
Company Introduction

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近幾年線上遊戲產業急速成長,已經成為未來最大的主要產業趨勢之一。 【藍窗科技】團隊在亞洲區的遊戲領域中佔有不容忽視的角色,比起大量開發創新的遊戲,藍窗科技對於遊戲高品質的要求更是眾所皆知,也是唯一少數在歐洲屢獲殊榮的遊戲公司技術服務代理商。 同時【藍窗科技】也把世界首屈一指的科技技術支援及服務引進亞洲市場,提供客戶耳目一新的客製化服務。 判斷一間公司最快的是透過客戶的質量去衡量,藍窗科技擁有許多領先全球最頂尖的亞洲區客戶,而他們都非常信任【藍窗科技】提供給他們的客製化服務。 Introducing AZURE... We’ve all seen how online games have taken the world by storm, fast becoming one of the biggest global trends in history. AZURE Tech LTD. is playing a vital role in the online gaming space in Asia. We have hand-picked some of the innovative and award-winning games for Asian market instead of focusing only on quantity, and AZURE Tech is the exclusive distributor for some of Europe’s most respected game studios. With the strong technical support team and well defined framework, Azure tech demonstrates the world-class technical support and service to the industry, bringing tailored customized service to our clients. Companies are commonly be judged based on the quality of their customer base, and AZURE Tech has topped the list in Asia with multi-nation customers who do appreciate AZURE’s quality of service.

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【藍窗科技】創立於2018年,來自歐洲的新創公司,2019年將總部設立在位於東亞地區擁有最先進的科技資訊、地理位置最活躍的台北市中心。 【藍窗科技】融合豐富歐洲產業經驗夥伴以及長期著力於亞洲市場的合作夥伴,期待在亞洲市場迅速崛起,證明【藍窗科技】的獨到融合能力。 Vision AZURE Tech is a startup company established since 2018 and set up its Asian HQ in 2019 right in the geographical and technological heart of dynamic East Asia...Taipei, Taiwan. Taking the perfect mashup of all leading gaming to the next level is our vision, and our rapid growth in recent months in the Asian market has proven how astute our goal has been.


✦彈性上下班 ✦保障年薪13個月 ✦生日假 ✦任職滿一年特休15天 ✦員工健檢 ✦團建、尾牙 ✦不定期員工聚餐 ✦人才介紹獎金制度 ✦三節獎金 ★工作環境★ 不同於傳統的工作環境,在這裡你可以遇到很多不同的團隊成員,而這些團隊由一群在各自專業領域相當頂尖的人才組成,對工作的熱誠以及渴望在公司發展同時做出卓越貢獻的年輕夥伴。位於捷運南京復興站周圍,少了擁擠的人潮,多了生活的閒適,藍窗科技的辦公室營造出一個現代感、舒適卻充滿活力的工作環境,為的就是能夠與夥伴一起享受工作日常所帶來的樂趣與挑戰。 藍窗科技對於管理哲學的核心理念為,在誠實互信的基礎上,每位夥伴皆能在團隊中對於事件的觀察並提出個人見解與獨到的想法,建立有效的雙向溝通。 在工作過程中遇到難解的挑戰時,公共的休憩空間讓你能與其他團隊交流,另有提供Mini Bar咖啡及零食無限享用,隨時補充體力增加工作效率,將棘手任務迎刃而解。 Workplace Environment: Unlike the traditional workspace, Azure Tech provides a dynamic environment as most team members are filled with genuine eagerness and drive most often seen in today’s successful startups! Located on MRT Nanjing Fuxing Station, there is relax atmosphere and non crowded street, AZURE’s office is a modern, relaxing, and vibrant office space where dynamic teams work with as “partners” in the pursuit of getting the most out of each working day. An essential part of AZURE’s management philosophy is to encourage honest and constructive expression, which everyone may offer their personal insights to each step and goal as part of a unified, yet diverse, team. There’s even a serviced mini bar with complimentary snacks and beverages whenever you need, and a comfortable public space where casual chats can help to “keep things real”. ★工作與休閒間的平衡★ 【藍窗科技】提倡工作與休息一樣重要,這不是一句口號,而是一種生活態度。 【藍窗科技】身為一個新世代的科技公司,非常重視夥伴能同時兼顧工作與個人生活。我們常說專注於目標、心無旁鶩,我們期望夥伴透過在工作上專注的努力是為了能夠實現心中的目標。 Work-Life Balance: Priorities matter! At AZURE Tech, Work-Life Balance is more than just a slogan, it is a life style. As a next-generation tech company, AZURE embraces the value of keeping a healthy balance between what personal life and work demands. “Keep your eyes on the prize” speaks to having the “big picture” clearly on focus at all times, meanwhile it means not losing sight of the things that matter most in life. ★個人職涯發展★ 若你認為提升英文能力很重要,那你就該加入【藍窗科技】成為我們的工作夥伴,我們有來自世界各地不同國家的工作夥伴,不是每位夥伴的母語都是英文,所以透由日常對話與會議時的多方溝通,讓團隊的彼此在無形之中一起提升英文聽說讀寫的能力。 除了語言能力的重要性,我們也非常重視團隊合作,透過一個交叉培訓,讓團隊中不同領域的夥伴都能學習到溝通協調的技巧。 公司也聆聽員工內心對於個人發展期盼和目標,並給願意提供機會和幫助讓夥伴能更快接近自己的期許。 