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你知道一般玻璃與強化玻璃的差別嗎? 你知道普通玻璃如何"進化"成強化玻璃嗎? 同昌機械創立於1976年,是專業於設計及製造平板玻璃強化爐設備的廠商。我們擁有設計及製造水平式玻璃強化爐的豐富經驗,經由我們的玻璃強化爐所生產出來的產品隨處可見,包含建築用的玻璃、手機用的鋼化玻璃等等。我們的客戶分佈世界各地,例如:英國、日本、美國、澳洲、愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、韓國、印尼、新加坡、沙烏地阿拉伯、馬來西亞、印度、台灣及中國。我們是世界目前排名前五的水平式玻璃強化爐及各類工業爐具的製造廠商。

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Sản phẩm chính

(1)水平式平板玻璃強化爐 (2)玻璃彎曲爐 (3)高溫燒結爐 (4)琺瑯燒成爐 (5)膠合玻璃設備 (6)電子精密高低溫爐 (7)連續式焊接爐 (8)自動化設備

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
(1)依人事行政局公告休假 (2)依法規定保險保障及給假 (3)三節禮品、端午及中秋節禮金 (4)依營運發給績效獎金、年終獎金 (5)加班費 (6)國外出差加給 (7)國內、外員工旅遊 (8)生日禮金 (9)汽機車停車位 (10)員工制服、安全鞋(依職務需求) (11)員工子女獎學金 (12)尾牙餐會、摸彩 (13)福委會不定期舉辦活動 (14)定期AED訓練 (15)教育訓練補助 (16)提供販賣機、茶水間、咖啡機、每月點心下午茶

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Technical Sales Leader 同昌機械股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 55,000+
You are going to lead the sales department to deal with customers from domestic and International. To be in this position, you will need to have experience working in industrial equipment, automation, or semiconductors preferred. Majors in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, international trade, business administration, or foreign languages are preferred. Responsibilities: * Reply to customers inquiring in daily basis with our overseas sales VP. * Monitoring each ongoing project progress. * In contact with end user for product introduction. * Organizing and prepare for overseas exhibitions. * Overseas traveling is a must. * Report to managing director on each project progress. * You will be sales leader in the team, and you work to ensure the professional sales and resellers are kept up to date on the latest technology offering from engineering dept. * Sales mindset and orientation. * be able to work with customers and channel partners, independently, to understand their requirements and be able to recommend solutions to address their needs. Qualification: * Minimum Bachelor’s of Science degree. Preferred Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or related filed. * 5+ years of industry equipments experience in sales related jobs. or, Master Degree (or above) in the tech. fields of mechanical engineering, international trade, business administrative or Electrical Engineering, etc. * End customer support experience * Active listen ability * Fluent in English is a must. * Proposal preparation * Good communication, crisis management and team building skills * Analytical, driven, and organized. * Project management experience.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/27 Cập nhật
電氣技術員/電氣工程師 同昌機械股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~50,000
1. 機台設備 電路設計規劃及配線. 熟AutoCAD 2D_3D / Eplan繪圖者佳. 2. 試車調機 進行軟體之測試與修改. 需配合出差至客戶測試。 3. 技術文件手冊 BOM表/操作安裝維護手冊撰寫 4. 須配合至國外出差(美、歐、日、韓為主)。 5. 客戶問題處理、維繫客戶關係 本科系畢業,無經驗35000起 ※※※依經驗調整薪資※※※
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/27 Cập nhật
PLC電控工程師,軟體工程師 同昌機械股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~50,000
1. 依據訂單需求進行電機之程式開發及測試驗證。 2. 電機技術資料建檔。 3. 參與設備試機。 4. 執行主管交辦事項。 5.可配合出差。 *具備HMI編程相關經驗優先錄取 *具備PLC編程相關經驗
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/27 Cập nhật