
Company Introduction

10 Employees
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RaidSonic 自1999年成立,專注於前瞻性的科技宏圖與全方位的革新發展,致力於實現個人和企業用戶的夢想。我們的產品和服務旨在提升數百萬位用戶的生活機能與工作效能。我們深信每一位員工都是這個大家庭不可取代的夥伴,提供每一位員工職涯和潛能可以自由成長的環境來展驥長才。 在這裡,您不僅是加入一間領先全球的科技公司,更是加入一個重視創新、培養成長並重視每位員工福利的團隊。我們為員工提供廣泛的職業拓展機會和個人化的學習資源,協助您在專業道路上精益求精。在RaidSonic,我們相信每位員工的貢獻都是無價的,並期許一同打造更加美好的未來。我們熱烈歡迎志同道合的人才加入我們,一起在技術與經營不斷創新立意的旅程上,實現個人和企業的夢想。 RaidSonic shines prominently in the global innovation landscape, not only pioneering DockingStations technology but also setting the standard in the tech industry. Our flagship brand, ICY BOX, symbolizes excellence and innovation, recognized across 43 countries in Europe and continuously expanding our influence in Australia and the United States. The core competitiveness of RaidSonic lies in being a company that not only provides high-performance products and solutions but also empowers every individual and organization globally to contribute more and achieve greater heights. As a leader in the industry, we have an extensive network of collaborations worldwide, continuously striving to enhance innovation, competitiveness, and drive socio-economic prosperity.

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1999年,RaidSonic 立基於對科技進行革命性改變的宏大願景,從早期的創新藍圖開始了不斷發展進步的歷程,跨越了無數技術沿革的錨點,專注於創造不落窠臼、日新月異的解決方案與開發研究。超越歐洲,我們成功進軍國際市場,如澳洲和美國,證明了我們的全球性視野和卓越的技術力。我們在每一階段的科技旅程中,都體現了創建初期確立的新行業標準、遠見和技術創新的志向。 RaidSonic began in 1999 with a bold vision to revolutionize technology in the rapidly changing digital era. From our initial breakthroughs, we have committed to developing innovative solutions. Our growth beyond Europe into markets like Australia and the USA showcases our international vision and the global appeal of our technology. Each growth step reflects our ambition to set new industry standards and drive technological innovation.


在 RaidSonic,我們提供全面性的員工福利計劃,彰顯我們對員工價值的重視,包含:提供具市場競爭力的薪酬和績效相關獎勵,讓員工能與企業的成長共享收益;積極鼓勵定期的專業培訓和課程費用補助,搭配豐富的線上教育資源,幫助員工提升專業技能;實施靈活的育嬰假政策與工作排程,以利員工在職場與家庭間取得良好正向的雙邊經營;給予彈性工作時間和多樣化的帶薪假期選擇,幫助員工實現工作與生活的完美均衡。 加入 RaidSonic,您將成為我們創新團隊的重要一員,一同參與我們的技術革新和個人成長之旅。 At RaidSonic, we understand that our employees' value is as significant as our technology. We offer a comprehensive benefits plan, including competitive salary and performance bonuses, regular training opportunities and course reimbursements, maternity leave policies, and flexible work arrangements to balance family life. We encourage flexible work schedules and provide ample paid leave to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Here, you are not merely joining a globally leading technology company; you are becoming a part of a team that values innovation, nurtures growth, and prioritizes the well-being of every employee. We offer extensive career advancement opportunities and personalized learning resources, assisting you in honing your expertise on the professional path. At RaidSonic, we hold the conviction that every employee's contribution is invaluable, envisioning a collaborative effort to shape a brighter future.

