Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司

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Super Micro Computer, Inc. or Supermicro係全球高效能、高效率伺服器科技與創新的領導廠商,亦是全球專門針對 HPC、資料運算中心、雲端運算、企業 IT、Hadoop / 巨量資料處理及嵌入式系統從最完整到最精簡化綠能運算解決方案的先驅。 Supermicro先進模組化構建式伺服器解決方案 〈 Building Block Solutions〉,其可模組化、可互相相容的元件為其構建出高效節能、最佳化應用、最佳運算等解決方案提供了一個不受擴充限制的先進架構。此先進架構產品線包括伺服器、刀鋒、GPU 系統、工作站、主機板、機箱、電源供應器、儲存技術、網路解決方案、伺服器管理軟體與 SuperRack 機櫃/配件。 架構上的創新包括雙子星 (Twin) 架構、FatTwin™、SuperServer、SuperBlade、MicroCloud、Super Storage Bridge Bay (SBB)、Double-Sided Storage、電池備援電力模組(BBP)、Universal I/O (UIO) 及 WIO 擴充技術,全都可以提供無與倫比的效能與價值。 本公司秉持著提供最佳化、最彈性擴充之新穎技術與最齊全最廣泛之超高性能伺服器產品選擇,能有效為客戶降低總擁有權成本 (TCO),進而成為市場上第一領導品牌的地位。 其系統解決方案涵蓋各種世界上首屈一指複雜的運算需求,例如資料運算中心與雲端運算服務、巨型且具備彈性擴充伺服器中心、用於科學與研究的超級運算叢集、具有複雜計算商業需求〈例如金融證券服務、石油與天然氣勘探、多媒體運算與多媒體娛樂公司〉、工業應用、醫療儀器設備、數位安全監控系統等。 Supermicro結合 20 年以上的先進工程設計經驗與有效生產和整合的專業知識,最先開發並推出於市場的綠色運算解決方案。本公司提倡「 We Keep IT Green 」,運用先進技術,致力於降低電腦科技對環境之負面影響。 Supermicro創立於 1993 年,總部設於加州聖荷西。三大營運中心位於美國矽谷、荷蘭及台灣Supermicro亞太科技園區與物流中心。Supermicro自成立以來,年年均有成長,並持續不斷擴展其全球業務。目前全球員工人數超過4500名,並將持續招募新血。歡迎優秀的人才,一同加入Supermicro的團隊。

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính

1.主機板與伺服器之研發/製造與銷售 2.資料儲存及處理設備製造業 3.資訊軟體服務業 4.資料處理服務業 5.資訊供應服務業

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
◆ 薪酬類 1.每年發放 2 次績效獎金 2.中秋、端午及生日禮券 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工免費團保 4.眷屬優惠自費保險 ◆ 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.優於勞基法的特休制度 ◆ 補助類 1.結婚禮金 2.生育禮金 3.住院、喪禮慰問金 4.子女獎學金 5.運動健身補助 ◆ 其他類 1.公司週年慶、年終尾牙 2.定期電影欣賞會、電影票發放 3.定期部門聚餐 4.社團活動補助 5.免費供應午餐(八德) 6.免費機車停車位(八德) 站上國際舞台,開創非凡職涯:至美國加州矽谷、荷蘭出差與培訓的機會,與世界頂尖研發人員切磋交流

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Server Testing Engineer 測試工程師_YC24729(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Testing of latest technologies in server products. 2.Debugging and diagnose failed units, trouble shooting, repair and retest products. Approaches technical problems in a rational manner using sound strategies that ensure rehensive understanding, team work and effective resolution strategies. 3.Maintain SOP and write up test plan for new products. 4.Develop database to track defect history to understand application areas to improve and track actual testing progress against the plan and ultimately provide visibility into release schedule and release quality. 5.Develop automated testing tools or test scripts to support and assist the company testing efforts4. All kinds of high-end OS installation (Windows / Linux server) and system peripheral compatibility test. 6. The network & storage systems function & performance testing
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.) Production Quality Engineer_YC24261(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Professional and skill of EMS PCBA processes of SMT, DIP, Assembly, Testing, and Packing. 2. Experience and skill of Electronic components, PCB material, Plastic material, and Mechanical parts. 3. Professional and skill in PCBA production's ESD, MSD, and material traceability control. 4. Knowledge of IPC-A-610 and solderability, and reliability test standards. 5. Professional and skill in quality tools and statistical process control (SPC). 6. PCBA CM FAI/ IPQC/ FQC processes audits, and counseling when necessary. 7. PCBA CM audits QPA/QSA and counseling when necessary. 8. Assist buyers in doing PCBA and material quality/technical support. 9. Material specification confirmation for PCBA production and product quality. 10. Quality event reports, skill of purge/block process, and schedule tracking/control. 11. CAR/FA/8D tool and report skill. 12. KPI objective and performance tool and tracking. 13. PFMEA risk management tool and skill. 14. Efficient collaboration and coordination with the team.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.) Production Quality Manager_YC24263(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Professional and skill of EMS PCBA processes of SMT, DIP, Assembly, Testing, and Packing. 2. Experience and skill of Electronic components, PCB material, Plastic material, and Mechanical parts. 3. Professional and skill in PCBA production's ESD, MSD, and material traceability control. 4. Knowledge of IPC-A-610 and solderability, and reliability test standards. 