Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd._易科德室內裝修工程股份有限公司

Company Introduction

375 Employees
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Exyte is a global leader in the design, engineering and delivery of facilities for high-tech industries. With a history of more than 100 years, the company has developed a unique expertise in controlled and regulated environments. Exyte has a truly global footprint, serving the most technically demanding clients in markets such as semiconductors, batteries, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and data centers. The company offers a full range of services from consulting to the managing of turnkey solutions – delivered to the highest quality and safety standards. Solving the most complex challenges, Exyte forges trusted, long-lasting relationships with its clients. In 2020, Exyte generated sales of EUR 4.1 billion with over 4,900 highly experienced and motivated employees. The company is ideally positioned to further strengthen its market leadership with its broad industry insight and its exceptional talents. https://www.exyte.net 全球總部位於德國,亞洲營運中心設於新加坡,台灣公司業務範圍涵蓋半導體廠、光電廠、太陽能、化學製藥及其他高科技電子廠房規劃暨無塵室工程設計、建造及變更。更詳細內容請訪閱集團網址 https://www.exyte.net

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We provide a comprehensive portfolio of life cycle solutions for advanced technology manufacturing plants, research centers and infrastructure facilities, rooted in nearly 40 years of self-perform design and construction experience by our in-house system specialists. Be it a new greenfield site, a facility expansion, or “adaptive reuse” of an existing building – we offer you global solutions ranging from consulting and design to construction and facility services. With our Facility Solutions we are a global partner meeting fast track schedules, ambitious cost targets and strict site safety guidelines.


﹝以下薪資福利僅適用於公司長期員工,短期/定期合約員工薪資福利另議。所有獎金津貼發放時,仍受公司僱用並在職員工方能領取﹞ 【獎金/調薪/津貼】 1.三節獎金:端午、中秋與年終獎金!最高金額為兩個月薪,未滿一年或曾請非給薪假時按比例計算 2.績效獎金:按公司營運狀況與個人績效表現給予 3.久任獎金:服務每滿五年發放 4.員工推薦獎金 5.年度調薪:按集團政策與個人績效表現調整 6.結婚津貼 7.生育津貼 8.調動津貼 【休假/保險】 1.每年三天不扣薪病假 2.周休二日 3.勞工退休金雇主提撥:7% 4.公司團保 5.勞 / 健保 【教育訓練/員工關懷】 1.員工線上免費自主學習課程 2.專業技能在職進修補助 3.年度健康檢查:優於法定項目且不限在職年資 4.醫生每月駐診提供專業健康諮詢 5.企業員工協助方案與專線:特約心理諮商所及匿名專線 6.年度舒壓課程與講座 【其他】 1.宿舍:個人套房空間 (水電費等或超過公司預算等由員工自行負擔並須簽定住宿同意書) 2.公務車使用 3.部門/新人聚餐 4.聖誕Party 5.尾牙 6.全天候供應免費咖啡與茶包 7.員工與主管共同討論自主式發展計畫 8.全球/區域健康競賽 9.多元包容的工作環境 10.跨國專案合作機會


