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Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

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Mô tả công việc

1. 海內外供應鏈管理:協調整個物流的活動,從原材料供應到最終產品的交付。有海外物流與電商經驗並熟悉國際海空運運輸者為佳
2. 庫存管理:管理與監督海內外第三方倉庫進出貨,並監控庫存水平,以確保適時適量的庫存供應,降低庫存成本。
3. 運輸和配送:計劃和監督運輸路線和配送時間,確保貨物安全準時到達目的地。
4. 供應商管理:維持與物流供應商的良好關係,確保供應的穩定性和質量。熟悉供應商請款作業、帳單核銷等財務請款規定
5. 成本控制:分析和控制物流和供應鏈運營成本。
6. 績效分析:收集和分析物流數據,制定報告和績效指標,持續改進物流運營效率。
1. 分析能力:能夠解讀和利用物流數據來優化流程,熟悉ERP系統尤佳
2. 溝通技巧:口頭和書面溝通技巧,能與供應商、客戶及內部團隊有效溝通。
3. 組織和規劃能力:優秀的組織和時間管理能力,能根據重要性和緊急程度優先化處理安排工作。
4. 問題解決能力:能夠迅速有效地解決物流和供應鏈問題。
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
09:00-18:00 (可彈性安排上下班時間)
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Document or Data Entry and File Processing
Familiarity with Import and Export Business
Basic Concepts of International Trade
Warehouse Process Design and Management
Warehouse System Maintenance and Management
Goods Transportation and Material Distribution
文件或資料輸入建檔處理 熟悉進出口業務 國際貿易基本概念 倉管流程訂定與管理 倉儲系統維護與管理 貨物運送與資材配送
Loại công việc
International Trade Specialist
Shipping / Customs Clearance Personnel
Materials Handling
https://gobeflo.com Our story starts with one global pandemic. In a matter of weeks, we were all ordered to work from home, and it wasn't pretty-we used our kitchen tables for desks and appropriated hulking black chairs from the office, thinking it would only last a month or two-were we ever wrong. With the majority of us still working from home, we knew it was high time we make your desk somewhere you want to sit (or stand), even when you're not working. Because home offices aren't just used for working-they're used for workouts, movie nights, and zoom dates with family and friends. Hailing from careers in industrial design and technology-with clients like Apple and Google-our small team has reimagined what working from home looks like. We didn't compromise form for function-we married them. Because we happen to believe working from home shouldn't feel like work.
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển