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翰科教育期待以求真、培善、樂美的精神,培育能走向國際的科學人才。在我們的理想中,這樣的人才具備多元的語言能力、對多元文化的尊重與欣賞,以及對未知的事物懷抱好奇的科學素養。因此,本機構以中文字中代表文才筆墨的「翰」字,以及代表科學的「科」字,合為本機構的名稱;並借線性代數中 Hankel Matrix (翰科爾矩陣)之諧音,將本機構之英文名字定名為Hankel International Academy,以中西合璧的命名方式,將數學的美感與精神也含納在我們的名稱之中。

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2014年「實驗教育三法」(《學校型態實驗教育實施條例》、《高級中等以下教育階段非學校形態實驗教育實施條例》與《公立國民小學及國民中學委託私人辦理條例》)三讀通過,現今社會的變遷無窮導致我們的下一代需要跳脫框架學習新的事物,而實驗教育就是是一種容許跳脫現有教育體制,做大幅實驗與創新的教育方式,課程與師資可以不受政府規範。本機構利用「多語」、「遊戲」,以及「科研」三大面向學習更多事務, 以孩子為學習主體,強調參與、操作、討論、發表、實作,打破傳統教學及評量模式;並採取《雙導師制》由外籍教師與本國教師一起關照每個孩子的學習需求,享受學習之樂!

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
◆保險類◆ 勞保 健保 勞退 團保 ◆請休假制度◆ 周休二日 依法規定各項假別 ◆獎勵制度◆ 福利假 久任獎金 年度績效獎金 ◆其他◆ 子女入學補助優惠 子女托兒補助優惠 定期員工體檢 特約商店 部門聚餐等

