WoWi Approval Services, Inc_康來士科技顧問股份有限公司

Company Introduction

15 Employees
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WoWi’s goal is to go beyond what we already offer to provide approval services worldwide.

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Main Products

Product Type: Radio / Wireless - Low Power and Short Range Devices Radio / Wireless - High Power and Licensed Devices Safety - ITE/ Digital Devices EMC - ITE / Digital Devices Wired Telecommunication Devices Countries Covered: North Americas / South America / Asia Pacific / Europe / MIDDLE EAST AFRICA We are the consultant international approval company that helps the electronic company as well as manufacturers such as Samsung; Microsoft these big branding and local manufacturers… obtain type approval certificates for their 3C electronic products around the world. Therefore, we have to contact with the official approval institute or local distributor company for each region in the world by English or their native languages. Currently, we have a lot of requirements for type approval application in the Western African countries such as Mauritania or Gabon; Middle East countries such as Iran or Lebanon ; CIS countries such as Azerbaijan or Russia.. . So we have to contact with the local company or government there by their language in order to get more information details regarding type approval application, follow-up with the latest progress of the projects, or solve the pending issues in case there are any stocks in the project status.


享勞保/健保/勞退 週休二日 員工教育訓練 三節獎金 不定時聚餐 員工旅遊 員工健檢 國內外出差交通補助


Project Manager(初階)- 英文/西班牙文–(Junior)-English/Spanish WoWi Approval Services, Inc_康來士科技顧問股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,000+
1. 具備英文語言能力,如兼具有西班牙文能力極佳. 2. 認證案件申請和管理 3. 各國政府認證單位之代理聯繫和國家法規更新 4. 工作經驗多,協調判斷能力強者優先錄取 5. 如工作需要,需短期出差 6. 個性積極,抗壓力佳 7. 公司業務穩定, 提供國際化工作環境, 福利待遇佳,適長期職業規劃
Mid to Senior Level
9/27 Updated