
Company Introduction

200 Employees
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【關於Gogolook】 信任科技服務商 Gogolook(走著瞧股份有限公司)成立於2012年,以「Build for Trust」為核心,建立由AI與數據驅動的全球化數位防詐與風險管理服務(Risk Management as a Service),從多元通訊、金融科技到企業 SaaS 服務,打造不同應用場景的信任賦能科技。Gogolook 為全球防詐聯盟 GASA 創始會員,並與台灣警政署刑事局、韓國金融監督院、泰國警政、日本福岡市政府、馬來西亞皇家警察與州政府共同防範詐騙問題,以東亞與東南亞最大的電話號碼資料庫為基礎,致力於創造一個「零詐騙環境」。 官方網站:https://gogolook.com/ Gogolook is a leading TrustTech company established in 2012. With "Build for Trust" as its core value, it aims to create an AI- and data-driven global anti-fraud network as well as Risk Management as a Service. From multi-communication to fintech, SaaS and Web3, Gogolook creates trustworthy empowerment with the use of technology in various fields. Gogolook has also teamed up with a number of institutes such as the Taiwan National Police Agency Criminal Investigation Bureau, the Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea, Thai Police Cyber Taskforce, the Fukuoka city government, and the Malaysia Selangor state government to fight fraud and ultimately, to build a trustworthy communication network with the largest database in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

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Main Products

1. 陌生來電辨識軟體 - Whoscall 專為用戶辨識陌生來電號碼、封鎖騷擾號碼以及過濾可疑簡訊。Whoscall 全球累積超過 1 億次下載,服務範圍涵蓋台灣、韓國、日本、香港、泰國、巴西、馬來西亞、菲律賓等地區。 官方網站:https://whoscall.com/ 2. 金融科技品牌 - 袋鼠金融 Roo.Cash 聯手多間銀行提供優惠金融方案,其中包括信用卡、貸款、數位帳戶、房屋貸款等多元金融商品類別的即時比較,提供高透明度的金融交流環境。 官方網站:https://roo.cash/ 3. 可疑訊息查證機器人 - 美玉姨 一秒驗證可疑訊息,幫用戶掌握資訊品質。將通訊軟體中的可疑訊息與多方查核平台、警政單位以及資訊安全平台資料庫進行自動比對,即時取得多方查證結果。 官方網站:https://www.checkcheck.me/ 4. Gogolook 企業端解決方案 企業端服務包含 「 Watchmen商譽保護服務」、「 數位身分驗證方案」、「 號碼辨識串接服務」等,並應用於電商、零售、金融等多元產業場景,提供企業端專業防詐風險管理。 官方網站:https://gogolook.com/


Gogolook 不斷在尋找想與我們一起挑戰全世界的夥伴,我們提供開放自由的工作環境、優於一般企業的員工福利與薪資結構。公司目前執行遠端優先政策,讓員工可以自由選擇是在家、公司、或是其他你希望的地方工作,歡迎各方優秀人才加入我們。 ● 自我實現假 確保每位同事自入職起即享有每年27天起的有薪年假。並隨著年資累積有薪年假總天數最高可達45天。 ● 身心休養帶薪假 30天全薪特別病假,也代表我們對夥伴們健康的重視,涵括生理與心理層面。使用此假時不須檢附任何證明或看診收據便可申請 ● 綠洲假 每月無需理由可享有一天下午四點整下班,提早跟家人、朋友相聚 ● 彈性的上班時間 每天九點到十一點裡要幾點來都好,八小時工作時數主管同意就可以 ● 辦公地點捷運站出口步行七分鐘直達 位於敦南商圈,近文湖線六張犁站,多條公車路線行經,四通八達 ● 舒適的工作環境 辦公室享有極佳視野,讓你享受日落美景 ● 週三餐點供應 每週早餐或是下午茶免費提供,正職、工讀生、實習生都能拿 ● 免費咖啡與零食隨便吃 每週補充豐富零食,並有每罐飲料 5 大洋起的飲料販賣機 ● 多元化的社團 每月都有社團補助費,運動健身社、電玩社、桌遊社、美劇社等讓你選

Company & Workplace


Senior Product Designer Gogolook_走著瞧股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
As a Senior Product Designer at Gogolook, you will participate in early-stage product discovery and demonstrate your creative problem-solving skills within a team. You will be a key contributor that crafts and maintains elegant user experiences of our products throughout the cycle of understanding users’ needs, developing design solutions, and evaluating/refining the results. We believe knowing users is the only way to design products people love. You will initially be responsible for the product design of spotONE, with opportunities to support other products. spotONE: https://www.spotone.one/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hrtech-spotone Roles and Responsibilities 1. Sustain fundamental user experience for the Gogolook products. 2. Conduct user flows, wireframes, visual mockups, and prototypes to effectively communicate design ideas. 3. Collaborate closely with PMs, researchers, marketing team, developers, QAs… in an agile environment. 4. Conduct/cooperate with the researcher to understand user behaviors or users’ needs for iteration. 5. Having a creative mindset and using any design method to get a problem-solution fit. 6. Understand how to observe the data of users’ behavior and impact on products. 7. Understand wide product requirements and break them down to design solutions in early-stage. Minimum requirements 1. Minimum 5 years of work experience in product design. 2. Experience in web product design. 3. Experience in designing a product from 0-1. 4. Experience in design library/design system. 5. Experience in leading/ mentoring PMs/ designers mentoring. 6. A strong design portfolio with case studies demonstrating your decision-making and design iterating process. 7. Knowledge of current UX best practices, including user research and usability test. 8. Great sense of UI design, including colors, icons, layouts to deliver a high-quality visual experience to end-users. 9. Good quality with visual design & familiar with motion design. 10. Excellent communication to be a team player.
Partially Remote
10/18 Updated