5. Professional and skill in quality tools and statistical process control (SPC). 6. PCBA CM FAI/ IPQC/ FQC processes audits, and counseling when necessary. 7. PCBA CM audits QPA/QSA and counseling when necessary. 8. Assist buyers in doing PCBA and material quality/technical support. 9. Material specification confirmation for PCBA production and product quality. 10. Quality event reports, skill of purge/block process, and schedule tracking/control. 11. CAR/FA/8D tool and report skill. 12. KPI objective and performance tool and tracking. 13. PFMEA risk management tool and skill. 14. Team management and efficient collaboration and coordination.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.) Production Manager_YC24264(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. IQC/Production planning and control and lead a team of production supervisors, technicians, and operators to achieve productivity, cost, quality, and delivery performance. 2. Plan and deploy resources to meet department KPI targets and company objectives. 3. Initiate continuous improvement to eliminate waste. 4. Ensure minimal production downtime and process bottlenecks. 5. Cycle time and time study activities for all production lines. 6. Report in weekly department meeting. 7. Work with other departments and Taiwan/U.S. headquarters to pursue performance excellence.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
9/19 Cập nhật
Production Supervisor_YC24265(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Arrange production schedule according to incoming quantity, track production progress and follow up. 2. Write visual inspection and functional test SOPs based on inspection specifications or documents. 3. Assist operators in troubleshooting problems encountered during production. 4. Implement ESD protection, 5S sorting, and inspection instrument maintenance management. 5. Problem reporting and tracking.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
9/19 Cập nhật
Power Supply Quality Engineer_YC24156(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Strong background and experience for quality improvement process and issue handling/driving ability. 2.Plan and coordinate TQM projects. 3.Good concept of IQC process, AQL standard and component test method. 4.General knowledge of PCBA processes (incl. SMT, DIP, Assembly, Testing, Packing…etc.) would be a plus. 5.Familiar with IPC-A-610 electronic manufacturing standard and ability to do trouble shooting on PCBA quality issues. 6.Need for analysis ability for production failure data and tracking issues to different departments for improvement report and review for feasibility. 7.Conduct root cause analysis for defects and quality issues. Implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.) Production Manager_YC24158(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Production manager is responsible for facilitate improvement projects and events to eliminate waste and increase efficiencies in various  functional areas of the manufacturing processes. (Include SMT/Wave solder/Function Test/Packing.) 2. The position will require skill sets to break down complex operations with a process oriented mindset, analyze and assist in the implementation of     the plants strategic plan, provide project management support, employee training and development. 3. Plans and prepares production schedules for manufacture of industrial or commercial products (Project transfer from Taiwan to Malaysia factory). 4. Analyzes production specifications and plant capacity data to determine manufacturing processes, tools, and human resource requirements. 5. Coordinates manufacturing activities and monitors schedule performance against plan to maintain priorities and meet established schedules by     meeting on a regular basis with cross-  functional teams to resolve delayed customer shipments, component shortages, component quality issue     priorities, as well as identifying problems. 6. Handles cross department communication, such as: handling expedited requests, supplying shipping information, and review quality issues and   performance of CM correct action. 7. Perform other work-related task as required. (Fail analysis and co-work with RD for critical NG symptom.)
