加退保及計薪 ●薪酬制度規劃(因應政府政策調整建議方案) ●集團團保作業及年度團保評估 ●特約商家維護 ●籌畫員工活動 3.教育訓練 ●新進人員教育訓練 ●教育訓練平台維護&內部教育訓練規劃 ●維護員工訓練發展紀錄 ●職安衛證照紀錄維護 4.考核 ●試用期考核規劃及執行。 ●每年績優員工評選規劃及執行。 ●年度績效考核規劃及執行。 5.其他主管交辦事項
Mid to Senior Level
10/16 Updated
新北分校校務助理 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~38,000
【工作內容】 1. 配合公司需求,前往台北補習班及幼兒園校務代班。支援其他行政或教學工作,根據需要協助處理校內其他任務。 【工作地點】台北/新莊/蘆洲/新店 【薪資待遇】 本科系35K-38K,內含交通津貼,非本科系32K-36K,內含交通津貼 期待有責任心且充滿教學熱情的你加入我們的團隊,讓我們一起為學生創造良好的學習環境!
10/16 Updated
兼職櫃台行政人員【羅斯福分校】 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 190+
★★ Energetic Shane | Develope in up Shane | Happiness in Shane ★★ 40年多來,夏恩英語除了對外發展教育體系,不斷地向前創新邁進,對內致力打造幸福企業。歡迎具有活力及朝氣且熱愛語言、教育工作的您加入我們,一起為我們的下一代創造無限可能! #三心魔人 # 超級重要!超級重要!超級重要!的小幫手 # 自認反應比閃電俠還快 # 喜歡孩子 # 福利全方位 【工作內容】 1.學生、家長與老師間之協調溝通 2.櫃台招生、班務推廣、學員課程服務工作 3.文書報表工作 4.協助主管交辦事項 【希望擁有的特質】 1.服務熱誠 2.喜愛教育工作 3.愛心、耐心、細心 【非必要但加分條件】 1.有安親/補習班經驗佳 2.英檢成績600分以上
English Required
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教務行政【 蘆洲分校 】 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~40,000
蘆洲分校(徐匯中學站走路3分鐘路程) 【分校獨享福利】 不定期員工聚餐、子女英文學習優惠、生日禮金、生日假、三節獎金、進修補助...等,優於業界福利。 【工作內容】 1. 英文課帶班+課程輔導 2. 英文班電訪電教 3. 班級管理 4. 學生學習成效追蹤 5. 學校英文活動規劃並執行 6. 協助主管行政作業 【希望擁有的特質】 1. 服務熱誠 2. 喜愛教育工作 3. 且耐心的解決可能重複的問題並細心處理日常作業或突發狀況
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
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Foreign Affairs Specialist【總部】 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~40,000
歡迎擅長與人溝通、有耐心、且獨立性強的你,加入夏恩團隊! 1. 【Welfare support duties 外師事務方面業務】 ● Advise and assist new teachers with settling-in (including preparation of visa/work permit applications and other arrival documents, health checks and police background checks, hotel/airport pick-up, arranging apartment viewings, opening a bank account etc.). 建議和協助新教師安頓下來(包括協助備妥簽證/工作許可證申請和其他入境文件、健康檢查和良民證、酒店/機場接機、安排看房、開立銀行賬戶等)。 ● Process new teachers’ work permit/visa/ARC applications and maintain an inventory of teachers’ documents for such applications 處理新外師的工作許可/簽證/ARC 申請,並為此類申請於文件清單上做紀錄 ● Track and monitor (in conjunction with HR) new teachers’ arrival/start date and work permit/visa/ARC applications for renewals 跟踪和監控(與 HR 一起)新教師的到達/開始日期和工作許可/簽證/ARC 續簽申請 ● Be the main contact point for schools (in an advisory capacity) regarding teacher welfare and foreign affairs issues 成為學校(以顧問身份)教師事務和外交事務問題的主要聯絡人 2. 【Recruitment support duties協助招聘部職責】 ● Check online orders (new orders, cancel/delay orders, training requests etc.), process orders and send confirmation to Recruitment and schools 檢查線上訂單(新訂單、取消/延遲訂單、訓練申請等),處理訂單並向招聘和學校發送確認信 ● Check fees and remittance with Accounts and keep a record for Recruitment/schools 檢查帳戶和匯款費用並為招聘部/學校保留紀錄 ● Send recruitment notifications/updates to schools as and when instructed and follow up recruitment enquires from schools (in conjunction with Recruitment) 根據指示向學校發送招聘通知/更新,並跟進學校的招聘查詢(與招聘一起) ● Process recruitment invoices and follow up with Accounts 處理招聘發票並與財務部跟進 3.【HR support duties協助人資部職責】 ● Assist with the data entry, attendance tracking, and certificate application processes for new employees. 協助新進人員資料登載、考勤、申請證明作業。 4.【Other duties其他職責】 ● Keep abreast of any changes or developments in government policy relating to employing foreign teachers (such as visas, work permits, ARCs etc.) 隨時了解與聘用外師有關的任何政策變化或發展(如簽證、工作許可、ARC 等) ● Assist Recruitment, Academic and Operations departments with other projects as and when instructed 根據指示協助招聘、教務以及營運部門及主管交辦事項
Mid to Senior Level
10/16 Updated
英語班助教(需長期合作)【羅斯福分校(近捷運古亭站)】 夏恩國際教育股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 190+
【工作內容】 1. 帶班時間: 週一、四 17:00-20:00 週三、五 15:00-18:30 週六 09:30-18:00 2. 協助櫃台行政事務 【希望擁有的特質】 1. 配合度高 2. 喜愛孩子 3. 穩定性高 4. 對英文有興趣 【備註】 1.投遞履歷前,請先確認可以接班的時段(第一時段或第二時段) 2.過程會有簡短英文口試/筆試,待面試通過後,請至分校現場看課
English Required
10/16 Updated