
Company Introduction

150 Employees
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華翰物產成立於 1992 年,總部設於台灣高雄,2021年10月台北辦公室正式營運。 海外首設立的辦事處位於新加坡,經過業務擴增及拓展,目前已有許多海外辦公據點,包含中國、越南、印尼、英國、澳洲、俄羅斯…等國,在全球業務中,我們致力於符合華翰核心價值觀的方式開展工作,包含持續性、誠信、尊重、誠實和負責。 We established in 1992, with commercial head quarter in Singapore and across our global operations, we are committed to working in ways that are true to Our Welhunt Charter values of Sustainability, Integrity, Respect, Honesty, and Accountability. Today, the global commodity trading is central core of our company and we are working with our modern and advance ability to lay off or take on risk. Against an environment of volatile market for many core commodities across the board from food to industrial materials, the industry is on the verge of substantial change over the coming years. The market is witnessing through eroding margins as competitive intensity, information transparency, and the capital requirements of the business all on the rise. Welhunt has well acknowledged the market background and trend to confront any situation proactively, addressing our imperatives. We have put cost control and efficiency of our businesses on the top agenda through developments of mid to long term company strategy that include substantial investment in differentiating upstream and downstream assets in core and new geographies that allows us to control and utilize our cost efficiency management of commodities that we trade. Today we own and operate production and processing assets from agricultural to metal industries and this provides our foundation and access to trade better all related commodities in a modern and advance way.

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1. 鋼鐵加工與貿易 Steel processing and trade 2. 礦業貿易 Mining trade


◆ 勞健保、員工團保 ◆ 員工教育訓練 ◆ 年終獎金/三節禮品 ◆ 員工旅遊 ◆ 每月慶生茶會 ◆ 下午茶 ◆ 營養午餐/伙食津貼 ◆ 年度健康檢查 ◆ 明亮、舒適辦公環境 ◆結婚/生育/喪葬禮金 ◆團康活動 ◆ Labor &health insurance, employee group insurance ◆ Employee training course ◆ Year-end bonus/Holiday gift ◆ Company trip ◆ Monthly birthday tea party ◆ Afternoon tea ◆ Lunch box/Meal Allowance ◆ Health examination ◆ Comfortable working environment ◆ Marriage/birth/funeral allowance ◆ Recreational activities