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Cơ hội việc làm

數學老師 Mathematics Teacher 新北市翰科實驗教育機構
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000+
翰科的教育理念是為了未來而生,並不拘泥於任何既有的單一教育體系, 褪去一塵不變的教學模式,開拓嶄新的學習思維,用自己的力量來改變台灣的教育環境,改變自己的未來。 如果你認同這個理念,如果你願意和一群有共同特質的老師切磋成長, 我們希望招募更多志同道合的夥伴加入,期待熱愛教育、熱愛學習、熱愛成長的您來到這裡,跟我們一起播種、耕耘、收穫! Hankel’s educational philosophy is designed for the future. We break free from traditional, rigid educational systems and outdated teaching methods, pioneering new learning approaches to transform Taiwan’s educational landscape and shape a brighter future. If you resonate with this vision and are eager to collaborate and grow alongside a team of like-minded educators, we invite you to join us. We are looking for passionate individuals who love education, love learning, and love personal growth. Come plant, cultivate, and harvest with us! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【工作內容】 ◆負責數理教學活動之規劃與執行 ◆訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容 ◆準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等 ◆依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度 ◆批改作業並檢定學員學習成效,透過評量結果發現學員問題並給予協助 ◆與家長聯絡,討論孩子學習狀況 ◆支授並參與學校活動 ◆有教育相關工作經驗或相關科系畢業尤佳 ◆具備良好橫向溝通能力,並有工作協調彈性 ※須具備雙語教學能力 Job Responsibilities: Plan and implement activities for mathematics teaching. Set teaching goals, curriculum scope, and design course content. Prepare teaching materials and assignments. Teach according to established goals and adjust lessons based on student performance. Grade assignments and evaluate students’learning status; identify issues through assessments and provide necessary support. Communicate with parents and discuss children’s learning progress. Support and participate in school activities. Candidates with relevant educational experience or academic background in related fields are preferred. Strong interpersonal communication skills and flexibility in work coordination are essential. We look forward to having dedicated educators join us in creating a meaningful impact in the education sector! 數理教育相關背景,須對小學數理教育推廣有濃厚興趣,並且願意投入中英文數學教材及教學法的研發。 A background in math and science education is required, along with a strong interest in promoting math and science education at the elementary level. Candidates must also be willing to contribute to the development of bilingual (Chinese and English) math teaching materials and instructional methods. 核薪依照學歷、工作經驗、證照為核薪標準
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/22 Cập nhật
Academic Section Chief 教務組長【實驗教育機構】 新北市翰科實驗教育機構
Thỏa thuận
【Key Responsibilities】: 1. Oversee and Assist in Overall School Management: - Ensure the smooth operation of all school affairs. - Collaborate with various departments to facilitate school operations. 2. Local Teacher Recruitment, Training, and Academic Management: - Recruit and train local teachers to maintain high teaching standards. - Supervise and manage the academic responsibilities of local teachers. 3. Coordinate Teaching and Activities Between Local and Foreign Teachers: - Facilitate collaboration between local and foreign teachers and ensure smooth teaching activities. - Assist in planning and executing various academic activities within the school. 4. Public Relations and Parent Communication: - Handle the school's public relations. - Maintain and foster effective communication between the school and parents. 5. Substitute for Absent Teachers and Assist with On-site Emergencies: - Substitute for absent teachers and take over their teaching duties. - Manage on-site emergencies and provide necessary support. 6. Plan and Execute Student Recruitment Activities and Organize Participation in Related Events: - Plan and execute student recruitment activities. - Organize and participate in various internal and external events to promote the school. 【Ideal Characteristics for the Role】: 1. Strong Organizational Skills: Ability to effectively manage multiple tasks and ensure all academic-related work is well-organized. 2. Excellent Communication Skills: Capable of clear communication with teachers, students, parents, and other departments to ensure accurate information dissemination. 3. Problem-Solving Ability: Quick to address and resolve various unexpected situations with appropriate solutions. 4. Leadership: Able to guide and motivate the team, fostering a positive and productive work environment. 5. Flexibility and Adaptability: Able to adapt quickly and work efficiently in a dynamic environment. 【主要職責】: 1. 總籌及協辦整體校務工作: - 確保學校各項業務的順利運行。 - 協調各部門以促進學校運作。 2. 中師招募、培訓及教務工作: - 招募並培訓中師,確保教學質量。 - 監督並管理中師的教學和相關事務。 3. 中外師教學及活動協調: - 促進中外師之間的協作及教學活動的順利進行。 - 協助規劃和執行各項校內教學活動。 4. 對外公關及對家長溝通: - 處理學校的對外公關事務。 - 維護並促進學校與家長之間的良好溝通。 5. 代理請假教師、現場臨時狀況之協助: - 於教師請假時,代理其教學職務。 - 處理現場突發狀況並提供必要的支持。 6. 規劃執行招生活動,辦理參加校內外相關活動: - 規劃並執行學校的招生活動。 - 組織並參加各類校內外相關活動,以促進學校發展。 7. 其他主管交辦事項 【適合教務組長工作的人格特質】: 1. 優秀的組織能力:能有效管理多重任務,確保所有教務相關工作井然有序。 2. 強大的溝通技巧:能與教師、學生、家長及其他部門良好溝通,確保資訊的準確傳達。 3. 問題解決能力:能迅速應對各種突發狀況,並提出適當的解決方案。 4. 領導力:具備引導及激勵團隊的能力,能夠營造積極向上的工作氛圍。 5. 靈活性及適應力:能在動態的環境中靈活應對變化並保持高效工作。
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/22 Cập nhật
體育活動專員 新北市翰科實驗教育機構
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 36,000~50,000
體育組: 1. 學校體育競賽規劃 2. 學生體適能測驗規劃與執行 3. 體育外聘課程時段講師安排與聯繫 4. 學生體育成績統計 5. 組訓學生參與校外體育賽事 訓育組 1. 校內活動辦理 2. 校外教學辦理 3. 校園活動支援 4. 課後班行政事務辦理 5. 校內獎懲實施 其他 ★★ 主管交付行政事項★★ 【持有游泳證照或救生員,薪資42K~50K】
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/22 Cập nhật