Professional Development: If improving English skill is important to you, then AZURE Tech is the right place to be! Our multi-national co-workers are determined that working language is English, and Mandarin Chinese is the secondary language. One of the most attractive aspects of AZURE’s workplace environment (inside and outside the workspace) is how pleasant it is to work with coworkers and partners whose native language is not English, so everyone is happy to be part of an ongoing team effort to lift up the English skills. In addition to communication, AZURE Tech is proud of our efficient teamwork, which includes cross-training where each team member may build skills in cross-team coordination and communication. Furthermore, we are 100% committed to taking our teammate's career development objectives seriously. AZURE Tech provides the facilities and opportunities to cultivate employee capabilities. 執行長的話: ★誠信: 恪守明確的道德標準,我們均永遠保持誠懇以及言行一致。 ★共贏: 合作互利, 與客戶企業一起成長,並力求創造超出客戶期望的價值。 ★以人為本: 營造多樣化人才可以充滿活力投入工作的企業風氣,力求實現每位夥伴創造成果和自我成長的成就感。


Software Marketing & Campaign Specialist 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
我們公司需要一位「Software Marketing & Campaign Specialist」,能為在前線的商務團隊提供強大的火力後援,並同時提供客戶優質的服務。我們需要一個既能夠與團隊相處融洽也能夠獨立且有效率完成工作的你,如果你是一個自律、正面積極、對工作保持熱忱且能主動協助解決問題的人,歡迎加入我們的團隊。 若你對遊戲產業/行銷/專案管理工作內容有興趣者,此職位經培訓後(1年以上),有機會轉客戶經理,歡迎有志者加入。 We are looking for a Software Marketing & Campaign Specialist with competence to provide high quality service to both the internal commercial team and external clients. Ability to work as a team player and as individual on marketing tasks with high efficiency will also be required. If you consider yourself self-disciplined, aggressive, passionate at work and willing to solve problems proactively, you are definitely welcome to join our team. For the right person, this position could lead to an Account Manager promotion after at least 1 year of training. Hence, if you are interested in the Game industry, especially in a marketing/project management capacity, we welcome you to join us. [職務內容Responsibilities] 1. Design and execute a comprehensive company branding plans suitable official website, social media, and other platforms. 2. Perform competition analysis and design and execute sufficient competitive promotion (long/short term). 3. Periodically download product materials from suppliers and categorize, uploading to our official platforms. 4. Execute campaigns from suppliers and determine the terms and conditions. 5. Coordinate products release date and related lifecycle timeline. 6. Create and maintain game list. 7. Draft and release monthly newsletter to clients. 8. Create and organize CP sales Kit. 9. Create marketing related reports(Campaign report, engagement report, etc.). 10. Other assigned tasks. [必備條件Must Have] - 英文多益750分以上, 或同等程度證明(基本英文書信能力) TOEIC score at least 750 - 負責任、細心、效率、積極、主動解決問題的態度 Senses of responsibility, high efficiency, and attention to details would be required. - 擅長溝通,邏輯能力強,並具備高EQ情緒管理特質 Good at cross-department communication, structural logic and high EQ. [加分條件Nice to Have] - 抗壓性高 Ability to work under pressure of deadlines - 曾獨自負責專案經驗者優先錄取 (面試時需準備相關案例)。 Experience of leading marketing projects - 會使用簡易Photoshop Resize & Redesign功能 (請提供作品集) Ability to resize & redesign graphics with Photoshop. (Please provide portfolio) - 具遊戲產業或娛樂產業背景佳 Experience in game/entertainment industry
English Required
Partially Remote
10/22 Updated
Partnership Manager 藍窗科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
