10/18 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

【 職務內容 】
1. 處理平台營收及開立發票、銷貨折讓、應收及預收總帳處理等
2. 處理廠商客戶等應收付款項帳務
3. 處理廠商客戶等應收付款項帳務
4. 財務部門管理工作與審核
5. 定期核閱財務報表
6. 薪資計算
7. 營業稅、營所稅、各類所得扣繳等各項稅務申報作業、稅務調節表、扣繳作業等稅務工作、配合會計師申報查核作業協助
8. 財務報表、營運管理報表編制與分析
9. 負責收支轉帳傳票之編製、損益資料等報表之提供。
10. 完成主管交辦事項
【 職務需求 】
1. 具備2至3年以上會計相關經驗
2. 配合度高,需具有責任感及會計概念精準
3. 具有獨立作業能力、妥善溝通協調能力及應變能力
4. 熟悉 Microsoft Office 功能,並具備文書處理操作應用
【 加分技能 】
◆ 一年以上電商相關產業經驗者
◆ 熟悉國際企業會計準則
【 其他 】
◆ 公司會配發筆電乙台,供在職期間辦公使用
◆ 開放式的辦公環境,明亮舒適
◆ 辦公室內配置咖啡機、冰箱、烤箱、微波爐應有盡有,更有零食及咖啡無限供應。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Account audit and accounting inspection
Financial and business analysis
Preparation of financial statements
Financial strategy recommendations and analysis
Domestic tax regulations
Income tax settlement reporting
Tax planning and tax reporting/tax payment matters
Tax business handling
Analyzing managerial accounting information
Handling accounting-related matters
Analyzing financial statements
Planning and Reviewing Accounting Workflows
Closing Accounts and Account Handling
Accounting or Auditing Professional Knowledge
Accounting Calculations and Account Processing
Accounting Management/Investigation
Compilation of Accounting Statements
帳務查核與會計稽查 財務及營業分析 財務報表製作 財務策略建議與分析 國內財稅規章 所得稅結算申報 稅務規劃與稅報╱納稅事項 稅務業務處理 分析管理會計資訊 代辦會計相關事項 財務報表分析 規劃檢討會計作業流程 結帳作業與帳務處理 會計或審計專業知識 會計核算和帳務處理 會計管理╱調查 編製帳務報表
Job Category
Bookkeeping/Cashier/General Accounting
Responsible Accountant
Financial Analysis/Financial Staff
快閃麥佳國際購物有限公司 (INFLASH),致力於構建全球領先的創新零售平台,整合團購、分潤的新零售理念,我們將匯集全球的Influencer,將海外潮牌、高端旅遊行程推展到世界各地。我們的核心專業領域包括提供全面的4A廣告創意咨詢、電商行銷規劃,以及與新型網紅銷售夥伴的合作。透過去中心化的銷售模式,我們正在開闢全新的分潤銷售渠道! INFLASH is committed to building a globally leading innovative retail platform that integrates group buying and affiliate marketing service in new retail concepts. We bring together influencers from around the world to promote international trendy brands and high-end travel packages globally. Our core expertise includes comprehensive 4A advertising creative consulting, e-commerce marketing planning, and collaboration with global influencer sales partners. Through a decentralized sales model, we are pioneering new affiliate marketing channels!
6 ~ 10 applicants