[Sales] Overseas Sales
8/29 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 40,000~55,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

• Drive software/solution business in assigned territories with sales target and metrics.
• Build and close a pipeline of business by proactively identifying and initiating relationships with new client
• Drive business development, manage multiple opportunities through the entire business cycle simultaneously, and forecast accurately.
• Create compelling presentations and develop strategic solutions to meet customer needs.
• Discover and understand complex customer requirements on both a business and technical level. Build and maintain executive relationships with customers, influence long-term strategic direction, and act as a trusted advisor.
• Develop territory strategies to be successful at accelerating the business cycle in a competitive digital environment.
• Work closely with partners to scale demand generation and maximize business results in the territory.
• Supervise/conduct research and analysis, to develop strategies which capitalize on market potential and opportunities.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Overseas Business Development
Business or Channel Development
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
國外業務開發 業務或通路開發 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
International Sales
Sales Assistant
International Trade Specialist
iStaging Corp. 於2015年成立,與台灣工業技術研究院AR/VR研發團隊合併後獲得國發基金、大亞創投、美商中經合集團、AIL等國際知名機構投資。 以台灣為研發總部,於美國矽谷、歐洲及中國、香港都設有分公司,擁有專業領域的頂尖國際人才,並憑藉不斷創新研發多項關鍵技術的跨國專利,以及在垂直產業的商業應用領域上得到業界領導品牌客戶的極高口碑與多項的國際大獎。 目前是Google、Intel、ARM、Microsoft、ASUS等全球策略夥伴指定的AR/VR內容平台,並且建立了超過20多國的AR/VR生態圈。 提供AR/VR 垂直產業的應用服務、2D轉3D雲計算平台、AR/VR內容串流平台;已深入的商用領域包括了房產、設計、傢俱、電商新零售、文化觀光旅遊等垂直產業。目前業務範圍涵蓋美國、法國、德國、中國、日本、東南亞、中東、墨西哥…等地區超過20多個國家。 【得獎經歷】 iStaging開創AR/VR平台新典範,透過卓越的研發實力獲得全球AR/VR大獎肯定 2015年4月有中國電商最高榮譽「艾奇獎ECI Gold Award」,由iStaging獲得創新服務金獎殊榮,並且是台灣唯一得到金獎肯定並上台演說的代表; 2015年11月由APEC、英特爾、西門子共同主辦的「英特爾全球創業挑戰賽Intel APEC Global Challenge」,來自全球16國創業團隊中,iStaging一舉拿下英特爾首獎,除了獲得十萬美元獎金,還繼續晉級到英國倫敦參與挑戰賽; 2015年11月斯里蘭卡舉辦的「亞太資通訊大獎APICTA Award」共有192個企業參賽,iStaging跨國聯賣平台APP受到評審團一致讚許,在競爭激烈的「應用工具與平台項目」脫穎而出獲得金獎; 2016年3月iStaging與策略合作夥伴Acer宏碁一起參與西班牙巴塞隆納的全球移動大會MWC展示;同年6月也在上海的MWC中國移動館內聯合展示,iStaging勇於創新的精神征服國際大小戰役,成功打開國際知名度! 【International Awards】 2014 ICT Best Choice Award in Kuwait 2015 ECI Gold Award in Shanghai, China 2015 Orange Fab Asia Accelerator 2015 Tech.Co's Startup Competition Winner 2015 TechCrunch Beijing Taiwan Rep. 2015 1st Prize - Intel APEC Global Challenge 2015 The Winner of APICTA Award
6 ~ 10 applicants