【Job Description】 1. Gather business requirements for business analytics in the areas of drill-down analysis, dash boarding, reporting, visualization and data mining analysis. 2. Collect and analyse client and market insights and competition strategies to make recommendations to direct manager and providers. 3. Translate market requirements into product requirements to providers. 4. Plan go-to-market strategy together with the marketing team and providers. 5. Create and optimize ongoing campaigns. 6. Ability to work out the basic technical concept in cooperation with the providers. 7. Present product proposals and features to developers and stakeholders and commercial team. 8. Organize and support jointed team to customer visit or technical promotion. 9. Implement new launches, maintain growth in pillar products . 10. Create and deliver product training materials to enable services and support teams. 11. Maintain and develop the product list documents (for external/internal use) 12. Develop and implement B2B branding strategies to position Dot Connections/Azure Tech as the gateway to Asia and beyond for game studios. 13. Work with iGaming media to generate positive coverage for Dot Connection/ Azure Tech . 【Must Have】 - Good command of English to a professional level( TOEIC 800+) - Ability to provide the best support through excellent communication skills to business partners. - Time management ability 【Good to Have】 - At least 1 year of experience on a similar position . - iGaming industry experience .
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/22 Updated
[工讀]Product and Campaign 產品行銷工讀生(歡迎在學生) 藍窗科技有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 183~185
我們正在尋找一位「產品行銷工讀生」,作為我們商務團隊的重要後援,能為在前線的商務團隊提供強大的火力後援。並同時提供客戶優質的服務。我們需要一個既能夠與團隊相處融洽也能夠獨立且有效率完成工作的你,如果你是一個自律、正面積極、對工作保持熱忱且能主動協助解決問題的人,歡迎加入我們的團隊。 We are seeking a Product and Campaign Part-time to serve as a support to our business team, providing strong backup for frontline operations. The ideal candidate will also deliver high-quality service to our clients. We are looking for someone who can work harmoniously with the team while also being able to independently and efficiently complete tasks. If you're diligent, optimistic, passionate about your job, and always ready to solve problems, we're excited to welcome you to our team. [職務內容Responsibilities] - 定期下載、分類、上傳、整合各產品行銷素材 Regularly download, categorize, and upload all product materials - 定期維護各產品總表 Regularly maintain product game list - 與PM配合更新&整理行銷相關事宜 (產品規格、行銷素材、活動細節等) Organizing files related to marketing topics involving suppliers (game specifications, materials, event details, etc.). - 協助行銷素材排版及設計 Assist in design and optimization of marketing materials - 協助公司網站內容更新及維護 Maintain the official corporate website(s) - 協助內部團隊與外包設計師/翻譯員之需求派件和帳務確認 Work with outsource designer and translators to execute marketing materials and expense management - 其他主管交辦事項和公司行政庶務 Undertake other tasks assigned by supervisors and office administrative supports [必備條件Must Have] - 英文多益550分以上, 或同等程度證明(基本英文書信能力) TOEIC score at least 550 - 負責任、細心、效率、積極、主動解決問題的態度 Senses of responsibility, high efficiency, and attention to details would be required. - 擅長溝通,邏輯能力強,並具備高EQ情緒管理特質 Good at cross-department communication, structural logic and high EQ. [加分條件Nice to Have] - 抗壓性高 Experience of leading marketing projects - 會使用簡易Photoshop Resize & Redesign功能 (請提供作品集) Ability to resize & redesign graphics with PhotoShop. (Please provide portfolio) - 具遊戲產業或娛樂產業背景尤佳 Experience in game/entertainment industry
10/22 Updated
Software QA Engineer 軟體測試工程師 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
