Integration manager [串接專案管理師] (歡迎資訊&資管科系應屆畢業生)
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(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

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我們是Azure Tech,目前積極擴展團隊,尋找具有創新思維和渴望在全球舞台上發展的人才!
[串接專案管理師] 主要負責客戶系統對接上線以及即時反應客戶端的技術支援服務,以提供優質的客戶服務。
*上班時間為中班 (15:00 - 23:00)
*培訓期(3-6個月)後可居家辦公 須定期回公司參加培訓
1. 處理客戶提出的技術問題
2. 維護和改善內部流程和工具,例如:追蹤、歸納整理客戶各類型問題,並回饋給相關人員
3. 技術支援文檔之更新維護
4. 客戶相關資料建置以及管理
5. 客戶產品上線專案管理
6. 跨部門溝通協調
Objectives for support service: Tasks include handling day to day support and service requests from our business customers, track and follow up on bugs and issues with our third-party developers, maintain and improve the processes and tools required to get the job done, and being just a life-saver in general when it comes to anything technical.
TOEIC 800+
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
15:00 - 23:00
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
Software Project Manager
Customer Service Engineer
Sales Support Engineer
近幾年線上遊戲產業急速成長,已經成為未來最大的主要產業趨勢之一。 【藍窗科技】團隊在亞洲區的遊戲領域中佔有不容忽視的角色,比起大量開發創新的遊戲,藍窗科技對於遊戲高品質的要求更是眾所皆知,也是唯一少數在歐洲屢獲殊榮的遊戲公司技術服務代理商。 同時【藍窗科技】也把世界首屈一指的科技技術支援及服務引進亞洲市場,提供客戶耳目一新的客製化服務。 判斷一間公司最快的是透過客戶的質量去衡量,藍窗科技擁有許多領先全球最頂尖的亞洲區客戶,而他們都非常信任【藍窗科技】提供給他們的客製化服務。 Introducing AZURE... We’ve all seen how online games have taken the world by storm, fast becoming one of the biggest global trends in history. AZURE Tech LTD. is playing a vital role in the online gaming space in Asia. We have hand-picked some of the innovative and award-winning games for Asian market instead of focusing only on quantity, and AZURE Tech is the exclusive distributor for some of Europe’s most respected game studios. With the strong technical support team and well defined framework, Azure tech demonstrates the world-class technical support and service to the industry, bringing tailored customized service to our clients. Companies are commonly be judged based on the quality of their customer base, and AZURE Tech has topped the list in Asia with multi-nation customers who do appreciate AZURE’s quality of service.
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển