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【奢華體驗,卓越享受】Luxurious Skincare, Exceptional Service 成立於2023年12月,在恩培,美麗不只是一種表面,美麗是一種體驗,美麗是一種態度。我們的保養品和儀器來自美國和韓國的貴婦沙龍,獨家渠道取源最優質成分、最新穎的科技,旨在提供客戶無與倫比的效果和奢華絕倫的享受,特別針對追求非侵入性、美的自然又持久的客戶們量身打造。 At En Pei, we believe that beauty should be an experience, not just a routine. Our skincare products are crafted with the finest ingredients from around the world, designed to deliver unparalleled results and an indulgent experience. From anti-aging serums to rejuvenating moisturizers, our luxurious product line caters to those who seek the best in skincare. 【核心價值】 1. 品質: 我們致力於提供符合最高標準的優質產品。我們對品質的承諾體現在我們的每一款產品中。 2. 創新: 我們不斷尋找最優質的產品,以滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。 3. 人本: 客戶和員工是我們企業的核心。恩培不只滿足客戶的期待,更注重員工的福利。 Our Core Values: 1. Quality: We are committed to offering products that meet the highest standards of excellence. Our dedication to quality is evident in every product we create. 2. Innovation: We continuously seek to innovate and improve our products to meet the evolving needs of our customers. 3. People Focus: Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to exceed their expectations with every interaction. 企業文化: 在恩培,我們互相包容、合作和成長。在這裡,沒有上下之分,只有攜手同進。我們的團隊對護膚充滿熱情,致力於幫助客戶找回最美的悸動。我們持續提供員工培訓和彈性的升遷機會,協助員工找到自己的一片天。 Company Culture: At En Pei, we foster a culture of inclusivity, collaboration, and growth. Our team is passionate about skincare and dedicated to helping others feel their best. We believe in supporting our employees with ongoing training and development opportunities, recognizing their contributions, and celebrating their successes. 【完善的薪酬和福利】 在恩培,因為我們珍惜我們的夥伴,所以我們提供優於業界的休假和例假;因為我們重視我們的夥伴,所以我們提供業界最高抽成制度。下至育兒補助、進修補助,上至旅遊假、心情假等,我們用對待自己的方式去對待我們的夥伴。 Comprehensive Compensation and Benefits At En Pei, we cherish our partners, which is why we offer vacation and holidays that surpass industry standards. Because we value our partners, we provide the highest commission rates in the industry. From childcare subsidies and educational assistance to travel leave and mental health leave, we treat our partners the way we would like to be treated ourselves. 【全球佈局】 我們的產品和服務佈局世界各大城市,包括: • 美國 紐約、夏威夷、拉斯維加斯、比佛利山莊等 • 韓國 首爾 • 英國 倫敦 • 澳洲 雪梨 • 新加坡 樟宜國際機場 • 香港 灣仔 Global Locations: our products and services reach customers in major cities worldwide, including: • USA: New York, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Beverly Hills • South Korea: Seoul • UK: London • Australia: Sydney • Singapore: Changi International Airport • Hong Kong: Wan Chai 【加入我們】 如果你渴望翻轉人生、如果你渴望斜槓創業、如果你渴望年薪百萬,如果你已經讀到這裡了,我們相信你有比別人更強的心智和欲望,歡迎加入我們成為超級業務! Join Us If you desire to transform your life, if you aspire to start a side business, if you aim for a six-figure annual salary, and if you've read this far, we believe you have stronger willpower and ambition than others. Welcome to join us and become a top salesperson!

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Sản phẩm chính

儀器: 來自韓國的美帝娜奈米導入 Beautinelle Nanoinfusion: 產品: 來自美國比佛利山莊的Dermalactives: 來自美國加州的Celestolite:

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
員工是公司最重要的投資,以下請詳閱: - 要喝水:免費供給瓶裝飲用水,不用自備 - 要吃飽:不定期供給下午茶 - 要有錢:不定期員工激勵獎金 - 要好好玩:提前1-2個月前告知公司即可安排一週以上旅遊長假。公司按年資提供旅遊假,可以合併特休一起休。 - 要自由:休假日自選 - 要開心:每月有數小時不等的心情假,照顧員工臨時的情緒 - 要好看:每年補助治裝費7000元,感謝員工打理自己,也是照顧公司門面! - 要顧家:家有6歲以下幼童每位每月補助500元 - 要一起:介紹朋友一起來上班,最高可領20000元獎金

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

美容師 恩培顧問有限公司
論件計酬 NT$ 15,000+
- 詳細解說產品,協助客戶挑選適合當天膚況的保養品進行護膚 - 基本洗卸、清粉刺、敷膜、臉部按摩
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/23 Cập nhật
兼職高薪門市銷售人員 恩培顧問有限公司
部分工時(月薪) NT$ 30,000~30,000
- 與主管一起開發、服務、轉化潛在客戶 - 提供客戶一對一個人服務:教導產品使用方式、協助客戶完成服務預約、解答顧客疑惑 - 盤點庫存、簡單店面清潔維護
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/23 Cập nhật
高抽成門市銷售人員[無經驗可][外商風氣][福利佳] 恩培顧問有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000~200,000
- 與主管一起開發、轉化潛在客戶 - 提供客戶一對一個人服務:教導產品使用方式、協助客戶完成服務預約、解答顧客疑惑 - 盤點庫存、簡單店面清潔維護 會手把手教到可以獨立銷售,歡迎對保養品銷售有熱誠的朋友加入,既可以帶給客人好的效果也可以帶給自己好的獎金。 注意:需久站、耐熱、心理素質堅強。沒有任何高薪是不用付出的,投遞履歷請三思。
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/23 Cập nhật