[Responsibilities 職責內容] 1. 進行系統整合及測試工作 Perform system integration and testing 2. 根據軟體設計規格書撰寫撰寫腳本情境進行測試 (Test Case) Write a script based on the software design specification for testing (Test Case) 3. 建立測試環境及規劃測試工作 Establish test environment and plan testing 4. 執行軟體測試及問題/異常報告 Perform software testing and issue/bugs report 5. 分析與統整測試執行結果數據,撰寫測試報告(Test Report) Analyze and integrate test result data and write test report. 6. 主管交辦事項 Others tasks assigned by the supervisor. [Requirement 必備條件] 1. 有軟體測試相關經驗 Experience in software testing 2. 具有獨立作業、時間管理能力 Ability to work independently and manage time 3. 具抗壓性、熱誠、積極、團隊合作精神 Ability to work under high pressure, and have an enthusiastic, positive, teamwork spirit [Nice to Have 加分條件] 1. 有軟體測試工具使用經驗尤佳 Experience with software testing tools is preferred
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/22 Updated
[兼職] Customer Service [客戶服務專員] 藍窗科技有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 183+
**在家工作** -經營維護與管理線上客戶關係,建立良好的互動關係,持續提升服務品質。 -電腦基本操作及熟悉OFFICE。 -針對客戶意見需求具有隨機應變及彈性處理能力,具有統整能力彙整相關問題找出解決方案。 -協助客戶查詢後台系統相關報表數據資訊、製作相關報表及文檔。 -隨時留意遊戲官網更新及維護。 -新遊戲上線前測試、熟悉遊戲活動訊息及發布通知。 -完成主管其他交辦事項。 -具有獨立思考能力完成專案及提出解決方案。 -具備跨部門溝通能力,有效率的解決問題。 -Maintenance and management of on-line customer relationship, continuing improve service quality. -Basic computer operation and good at Microsoft Office -Following client suggestion and solved. -Official website maintenance and update -Game issue collection and solution, testing and releasing new games. -Checking back office and preparing report. -Complete other tasks by supervisor. -Capacity for cross-functional communication and solve tasks efficiency. -Capacity for independent thinking.
English Required
Fully Remote
10/22 Updated
Thai Account Manager 【泰語】客戶經理 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
[Responsibilities 職責內容] - Gather business requirements for business analytics in the areas of drill-down analysis, dash boarding, reporting, visualization and data mining analysis; - Coach and challenge the Company's clients and partners, always be a step ahead and identify what improvements can be done together with Employee's accounts; - Develop and implement account plans that drive the attainment of critical business objectives and forecast and track account metrics/KPI’s for each of Employee's accounts; - Together with the Company's clients create marketing promotions; - Work out forecast and demand planning with the customer and feedback into the organization - Represent the entire range of the Company’s products - Distribute and present information to customers about upcoming game releases and opportunities - 收集市場需求、業務分析報告、及可視化的數據分析。 - 挑戰公司的客戶和合作夥伴,始終領先一步,確定可以與客戶一起進行哪些改善。 - 制定和實施客戶計劃,推動實現關鍵業務目標,並預測和追蹤每個客戶的客戶指標/KPI。 - 與公司的客戶一起創建營銷促銷活動。 - 與客戶一起訂定業績目標和需求計劃,並反饋給內部團隊 - 代表公司內的所有產品系列 - 向客戶分發和展示即將發布新遊戲和市場機會 [Requirement 必備條件] - Minimum 2 years+ working experience 至少兩年以上工作經驗 - Excellent fluency in both English, Thai 精通英文、泰文 [Nice to Have 加分條件] - Experience in same industry 具同產業經驗 - Excellent fluency in Mandarin 精通中文
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
10/22 Updated
Customer Service Representative [客戶服務專員] 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
-英文能力佳(TOEIC 750+) -經營維護與管理線上客戶關係,建立良好的互動關係,持續提升服務品質。 -電腦基本操作及熟悉OFFICE。 -針對客戶意見需求具有隨機應變及彈性處理能力,具有統整能力彙整相關問題找出解決方案。 -協助客戶查詢後台系統相關報表數據資訊、製作相關報表及文檔。 -隨時留意遊戲官網更新及維護。 -新遊戲上線前測試、熟悉遊戲活動訊息及發布通知。 -完成主管其他交辦事項。 -具有獨立思考能力完成專案及提出解決方案。 -具備跨部門溝通能力,有效率的解決問題。 -Have excellent English listening, speaking, writing and reading(TOEIC 750+) -Maintenance and management of on-line customer relationship, continuing improve service quality. -Basic computer operation and good at Microsoft Office -Following client suggestion and solved. -Official website maintenance and update -Game issue collection and solution, testing and releasing new games. -Checking back office and preparing report. -Complete other tasks by supervisor. -Capacity for cross-functional communication and solve tasks efficiency. -Capacity for independent thinking.