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản trị
9/19 Cập nhật
(Staff/Sr.) Firmware Engineer (Network Switch)_TC230337 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Summary: Seeking 4 experienced Firmware Engineers. This position will be responsible for working with engineering teams to develop (1) Network Switch Firmware (2) Network Performance Profile Tools (3) CXL Switch Box Management Firmware Essential Duties and Responsibilities: - Develop L2 bridging, L3 routing functions and protocols (VLAN, QinQ, STP, OSPF, BGP) - Develop the network testing tools for evaluating the network performance of switch - Responsible for designing, debugging, developing and maintaining the firmware for network switch platform - Develop CXL Switch product management Firmware
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Sr. Service Engineer_24734 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
•Handle deployment, maintenance, and troubleshooting of servers, GPU systems, networking, and configurations in data centers. •Service replaceable components and diagnose issues with various GPU systems. •Ensure prompt resolution of escalations and assist with Linux support. •Work with managers to define service programs, share knowledge, and train new engineers on data center practices. •Travel to data centers to resolve customer issues and provide training. •Take ownership of customer base, demonstrate self-sufficiency, and effectively resolve technical issues in data centers. •Manage time effectively, work flexible hours, and drive to different data center locations as needed. •Generate meaningful reports and metrics related to data center operations.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Power Supply Production Engineer_YC23586(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Audit production line and report to supervisor daily. 2.Correct the mistakes that finding in production line immediately. 3.Check the EN/ECN (Engineering Change) implement status in production line. 4.Co-work with vendor to improve process and quality issue. 5.NPI. (Check Pilot run documents, SOP, Fixture/Jig, tracking PR open issue)
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Product Manager - Strategic Components(NL) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Job Summary: Supermicro is looking for a Product Manager who is a good team player with engineering, supply chain or operation background. The Product Manager must be well organized in project management, product promotion or business development with excellent communication skills with internal multifunctional teams and external customers. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The Product Manager's responsibilities will include, but not limited to: • Develop new storage memory products and manage through entire Product-Lifecycle. • Generate product launch plan, include market forecast, project milestone timeline, product specifications and product line roadmap • Drive product test /qualification and Mfg. /Test processes -Generate product Cost (Baseline) and load internal system for product launch/release • Perform Market & Competitor Analysis • Drive product promotion with internal and external • Engage with customer interface and customer support from launch through EOL. • Build up and maintain vendor relationship • PO management • Backlog , Forecast, Price negotiation and QBR with vendor
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.) Production Engineer-資深/生產技術工程師-YC24157 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Co-working with customer and reporting. 2. Co-working with relative departments and CM during sample run stage. 3. project management and manufacturing technology. 4. Responsible for coordinating production resources. 5. Responsible for the bridge between Production and Customers to meet customers' needs. 6. NPI (MP) problem analysis and quality improvement.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.)Production Software Engineer(資深) 生產軟體工程師-YC24159(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Develop testing utilities 2. Build up function testing program. 3. Enhance testing coverage. 4. Reduce testing cycle time. 5. Develop automation testing.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/19 Cập nhật
伺服器生產經理Server Production Manager_YC24725(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Summary: Production manager is responsible for facilitate improvement projects and Kaizen (Rapid Continuous Improvement) events to eliminate waste and increase efficiencies in various functional areas of the manufacturing processes (manufacturing processes, yield improvements and cycle time improvements). The position will require skill sets to break down complex operations with a process oriented mindset, analyze and assist in the implementation of the plants strategic plan, provide project management support, employee training and development. Develops operating plan summaries for assigned product families and selected SKU’s including demand, inventory and production data. Provides daily-bucketed schedules by SKU to manufacturing and installs production compliance metrics to measure performance. Plans and prepares production schedules for manufacture of industrial or commercial products. Prepares master schedule to meet shipping dates according to sales forecasts or customer orders. Analyzes production specifications and plant capacity data to determine manufacturing processes, tools, and human resource requirements. Plans and schedules workflow for each line and operation according to previously established manufacturing sequences and lead times. Coordinates manufacturing activities and monitors schedule performance against plan to maintain priorities and meet established schedules by meeting on a regular basis with cross-functional teams to resolve delayed customer shipments, component shortages, overtime, priorities, as well as identifying problems. Expedites operations that delay schedules and alters schedules to meet unforeseen conditions. Handles cross department communication, such as: handling expedited requests, supplying shipping information, and routine order status questions. Perform other work related task as required. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Oversee production planning and control and lead a team of production supervisors, technicians and assembly operators to achieve Productivity, Cost, quality and Delivery Performance; 2. Plan and deploy resources to meet KPI targets and company objectives; 3. Initiate continuous improvement to eliminate waste; 4. Ensure minimal production downtime and process bottlenecks; 5. Cycle time and time study activities for all production lines; 6. Report in weekly operations reviews; 7. Ensure safety standards are adhered to; 8. Collaboration with other departments and headquarters to drive for excellence
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/19 Cập nhật
Sr. System Debug Engineer-Netherlands 荷蘭 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Job Summary: Supermicro is looking for an experienced Sr. Debug Engineer with strong server architectural background. As the core member in the RD lab department, you will be team lead managing and resolving post internal and external inquiries and issues in a timely to ensure customer satisfaction. In this role, you will be asked to utilize your technical skills and collaborate closely with cross-functional engineering teams to review both hardware and software specifications and recommend improvement plans to resolve the issue Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Job specific tasks and duties. • Motherboard and System-level defect analysis and troubleshoot o improve product quality. • Improve testing techniques/procedures for analyzing system failure data efficiently • Collaborate with cross-functional engineering teams to review customer’s issue, and provide improvement plans to resolve the issues in a timely manner. • Be preventing any quality-related issues of design in early-stage and provided with write Root cause analysis • Drive case study or/and issue resolution recommendations. • Help testing and testing techniques/procedures and product quality • Level 3 technical support debugging root cause for customer issue • Work with R&D to have solution for root cause and follow up for Eco • Provide root cause analysis for customer FAR • Support product manager and sales for technical issues • Monitor RMA and work with R&D and production to decrease RMA • Collaborate with EE/ME designers and validation engineers to discover and preventing any quality-related issues of design in the early stage. • Presentation skill is a plus.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Equipment Engineer生產設備工程師_YC24730(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Carry out design, development, evaluation and planning of production equipment in accordance with production product needs. 2. Execute project planning related to production equipment/jigs. 3. Design production equipment/jigs and find manufacturers to make them 4. Handle production equipment/jigs problems and introduce countermeasures 5. Responsible for daily inspection and regular maintenance of production equipment/jigs. 6. Responsible for writing various specifications and related documents for production equipment/jigs. 7. Operation, repair and maintenance of public equipment (electrical equipment, air conditioners, air compressors, etc.).
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
9/19 Cập nhật
(Sr.) Software Design Engineer_TC21189 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
We are seeking (Sr.) Software Engineers for Zhonghe(中和)/TaoYuan Bade (桃園八德) Office. We need some excellent software design engineers for the development of more valuable and advanced software features and support more broad range of MB/Chassis/System. 1. Server management software design, implement and validate. 2. Innovate competitive server management software features. 3. Leveling up and automating server management services. 4. Sorting complex server firmware/hardware functionalities. Present functionalities with simple and friendly user interface. 5. Troubleshoot issues and provide solutions. 6. Preferred programming language: C++/C/Golang 7. Supporting OS: Linux/Windows/Unix/Hypervisors.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Validation Engineer_TC20262 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~70,000
1. Server MB/System function check 2. Server MB/System Reliability / performance check 3. O.S and device compatibility test 4. New Server function/architecture study and come out test plan. 5. Customer issue duplication and find out solution. 6. Operating system (Windows /Linux), drivers and add-on cards compatibility validation. 7. Hardware Certification Test. (Windows /RHEL /VMWare /Citrix /Ubuntu /SAP) 8. Management Software validation. 9. System Reliability integration test for Supermicro server/workstation/desktop products. 10. Key Componment Qualification (CPU /Memory /Power Supply) Skill is required to trobuleshooting testing problems, you can identify and distinguish issues relate to hardware, firmware, software or driver. Good communication skill and well schedule control are also required, you will be a team player during project ongoing.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Application Validation Engineer 應用驗證工程師-TC20524 Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~70,000
負責Server相關產品之應用層面驗證工作: 1.規劃測試計畫與測試案例。 2.測試與驗證系統功能、相容性、效能、壓力承載、可靠度等。 3.建立測試環境,撰寫、維護、改善測試程式。 4.分析測試資料、釐清問題、提出改善建議,並撰寫測試報告。 5.維護相關測試設備。
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
Warehouse Leader _YC24711(馬來西亞) Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Job Summary: 1.Report to SUPV and collaborate with internal WH team to achieves goals and overcome obstacles. 2.Familiar with warehouse WIP/SOP. Foresee problem to prevent mistake and coach new hires. 3.Monitor efficiency and quality of staffs to complete daily job in time.  4.Resolve common mistake and errors during daily operation. 5.Supervise teammates to make sure they meet SMC core values -Quality/Productivity/Teawork /Job Knowledge/Work Environment- Health, Safety& Security/Reliability & Dependability. 6.Propose both process and syst6em improvement plan to SUPV in order to achieve Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Receiving team –  Lead staffs to execute daily receiving job and ensure the received goods are correct and in good status. Escalate the disqualified shipment to buyer or IQC to check. Book daily receiving log in SAP correctly. Track IQC completion schedule to release cargo to inventory in time. Collect and keep the damage record of received shipments to file claim. Inventory team –   Lead staffs to correctly enter cargo data, including Date code, batch, revision, and COO into E-Logbook for inventory control. Ensure the daily orders are  correctly processed and transferred in time to achieve KPI. Supervise the quarterly scrap program to complete in time. Monitor daily cycle count and annual physical count progress for inventory accuracy. Trucking/Packing – Lead staffs to complete daily orders and ship out on time per customer requested ETD. Check and make sure the products from inventory are consistent with orders and match special handling request from customer. Oversaw daily shipment released to truckers and comply with revenue recognition rule.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
9/16 Cập nhật