檔案文件管理師 Document control (北區) Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd._易科德室內裝修工程股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Document control and admin. Provide overall document control support to project team, able to tracking/ publishing in and outgoing documents and lead stakeholder meetings. •Coordination of technical tasks within the discipline (including sub-contractor and clients). •Assist in document standardization and check to ensure compliance of the Client standard with relevant regulation and codes. Preference with QAQC background or experience. •Able to communicate in English. 1.專案文件管理系統的建立維護及督導 2.SOP規範及施工文件的歸檔發行及管理 3.相關文件的製作及管理 4.文件的發行及分送: 4.1影印 4.2分送 4.3文件的追溯 4.4製作及更新文件清單 4.5電子檔案管理 4.6提配文件的再審核 * 須能英文溝通。 * 有營造業文管、Document Controller 經驗尤佳。 ※ 請同時提供英文履歷。
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
電機系統設計工程師/ Electrical Design Engineer (桃園) Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd._易科德室內裝修工程股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 提供電力計算書,如照度計算書,建築物接地網計算書,避雷針保護半徑計算書,及相關電力許可申請及報竣作業。 Provide calculation sheet of Lighting Illumination, Grounding grid, Lightning Protection, and execute the power permit Application. 2. 設計電力圖面,如廠務電力系統,製程電力系統,照明系統,一般電力與插座系統,建築物與無塵室接地系統,及避雷系統。 Design Drawing of Facility Power, Process Tool Power, Lighting, Receptacle, Grounding, and Lightning Protection. 3. 統計電力系統設備材料數量,並彙整成電力系統標單。 Count equipments Qty of every systems to create Bill of Qty(BOQ). 4. 與採購合作準備電力系統報價單,完成報價作業。 Cooperate with commercial to finalize Electrical Quotation. 5. 與資深工程師擔任一起駐廠工程師,帶領電力監工及承商執行專案 (大專案)。 To be the Site Engineer with Senior Engineer, to lead Electrical supervisor and Contractor to implement the project (Big Project only).
English Required
9/19 Updated
CSA/MEP BIM 工程師 (新竹/桃園) Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd._易科德室內裝修工程股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Revit BIM工程師(機電或建築或結構) 2年以上相關經驗 2.參與國際團隊BIM協同作業 3.中央模組協同作業 4.碰撞檢查 5.製作發包詳圖(worksheet) 6.與業主討論需求通知建模公司修改BIM 7.研發制定4D/5D模型 8.BIM360操作 • CSA design/construction alignment, QAQC via BIM360 platform for project delivery • Collaborate on SPM with our VDC team both in design and construction phases • Knowledgeable in IFC drawings production and issuance management and control via BIM360 platform • As-built package/BIM model control and final project delivery
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated
試俥經理 Commissioning Manager Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd._易科德室內裝修工程股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
• Leading site supervision of installation inspections / checks, testing and commissioning works at site, monitoring and surveillance of compliance to quality standards, specifications. Managing issuing NCRs for deficiencies/noncompliance, identifying snags and management / monitoring of snags closure. • Developing Testing and Commissioning Plans, procedures, schedules as required. • Managing review and approval of Testing & Commissioning Method Statements for each systems & equipments. • Managing and participating in review and approval process of Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) of each systems & equipments, O&Ms, As Built documentation etc • Managing Site acceptance testing (SAT) witness and certification process for all equipment and systems. Reviewing functional test data for evidencing compliance with performance specifications and other standards. Reporting on testing and inspection results and coordinating for Engineer/ consultant’s sign off /certification of the relevant systems/sub systems as applicable. • Coordinating with Construction manager, Project Manager and contractors for Inspection of respective systems/subsystem’s and documentations of functional testing record sheet for disciplines. • Coordinating with contractors for schedule of vendor attendance at site for critical equipment, complex system packages and monitoring the vendor presence as per schedule to be prepared and agreed during project execution. • Reviewing and monitoring availability of required consumables spares for the pre commissioning testing, commissioning and operation etc. • Participating /conducting Safety reviews, safety hazard identification and mitigation planning with Contractors. • Coordinating with contractors to ensure that site acceptance tests (SAT) and inspection of works are carried out as stated in the performance specifications, ITPs • Following up & coordinating with consultants for all 3rd party inspection review of testing & certification as applicable. • Managing and coordinating preparation of system for punch listing activities, reviewing and following up with Contractors/ consultants for the close out of punch list items, through time bound corrective action/review. Expediting/following up with the respective engineers involved in the completion of individual system punch lists . • Managing the Lockout & Tag out activities as per approved procedure. • Leading and attending regular construction/commissioning meetings on follow up for Pre commissioning/ commissioning activities, reviewing and following up areas of concern in the contractors preparedness/resources with regard to commissioning schedules . • Preparing regular inputs for progress and forecast reports on relevant construction completion, pre-commissioning & commissioning, start up, etc. to project management. • Coordinating /reviewing with contractors & relevant stakeholders for preparation of Operation & Maintenance manual, • Develop Training Plans and coordinate., manage training activities in coordination with the Project Management Team • Managing and ensuring handing over of the facilities to the user including all “as built” documentation and facilitating smooth occupation in liaison with Post occupation facility management entity including necessary training, as required for the End User/Asset holder. • Participating in project close out activities.
Executive Level
9/18 Updated
機械現場工程師/監工 Supervisor (南區) Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd._易科德室內裝修工程股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
-工程建造專案之現場工程協調。 -督導工務現場系統設備安裝之施工、監造、測試、啟動及商業運轉作業。 -協助工程專案之管理與執行。 -具半導體、無塵室經驗者尤佳。
Mid to Senior Level
9/18 Updated