Partially Remote
10/22 Updated
Korean Account Manager 【韓語】客戶經理 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
[Responsibilities 職責內容] - Gather business requirements for business analytics in the areas of drill-down analysis, dash boarding, reporting, visualization and data mining analysis; - Coach and challenge the Company's clients and partners, always be a step ahead and identify what improvements can be done together with Employee's accounts; - Develop and implement account plans that drive the attainment of critical business objectives and forecast and track account metrics/KPI’s for each of Employee's accounts; - Together with the Company's clients create marketing promotions; - Work out forecast and demand planning with the customer and feedback into the organization - Represent the entire range of the Company’s products - Distribute and present information to customers about upcoming game releases and opportunities - 收集市場需求、業務分析報告、及可視化的數據分析。 - 挑戰公司的客戶和合作夥伴,始終領先一步,確定可以與客戶一起進行哪些改善。 - 制定和實施客戶計劃,推動實現關鍵業務目標,並預測和追蹤每個客戶的客戶指標/KPI。 - 與公司的客戶一起創建營銷促銷活動。 - 與客戶一起訂定業績目標和需求計劃,並反饋給內部團隊 - 代表公司內的所有產品系列 - 向客戶分發和展示即將發布新遊戲和市場機會 [Requirement 必備條件] - Minimum 2 years+ working experience 至少兩年以上工作經驗 - Excellent fluency in both English, Korean 精通英文、韓文 [Nice to Have 加分條件] - Experience in same industry 具同產業經驗 - Excellent fluency in Mandarin 精通中文
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
10/22 Updated
Business Development Specialist【市場開發專員】 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Responsibilities 職責內容】 • Plan and develop business strategies , goals , and requirement. • Responsible for collecting requirements from key stakeholders and collaborating with IT team to resolve issues and ensuring solutions are viable and consistent. • Manage existing opportunities and develop new sales opportunities. • Prepare pre-sales technical assistance and after-sales support to customers • 制定並優化商業目標及各項策略 • 蒐集商業需求並擔任客戶與技術人員的溝通橋樑,並能有效地解決問題 • 與Marketing Team合作,找出痛點並達成業績目標 • 掌握現有客戶並開發新的商機 • 與客戶進行前期行銷推廣、技術支援及售後服務 【Requirement 必備條件】 • Minimum 2 years+ of sales and business development experience. 至少2年以上業務及市場開發經驗 • Excellent fluency in both Mandarin and English 精通中文及英文 • Excellent communication, interpersonal & presentation skills. 具備良好溝通協調能力及簡報能力
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
10/22 Updated
Integration manager [串接專案管理師] (歡迎資訊&資管科系應屆畢業生) 藍窗科技有限公司
Salary negotiable
我們是Azure Tech,目前積極擴展團隊,尋找具有創新思維和渴望在全球舞台上發展的人才! [串接專案管理師] 主要負責客戶系統對接上線以及即時反應客戶端的技術支援服務,以提供優質的客戶服務。 *上班時間為中班 (15:00 - 23:00) *培訓期(3-6個月)後可居家辦公 須定期回公司參加培訓 *技術支援服務的工作目標: 1. 處理客戶提出的技術問題 2. 維護和改善內部流程和工具,例如:追蹤、歸納整理客戶各類型問題,並回饋給相關人員 3. 技術支援文檔之更新維護 4. 客戶相關資料建置以及管理 5. 客戶產品上線專案管理 6. 跨部門溝通協調 7.主管交辦事項 Objectives for support service: Tasks include handling day to day support and service requests from our business customers, track and follow up on bugs and issues with our third-party developers, maintain and improve the processes and tools required to get the job done, and being just a life-saver in general when it comes to anything technical. 【必備條件】 TOEIC 800+
Mid to Senior Level
Partially Remote
10/22 Updated
Browsing History