Company & Workplace


Social Media Manager 愛伯達股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~60,000
Join us to shape trends in the digital world! In this era of ever-evolving digital communication, we're looking for a Social Media Manager who doesn't just tell engaging stories but also creates buzz online. You'll be the core storyteller for our brand, expertly navigating various social media platforms to effectively promote our content. If you have a talent for turning everyday moments into captivating stories, a knack for creative strategies that stand out on social media, and a passion for showcasing your skills in a dynamic and creative environment, we invite you to join our team! Responsibilities: 1. Develop and implement social media promotion strategies to enhance brand image and engagement. 2. Manage and create high-quality, impactful content across various social media platforms. 3. Monitor social media trends, analyze data, and adjust strategies for maximum effect. 4. Design and execute online events, promotions, and giveaways to increase brand awareness. 5. Manage advertising budgets, and plan and execute Facebook and Instagram advertising campaigns. 6. Stay innovative by trying new social media tools and methods. Requirements: 1. Solid experience in social media management with a keen insight into trends. 2. Excellent creative thinking and content creation skills. 3. Proficiency in advertising strategies and data analysis on Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms. 4. Fluent English communication skills. 5. Strong organisational skills and the ability to build strong relationships with different teams and audiences. Bonus Points: 1. Successful examples or projects involving social media promotion. 2. Familiarity with multimedia production and editing tools like Photoshop. 3. A degree or certification in marketing or a related field.
English Required
10/14 Updated
Product Copywriter 愛伯達股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~50,000
Job Description: We believe that a well-crafted product description can breathe life into a product, and we're seeking a 'Product Copywriter' capable of doing just that. If you possess unique insights into product features, can craft attention-grabbing product descriptions, and communicate proficiently in English, we eagerly anticipate your application. Job Responsibilities: 1. Write engaging and persuasive product descriptions for our products. 2. Ensure all product descriptions are accurate and in line with the company's guidelines. 3. Assist the marketing team in writing product marketing materials and blog posts. 4. Aid the product team in improving product manuals and other related product materials. Qualifications: 1. Fluent in Chinese and English with excellent writing skills. 2. Familiar with computer accessories and tech products and capable of understanding and accurately describing product features and specifications. 3. Passionate about writing, with the ability to create engaging and compelling content, including blog posts. 4. Attentive to detail, with a high level of focus on the nuances. 5. Capable of working under pressure and meeting deadlines. Preferred Qualifications: 1. Prior experience in product description writing and writing for blogs. 2. In-depth understanding of the computer tech market. 3. Basic knowledge of SEO.
Mid to Senior Level
10/14 Updated
前端工程師 愛伯達股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
職務說明: 我們正在尋找一位專精於前端開發的藝術家,能夠使用各項前端技術將虛擬的設計轉化為流暢且動感的使用者界面。如果你具備深厚的前端開發技能,我們誠摯地邀請你加入我們的團隊,與我們一同打造極致的使用者體驗。 職責: 1. 使用Nuxt.js進行高效且動感的前端開發(包含網站的前後台開發)。 2. 與UI/UX設計師合作,確保設計能完美呈現於各種裝置與平台。 3. 進行網站效能優化,提升頁面載入速度和整體流暢性。 要求: 1. 精通任何一項現代前端框架(React/Vue/Angular)。 2. 具有使用UI框架如Bootstrap或Tailwind CSS的經驗。 3. 熟悉前端技術,如HTML, CSS, JavaScript及相關工具與框架。 4. 使用CSS預處理器如SASS或LESS的經驗。 5. 具有使用版本控制系統如Git的經驗。 6. 具備優秀的編程習慣:代碼結構清晰、命名規範、邏輯嚴謹、低耦合度、代碼整潔。 7. 具有優秀的問題解決能力,能迅速找出並修正介面中的問題。 8. 具有良好的溝通能力,能與團隊有效合作並提出實用的建議。 加分條件: 1. 了解後端技術或框架,如Node.js及 Laravel。 2. Animate.js、GSAP、P5JS 等 JS 動畫 library 的使用經驗。 3. Three js 等 web 3D 技術的使用經驗。 4. Docker 等容器化技術的使用經驗。 5. AWS/GCP/azure 等雲端技術的使用經驗。 6. 具有 OOP、solid 的觀念、具備將各項功能模組化的能力。 7. 對於資料結構、演算法及設計模式有基本的認識。 8. 對技術有熱情、熱於分享且易於相處的人。 9. 不只是把功能實作、更想把系統做好的你。 我們正在尋找一位能與我們共創未來的資深前端工程師。如果你對前端開發充滿熱情且追求技術的極致,我們非常歡迎你的加入!
Senior Level
10/14 Updated