BK Taiwan_台灣百科精密儀器股份有限公司
Electrical/PCB Design Engineer
9/20 Updated
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

Development working collaboratively within our sister division's Taiwan office - B&K Precision, Taiwan (BKT). We are look for an individual to design high quality, high speed, low noise analog and RF printed circuits – specifically active oscilloscope test probes. This individual must possess a thorough knowledge of PCB design software, be able to work with various design tools, and have experience in board-level troubleshoot and debug. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to collaborate within a cross-functional, international environment.
• Collaborate with CTE on new product designs specifications and development goals.
• Design electrical probe system for test instruments.
• Design single sided, double sided, and multi-layered PCB’s suing industry standard techniques, ensuring consideration for DFM/DFT have been made.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement PCB designs that meet product specifications.
• Perform design rule checks and signal integrity analysis
• Generate Gerber and assembly files for manufacturing
• Implement design changes and resolve any issues during prototyping and production stages
• Review existing products for improvements and enhancements.
• Stay current with the latest PCB design trends and technologies
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

PCB Layout Software Operation
PCB Circuit Board Diagram Drawing
PCB Sample Testing and Inspection
Product or Part Testing and Verification
New Product Research and Testing
Hardware Engineering Technology Development
Hardware System Research & Development Design
PCB Layout Planning
Electronic Circuit System Development
Electronic Circuit Design
電子電路設計 電路板佈局規劃 硬體系統研發設計 新產品研發與測試 產品或零件測試驗證 硬體工程技術開發 PCB Layout軟體操作 開發電子電路系統 PCB電路板圖表繪製 PCB樣品測試檢驗
Job Category
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Technician
PCB Layout Engineer
Hardware Development Engineer
美商台灣百科精密儀器股份有限公司(以下簡稱BK Taiwan),原茂迪股份有限公司之儀器事業部,1981年以生產並設計高級測量儀器起家,於2012年1月策略分割至美國知名精密測量儀器商-B&K Precision Corp集團,總部位於美國南加州Yorba Linda市,自1951年成立迄今提供全面的精密測量儀器,並在國際級儀器產品中享有卓著聲譽。專注於為所有顧客,包括個人消費者、教育市場乃至大型企業,提供簡易的科技使用經驗。身為全球最大的儀器公司之一,BK Taiwan持續貢獻科技智慧,迭創多項獨步全球的優異成就,服務深及個人消費者、中小企業、大型企業、政府機構與教育市場領域,BK Taiwan以其廣幅的產品與服務側身於不同場域,為企業帶來更精簡、靈活的運作效益。 秉持以科技創造人類福祉、化繁複為簡單應用的理念,BK Taiwan致力於提供可靠與值得信賴的產品與服務,促進人們發揮工作與生活的最大價值與意義,為世人帶來嶄新且愉悅的科技體驗,提供各式便捷、人性化的儀器產品設備與企業解決方案服務。 身為一個持續向未來科技探路的先驅企業,BK Taiwan每年挹注高成本從事研發與生產工作,以台北為重鎮,擁有許多科技應用之研發與整合優勢;尤其於精密儀器製程、與各式社會、經濟層面應用之科技管理系統架構素稱獨步,以最佳的人力、技術與智慧經驗,成為全球最受企業與消費者信賴的儀器專業服務業者與品牌領導者。 我們的使命是維持穩定高品質的生產力,持續開發新產品並提供完善的顧客服務,以建立我們的品牌地位與聲譽,並滿足市場不斷變化的需求。 優質的「產品」與「服務」代表了B&K Precision Corp歷史中的不同重要時期以及發展階段,BK Taiwan秉持這樣的精神走向世界驅動新未來。 •近期事蹟: -2013年榮獲經濟部國際貿易局『科技創新獎』(PVS10005可程式直流電源供應器) 。…。…。…。竭誠歡迎您加入成為BK Taiwan家族,共同迎接未來新世紀的挑戰!。…。…。…。 想瞭解有關BK Taiwan的更多資訊,請參閱全球資訊網==> http://www.bkprecision.com/
0 ~ 5 applicants