(Sr.) Accountant
9/20 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

Job purpose:
This position will act as a specialist in realizing all daily accounting activities for Asia entities (Hong Kong), from bookkeeping to reporting. Closely works with accounting supervisor and work together with various functions on a day-to-day basis.
Job description:
1. Maintains the general ledger, including journal entry preparation and posting during the month and at close of the month.
2. Reconciles the journal to the general ledger each month.
3. Prepares monthly/ annual financial package to include Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flow in the timeframe indicated by the Corporate schedule.
4. Prepares weekly cash flow for the next 2-3 months.
5. Prepares annual audit materials and cooperate with external auditors.
6. Laise with HK CPA firm on related tasks (tax filling)
7. All other duties as assigned
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Preparation of financial statements
Capital management
Analyzing managerial accounting information
Closing Accounts and Account Handling
Accounting or Auditing Professional Knowledge
Accounting Calculations and Account Processing
Compilation of Accounting Statements
財務報表製作 資金管理 分析管理會計資訊 結帳作業與帳務處理 會計或審計專業知識 會計核算和帳務處理 編製帳務報表
Loại công việc
Bookkeeping/Cashier/General Accounting
Responsible Accountant
Cost Accountant
本公司為德商Dywidag-Systems International GmbH(DSI)在台之代表,DYWIDAG在全球分佈於50多個國家,已有一百五十多年之預力混擬土橋樑專業歷史,目前為全世界最大預力專業廠商之一。本公司在台也已經營超過30年之久,多年來投入南、北二高。西濱公路及高鐵等重大國家建設,我們在預力混擬土及特殊橋樑工法領域,均被業界公認為高品質,高效率之代表,尤其在懸臂橋梁工法,更是台灣經驗最豐富之專業技術廠商。自2005年起本公司開始跨入國際市場,先後於菲律賓、帛琉、關島、土耳其、越南、印尼、泰國、柬埔寨等國家均有參與橋梁建設工程,已累績超過百餘項目的業績。2012年起開始負責亞洲區斜張橋業務,先後完成了14座在菲律賓、越南、印尼、泰國等國家的斜張橋工程,近期也承攬了世界第一長單塔斜張橋 - 淡江大橋的斜張橋鋼纜工程。公司於2021被德國總部升級為DYWIDAG亞洲區營運總部,負責亞洲區整體業務及各國代理商之管理經營。 想要與國際接軌,跨入世界的土木工程師!我們正積極招募對於國際橋梁及預力工程有熱忱的新成員我們的行列! 近期工程業績: New Kelani 脊背橋 (斯里蘭卡) - 業主:日商住友三井建設,承攬:斜張鋼纜工程及懸臂工法 Kawkareik 脊背橋 (緬甸) - 業主:日商安藤ハザマ與預力三菱建設JV,承攬:斜張鋼纜工程及懸臂工法 法 Mae Klong 脊背橋 (泰國) - 業主:泰商Nawarat營造,承攬:斜張鋼纜工程 PTT LNG 天然氣儲槽桶 (泰國) - 業主:Saipem/中鼎JV,承攬:預力工程 惠州 LNG 天然氣儲槽桶 (中國) - 業主:德商TGE GmbH,承攬:預力工程 First Thai-Lao Friendship橋 (泰國) - 業主:Chulalakong University, 承攬:橋梁結構監測服務 高屏溪斜張橋鋼纜總體檢 (台灣) - 業主:高速公路局,承攬:鋼纜系統檢測 淡江大橋 (台灣) - 業主:工信工程,承攬:斜張鋼纜系統工程
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển