
Company Introduction

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羅 先生
Infobip is a global leader in omnichannel engagement powering a broad range of messaging channels, tools and solutions for advanced customer engagement, authentication and security. We help our clients and partners overcome the complexity of consumer communications, grow their business and enhance customer experience – all in a fast, secure and reliable way. Quality engineering is the backbone of everything we do. To build great customer solutions on the edge of innovation means we hire, grow, and retain the best engineering talent across the world. Over the last 15+ years, we’ve grown into an Engineering Powerhouse with 75+ offices in 6 continents and over 2,000 experts, aiming to change the way the world communicates. We see ourselves as humble engineers led by our philosophy of learning by doing and fueled by our passion for technology. This why all our solutions are fully in-house developed, and we are proud of all the talents we have in our company!

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Main Products

A2P SMS messaging、Mobile operators solutions、2-Factor Authentication、Operator partnerships、Telecommunications、REST API、Omnichannel communications、RCS、Mobile Identity、WhatsApp Business、Messaging、Engineering、Development、Customer experience、Retail Communications、Banking communications、Chat Apps、Cloud contact center solution、CX solution、Marketing Automation和Chatbot


增值空間–在業內擁有專業領域知識的我們,堅信所有銷售人員必須經過一個廣泛的培訓期限。我們致力於促進員工的全面發展,實現員工加之於企業價值的同步提升。 工作環境–我們是一間快速成長的國際化公司,擁有優秀的團隊及合作精神是我們公司重要元素之一。 員工福利–公司積極努力提升員工福利待遇及業務模式的需求。 頂尖客戶–致力於各大移動運營商,OTT企業,零售品牌,銀行,社會媒體網絡。

Company & Workplace


Customer Support Intern 客戶支持實習生 台灣英富必有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 200~200
Job Description: 職位描述: If you join this Program, you will have an extraordinary opportunity to work as a part of Infobip world-class Customer Support team. You will directly impact client experience, their satisfaction and help them resolve any technical questions they are encountering while using our Platform. At the same time, you will be able to learn about many different technical topics and grow your troubleshooting mindset. Since we are in the middle of many processes and departments, you’ll have an opportunity to interact with both technical and business teams, picking up the best of both worlds and sharpening many of your skills. The size of our Platform and Product portfolio guarantees there are continuous learning opportunities. 如果您加入這個計劃,您將有一個非凡的機會成為 Infobip 世界級客戶支持團隊的一部分。您將直接影響客戶體驗及其滿意度,幫助他們解決使用我們平台時遇到的任何技術問題。與此同時,您將能夠學習許多不同的技術主題並培養您的故障排除思維方式。由於我們處於眾多流程和部門的中間,您將有機會與技術和業務團隊互動,吸取兩者的精華,並磨練您的多種技能。我們平台和產品組合的規模保證了持續的學習機會。 We have an awesome plan for you: 我們為您準備了一個絕佳的計劃: You will go through our onboarding program where you will learn about our products, solutions, and business. 您將通過我們的入職培訓,了解我們的產品、解決方案和業務。 You will learn how to attend to customer inquiries and problems are quickly resolved professionally, in varying critical and non-critical situations. 您將學習如何快速專業地處理客戶諮詢和問題,涵蓋各種關鍵和非關鍵情況。 You will learn how to give clear and accurate information to clients in minutes. 您將學習如何在幾分鐘內為客戶提供清晰準確的信息。 You will learn how to find workarounds when issues appear and can understand client needs. 您將學習如何在出現問題時找到解決方法,並理解客戶需求。 You will grow your technical expertise in many areas and specifically develop your troubleshooting skills and mindset. 您將提高許多領域的技術專長,特別是培養您的故障排除技能和思維方式。 You will help with improving internal processes, customer experience and the quality of service we are providing. 您將幫助改進內部流程、客戶體驗和我們提供的服務質量。 We'll show you how complex business is conducted in a simple way and how to navigate in 3700+ employee company. 我們將向您展示如何以簡單的方式進行複雜的業務,並如何在擁有 3700 多名員工的公司中遊刃有餘。 You will get a glimpse of the future career in the Tech space. 您將一窺未來在科技領域的職業生涯。 You will be matched with your mentor according to your skillset and professional preferences so that we ensure maximum benefit from this Program for you. 您將根據您的技能和職業偏好被匹配到您的導師,以確保您從該計劃中獲得最大的收益。 You are the right person for us if you are: 如果您符合以下條件,那您就是我們尋找的人選: Enrolled last-year student majored in engineering, technology & applied science. 工程、技術與應用科學專業的最後一年在校生。 You aim to be an engineer who understands both technical and business sides of IT solutions. 您的目標是成為一名了解 IT 解決方案技術和業務兩方面的工程師。 Native in Chinese and fluent in English. 中文為母語且英語流利。 Able to work in Taipei, can provide at least 3 days for onsite work. 能夠在台北工作,並且每週至少有 3 天可以到公司上班。 What's in it for you? 您將獲得什麼? Possibility to land your first job – Every intern that is selected for the program will have a chance to get a permanent job offer at the end of the internship, based on their performance and business needs. 獲得第一份工作的機會——每位被選中參加該計劃的實習生都有機會在實習結束時獲得正式工作邀請,具體取決於他們的表現和業務需求。 Never a dull moment – We work with powerful companies with strong impact, which pushes us to work on the highest possible level. Work on uncharted challenges and push boundaries daily. 每天充滿挑戰——我們與影響力強大的公司合作,這激勵我們在最高水平上工作。每天都在迎接未知的挑戰並不斷突破極限。 Learn as you grow – You will learn through practical work on your project and get continuous feedback from your mentors, helping you improve and progress. 在成長中學習——您將通過在項目中的實際工作進行學習,並從導師那裡獲得持續的反饋,幫助您改進和進步。 Start your career with an experienced mentor, structured lectures by experts, quality team work and friendly and helpful coworkers. We are excited to meet you! 在經驗豐富的導師、專家結構化的講座、高質量的團隊合作和友好且樂於助人的同事的幫助下,開始您的職業生涯。我們期待與您見面!
Partially Remote
10/15 Updated