10/16 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. Go-to-Market策略和品類管理:制定和執行產品的上市策略,包括目標市場、渠道策略、市場推廣和銷售策略等,以實現產品的成功推廣和銷售。
2. 制定並執行鏡片產品的行銷計劃,確保與公司目標一致。
3. 負責制定媒體行銷策略,提升鏡片品牌知名度。
4. 與跨功能團隊密切合作,包括製造、行銷和銷售,確保協同作業。
5. 監測市場上的競爭產品,分析其優勢和劣勢,並制定相應的競爭策略,以保持產品的競爭優勢。
6. 持續追蹤眼鏡市場的發展趨勢,包括消費者需求變化、科技創新等,並及時調整產品策略以應對市場變化。
7. 管理產品上市計劃,確保按時交付並達到預期效果。
8. 負責建立和維護供應商關係,確保供應鏈的順暢運作。
9. 與國外總公司進行溝通及聯繫,具備英文email書寫及口說能力。
10. 設計並執行廣告內容,參與行銷活動的規劃與執行。
11. 進行媒體規劃與執行,並分析活動成效,進行業績追蹤分析。
12. 編列年度行銷預算,並控管預算執行。
1. 相關領域的學士學位,碩士學位優先。
2. 有3年以上的產品管理經驗。
3. 卓越的專案管理和團隊合作能力。
4. 對眼鏡產業和市場有深入了解。
5. 優秀的溝通和領導能力。
6. 具備媒體行銷相關經驗者優先。
**About Essilor:**
We are a dynamic and innovative lens company committed to providing high-quality, fashionable, and outstandingly functional lens products. Currently, we are seeking a passionate and experienced professional in product management to take on the role of Product Manager.
**Job Summary:**
As a Product Manager, you will be responsible for leading and coordinating the entire lifecycle and marketing launch planning of our optical lens products to ensure they meet market demands and achieve the company's performance goals.
**Responsibilities and Functions:**
1. Go-to-Market Strategy and Category Management: Develop and execute product launch strategies, including target markets, channel strategies, marketing promotions, and sales strategies to successfully promote and sell products.
2. Develop and execute marketing plans for lens products, ensuring alignment with company objectives.
3. Responsible for formulating media marketing strategies to enhance lens brand awareness.
4. Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including manufacturing, marketing and sales to ensure seamless coordination.
5. Monitor competitive products in the market, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and develop corresponding competitive strategies to maintain product competitiveness.
6. Continuously track trends in the optical lens market, including changes in consumer demand and technological innovations, and adjust product strategies in a timely manner to respond to market changes.
7. Manage product launch plans, ensuring timely delivery and meeting expected outcomes.
8. Establish and maintain vendor relationships, ensuring smooth operation of the supply chain.
9. Communicate and liaise with the international headquarters, possessing proficiency in written and spoken English for emails and communication.
10. Design and execute advertising content, participate in the planning and execution of marketing activities.
11. Carry out media planning and execution, analyze activity effectiveness, and contribute to performance tracking analysis.
12. Compile annual marketing budgets and control budget execution.
**Qualifications and Requirements:**
1. Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, master's degree preferred.
2. Over 3 years of product management experience.
3. Excellent project management and teamwork skills.
4. In-depth understanding of the eyewear industry and market.
5. Outstanding communication and leadership skills.
6. Prior experience in media marketing is a plus.
If you possess the above qualifications and are eager to join a challenging and opportunity-filled team, we look forward to receiving your resume.
We anticipate your contribution in building outstanding lens products and driving the success of our brand!
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Project time/schedule management
Project planning execution/scope management
Project communication/integration management
Marketing Production Planning and Execution
Market Research Planning and Execution
Market Research Data Analysis and Report Writing
專案時間╱進度控管 專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 專案溝通╱整合管理 行銷製作物規劃與執行 市場調查企劃與執行 市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫
Job Category
Product Planning
Project Manager
Product Manager
關於Luxottica 陸遜梯卡 Luxottica集團是全球最大專業眼鏡製造及銷售的跨國集團公司,由Leonardo Del Vecchio先生於1961年創立於時尚之都米蘭。Luxottica集團的生產工廠遍佈於全球多個地區,同時也擁有全球龐大的零售網絡,北美、澳洲、歐洲、香港、馬來西亞甚至新加坡等眾多國家和地區都能尋找到它們的踪影。集團每年製造眼鏡數量高達7500萬副,每分鐘就會有143副Luxottica製造的眼鏡被銷往全世界。時尚、奢侈品及運動眼鏡設計、製造和經銷領導品牌 Luxottica 集團,於2019年2月1日起宣佈在台灣設立直營批發業務。 Luxottica工作環境的特色在於,員工熱誠真摯、思維活躍、樂於服務,這樣的工作氛圍為公司創造屢屢佳績。我們尋找有能力的人才,希望他們帶來豐富的人生體驗和卓越的想法。作為一家跨國企業公司,我們培養具有好奇心、負責任的員工,能夠成為與我們一樣熱愛時尚品牌,並願意在各領域進行敏銳的探索。 企業核心價值 Imaginative 想像力 我們持續向前邁進,想出創新的方式來服務和啟發客戶以及自身; Passionate 熱忱 我們熱愛所做的事,關心我們的員工,我們相信,無論您身在何處,我們的工作都將改變每個人的生活,創造更美好的未來; Entrepreneurial 企業家精神 我們是改革的先驅,看見別人沒有看見的機會以及冒險的價值,使我們成為行業的領航者; Simple & Fast 效率 我們關注於本質,專注在最重要的優先事項;追求簡單明瞭、易於獲取的價值,以便快速推動改革以交付成果和質量。
0 ~ 5 applicants