Company & Workplace


資深風控員 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.負責制定公司對潛在交易對手反洗錢(AML)、反恐怖融資(CFT)、制裁(Sanction)和高風險客戶(PEP、SIP、RCA)等相關監管制度和流程,並對其進行執行和監管。 2.負責規劃與執行交易對手(主要包含但不限:客戶與供應商)徵信作業及財務風險評估,並提出相應的交易風險防範措施以確保交易之安全。 3. 國家信用風險評估,確保國家曝險在公司風險胃納(Risk Appetite)之內,並提出相應的交易風險防範措施以確保交易之安全。 4.協助財務相關之流程與內控制度建立與實施。 5.其它主管交辦事項
English Required
10/07 Updated
國貿助理 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000+
•工作內容 1. 協助團隊工作目標的達成與完善。 2. 協助核對中英文件以及文本與電子文檔歸檔 3. 負責協助台北辦公室的銀行文件遞交、單據領取 4. 負責完善海外和高雄辦公室同仁簽署文件、列印文件及寄送文件、公證文件之需求 5. 協助標案文件準備及整理 6 協助組內會議室安排並進行會議記錄 7. 辦公室用品採購申請及管理 8. 協助籌備策劃團隊每月團建活動 9. 協助各項資訊統整和紀錄(熟悉Word, Excel, PowerPoint 等文書軟體) 10. 協助處理主管交辦行政庶務 此職務歡迎對國際貿易有興趣,樂觀、積極進取、有服務熱忱的社會新鮮人加入
English Required
10/07 Updated
資料科學家 (Data Scientist)-高雄(Kaohsiung) 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
●我們正在尋找數名資料科學家,此職位將 1. 與領域專家結合資料面將商業問題轉化為可分析的條件以及狀態 2. 進行數據蒐集、清理、保存並確保資料品質無暇 3. 對資料進行分析,以提供市場開發策略建議 4. 對市場進行系統性的宏觀分析並以資料進行相關預測 5. 須與資料工程師共同建立資料流與開發相關API 6. 開發相關介面與儀表板供內部使用者使用 7. 須持續學習並精進相關技術(不只限於工程領域) ●必備條件: 1. 熟練Python以及資料處理相關技術 2. 有訓練數值型模型的業界經驗且該模型有投入商業使用 3. 具備git技術 4. 具備英文溝通能力(要敢開口說) ●加分項目: 1. 具備爬蟲能力 2. 有個人Side Project/數據競賽經驗/git ,任何可展現經驗與熱忱的作品 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ●We are seeking several Data Scientist to 1. Collaborate with domain expertise to transform business problem into analyzable states 2. Scrape, clean, store and ensure the quality and consistency of data 3. Analyze business related data and come up with feasible strategy 4. Analyze the whole market from a macro and micro view and conduct necessary prediction 5. Collaborate with data engineer to build up reliable data pipeline and API 6. Develop dashboard and friendly interface for internal users 7. Learn and apply the related cutting edge technology if necessary ●Must have: 1. Proficiency in Python and data manipulation skills 2. Familiar with not only machine learning package but also the theory of common algorithms, time series related algorithm will also be accepted 3. Familiar with git 4. Able to communicate in English ●Nice to have: 1. Able to scrape data from web 2. Any side project or competition experience is a plus
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
行政專員-台北(Taipei) 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.協助海內外各公室相關行政事務、溝通聯繫及數據匯整事宜。 2.管理各類行政業務相關文件檔案,歸檔及分析。 3.協辦公司月度/季度/年度,各項會議和節慶活動規劃及執行。 4.行政總務部門各項禮品、活動及採購專案進度管控及問題解決。 5.協助主管行程安排及其他主管交辦行政事務。
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
永續發展與低碳市場研究(研究員/分析師/專案經理) 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 依循ISO 14064-1執行組織型溫室氣體盤查。 2. 永續專案推行,例如年度永續報告書、TCFD、綠電採購、ESG電子報……等。 3. 擔任內部ESG顧問,協助各部門蒐集、整理同業、標竿企業或政府ESG相關趨勢、資訊或法規要求,協助各部門建立並提升永續發展觀念,進而健全公司永續發展制度與機制。 4. 與利害關係人(如銀行、客戶)溝通,回覆利害關係人對於華翰ESG發展的問題 5. 全面研析能源轉型下低碳經濟趨勢與機會,串聯潛在上下游合作夥伴,完成初期的價值鏈開發,與未來的戰略規畫,協助集團邁入新商業模式,如生質能源、LNG、碳權......等。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。 7. 此職缺隸屬華翰ESG Team。
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
資料科學家 (Data Scientist)-台北(Taipei) 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
●我們正在尋找數名資料科學家,此職位將 1. 與領域專家結合資料面將商業問題轉化為可分析的條件以及狀態 2. 進行數據蒐集、清理、保存並確保資料品質無暇 3. 對資料進行分析,以提供市場開發策略建議 4. 對市場進行系統性的宏觀分析並以資料進行相關預測 5. 須與資料工程師共同建立資料流與開發相關API 6. 開發相關介面與儀表板供內部使用者使用 7. 須持續學習並精進相關技術(不只限於工程領域) ●必備條件: 1. 熟練Python以及資料處理相關技術 2. 有訓練數值型模型的業界經驗且該模型有投入商業使用 3. 具備git技術 4. 具備英文溝通能力(要敢開口說) ●加分項目: 1. 具備爬蟲能力 2. 有個人Side Project/數據競賽經驗/git ,任何可展現經驗與熱忱的作品 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ●We are seeking several Data Scientist to 1. Collaborate with domain expertise to transform business problem into analyzable states 2. Scrape, clean, store and ensure the quality and consistency of data 3. Analyze business related data and come up with feasible strategy 4. Analyze the whole market from a macro and micro view and conduct necessary prediction 5. Collaborate with data engineer to build up reliable data pipeline and API 6. Develop dashboard and friendly interface for internal users 7. Learn and apply the related cutting edge technology if necessary ●Must have: 1. Proficiency in Python and data manipulation skills 2. Familiar with not only machine learning package but also the theory of common algorithms, time series related algorithm will also be accepted 3. Familiar with git 4. Able to communicate in English ●Nice to have: 1. Able to scrape data from web 2. Any side project or competition experience is a plus
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
國際貿易專員(Trade Operations)-台北(Taipei) 華翰物產實業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
(1) 與國外業務密切合作,監督合同,信用狀和TT支付,文件,與供應商/客戶/船舶的交叉貨運協調相關的業務。 (2) 確保履行合同/租船合同中產生的所有義務,並確保編制任何必要的要求並確保遵守制裁合規性和任何當地法規。 (3) 在協調期間,客戶和供應商的運營團隊之間的聯絡點,確保貨物的順利溝通和運營,並最大限度地降低滯期費用。 (4) 監控運輸物流。 (5) 進行信用狀支付:向供應商發放信用狀,從買方審查信用狀,從提示銀行交出信用狀文件並將信用狀文件提交給開證行。 (6)協助交易者完成新交易的KYC程序。 (7)確保將所有運營信息及時保存在公司的系統中,並確保保留足夠的記錄。 (1). Working closely with Trader overseeing operations relating to Contracts, LC & TT payment, Documents, Coordination of cross-trade shipments with Suppliers/Customers/Ship. (2)Ensuring that all obligations arising from the contract/charter party are carried out, and that any necessary requirements are compiled with and Ensure adherence to Sanctions compliance and any local regulations. (3)Contact point between the operation teams of customers and suppliers during co-ordination and ensure smooth communication & operation of shipments and minimize demurrage costs. (4) Monitor shipping logistics (5)Conducting LC payment: issuing LCs to suppliers, reviewing the LC from buyers, surrendering the LC documents from advising bank and Submitting the LC documents to issuing bank. (6)Assist Traders to accomplish the KYC procedure for new deals. (7)Ensure that all Operational Information is saved on company’s systems in timely fashion and ensure that adequate records are kept.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated