橘子集團 國際青年交流大使
10/2 Updated
Chinese Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

論件計酬NT$ 12,000~12,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

- 國際趨勢/時事分享:關注你所屬國家的新聞議題,挖掘現在具熱度的社群、流行素材、ACGN互動趨勢,分享Z、α世代既平凡卻又不凡的日常!
- 個人觀點分享:發揮你的整合能力及創意思維,與高階主管進行個人觀點分享!
# 預計至 2025/2,平均二至三個月進行一次分享活動
# 薪資:每次提案分享可獲得$12,000元
# 工作地點:台北市內湖區瑞湖街111號 (橘子集團總部)
# 為符合主管機關規定,請於申請時說明目前在台工作證申請情況
- 在台就讀大學/研究所的僑生/外籍同學 (泰國、越南、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、日本、韓國 _歡迎以上國家同學)
- 書面與口語皆能以中/英文無礙溝通
- 重度網路使用者,時時關注社群動態、掌握最新話題趨勢
# 初審通過會以信件個別通知,未通過則不另行通知~
歡迎所有同學們,一起來橘子看看吧 !
# 應徵時請同步附上您的個人介紹檔案or作品集or簡報
Hello everyone! Gamania Group is recruiting International Youth Exchange Ambassadors. Here are some relevant informations for you to consider:
【Job Description】
International Trend/Current Affairs Sharing: Focus on news topics in your home country, explore popular communities, trending materials, and ACGN interactive trends to share the ordinary yet extraordinary daily life of the Z and α generations!
Personal Perspective Sharing: Utilize your integration skills and creative thinking to share personal opinions with our managers.
# Work period: Expected to 2025/2, with one sharing activity approximately every two to three months .
# Salary: $12,000 NTD per proposal sharing.
# Work location: No. 111, Ruihu Street, Neihu District, Taipei City ( Gamania Group headquarters).
# To comply with regulatory requirements, please indicate your current work permit application status when applying.
【We are looking for someone like you】
Foreign students studying at universities/graduate schools in Taiwan (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines - Students from these countries are welcome).
Can communicate fluently in both written and spoken Chinese/English.
Heavy internet users, who constantly monitor social trends and keep up with the latest topic trends.
【What you can get】
Experience sharing from senior executives.
Gamania recommendation letter.
Priority entry to Gamania job opportunities
# Applicants who pass the initial review will be individually notified by mail, and those who do not pass will not be notified separately~
# All foreign students are welcome to join Gamania Group and take a look together! Just click the "Apply" button when you are ready!
# Please attach your personal introduction file or portfolio or presentation when applying.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Marketing Planning
Other Project Managers
前身為富峰群,自1995年成立以來,不斷在挑戰中前進,一路變革、顛覆、創新。1999年更名為Gamania,積極擴張亞洲版圖。事業體以遊戲為核心,延展到資訊、客服、支付、行銷等線上平台,多次推動台灣 Internet 時代成長,與時俱進,締造佳績。 近年來,隨著行動化浪潮席捲全台,Gamania積極轉型,跨足行動支付、電子商務、影音新媒體、群眾募資等多元領域。2017年以嶄新的橘子集團網路艦隊揚帆出發,率領旗下遊戲、支付、電商、媒體等四大事業群加速前進,期許成為台灣全生態網路企業。 Gamania獲得Cheers 2018新世代最嚮往企業殊榮,自2006年Cheers創辦此獎項至今,已連續14年均有獲獎。 展望未來,Gamania橘子集團將以「Dare to Challenge」的積極態度顛覆市場常規,不畏挑戰、更勇於突破,以「探索網路生活的無限可能」作為品牌願景,從have a GOOD GAME! 進化到 have a GOOD TIME! 將與世界接軌,建構令人嚮往的美好生活。
0 ~ 5 applicants