277967 Training Specialist 訓練專員(須在化工廠現場教學)
10/16 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Legal Entity:SAFC Hitech Taiwan Co.
Your Role:
1.New Hire Onboarding and Training
The training specialist is accountable for designing and executing Orientation/Training Program:
• Designing and developing the company's new hire orientation and training program such as safety, quality, and six sigma to meet the demand from all functions on site with the path of the organizational development. Ensure these orientation/training programs contain appropriate resources to help trainees understand the learning objectives.
• An effective planning and coordination with stakeholders to organize onboarding support and new hire orientation for the site to ensure high quality of work can be guaranteed.
• This role is expected to track the validity of certificates, which are required per legal or compliance requirements and facilitate training arrangement.
• Site tour planning and execution for internal/external visitors including vendors, government, or science park.
2.Technology Transfer Support
The training specialist is responsible for executing Technology Transfer Support and will partner with the site leadership team to achieve:
• Apply/Introduce new technologies and develop training solutions.
3.Monitor Orientation Effectiveness
• Evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the orientation/training program, gather feedback, and make improvement suggestions to continuously enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the orientation/training process.
• Developing/maintaining the employee training record through digital platform, and provide training compliance summary report for leadership reference and reminder for trainees' catch-up.
• Ensure that the needs of trainees are adequately met and help them develop a positive work attitude and loyalty to the company.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Education and Training Specialist
【關於默克】 總部位於德國達姆施塔特的默克集團,成立於1668年,至今超過350年歷史;在全球,我們有142不同國籍、超過6萬名員工分布於 66 個國家;2022 年,整年度財務表現達 222 億歐元。 科學是我們的核心使命,從推進基因編輯技術發展,到醫治最難對抗的疾病,乃至於加速推動科技進展- 默克無所不在。 【關於台灣默克集團】 台灣默克集團於1989年成立,深耕台灣超過30年,至今有超過1000名員工,並在台北、桃園、新竹、台南、高雄等地設有10個據點以服務客戶。 *持續投資、擴張版圖* 2021年默克宣布未來5-7年將在台灣投資約170億台幣,於高雄設立默克全球首座半導體材料生產暨研發中心,用於電子科技事業體新產線與研發量能的大幅擴張,突顯默克於半導體事業發展之決心。本次投資案為默克在台營運歷年來最大規模的投資,也預計創造約400個全新工作機會,將會讓默克在台半導體科技事業的員工人數加速成長。 *企業責任,永續經營* 對我們而言,科學進展與企業家精神是齊頭並進的;這項使命激勵著默克不斷成長,為每個人創造更永續的未來;希望藉由我們的商業活動,為經濟發展與社會帶來貢獻。 -2022-2023: 響應天下雜誌簽署台灣人才永續行動 -2021-2022: 遠見企業社會責任獎ESG綜合績效類外商組首獎 -2019: 遠見第15屆CSR企業社會責任獎,榮獲幸福企業組傑出方案楷模 -2017-2019: 連續三年獲頒台灣傑出雇主及亞太區傑出雇主認證 *台灣默克集團旗下所屬企業* -台灣默克股份有限公司 -默克先進科技材料股份有限公司 -台灣賽孚思科技股份有限公司 -慧盛材料股份有限公司 -美商慧盛先進科技有限公司台灣分公司
11 ~ 30 applicants