English Teacher-Taichung
9/25 Updated
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Hourly WageNT$ 500~850


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Our Global website:
TLI does not hire good teachers - we hire the BEST teachers. Our TLI Language Institute was designed by teachers and language professionals and we are diligent about creating classrooms that are student-centered and engaging. We strive to hire the absolute best teachers in Taiwan and overseas as well. This is a school that recognizes and rewards the skills and professionalism of the elite few who are effectively able to combine academic rigor, content mastery, and engaging style into a unique blend that inspires student learning. We teach ALL different languages. Currently, we are recruiting English teachers from all around the world.
You: If you are an ESL, TOEIC and TOEFL professional who loves teaching and getting students excited about learning English then please apply. You will be joining a dynamic, challenging, and professional work environment with plenty of opportunities to grow.
We: We have institutes located in Taiwan, China, Japan and United States and currently we are expanding to other countries and Online Chinese/English Learning as well. Best location and professional environment that provide the best teaching experience to students. Our institute is hiring for immediate long-term instructor positions. Our center offers students from across the globe, conversation & intensive English and TOEIC/TOEFL preparation programs.
Candidates for the ESL instructor position should have the following qualifications:
1.) Minimum 6 months teaching experience specifically in an adult or children ESL classroom
2.) BA from accredited university
3.) Native English speaker from all races are welcome.
4.) TESOL/TEFL/CELTA certification preferred
5.) Expertise and instructional experience in English grammar and structure
6.) Full availability from 9:30 am-9:30 pm Monday-Sunday
7.) Energetic personality with ability to thrive in a multi-cultural environment (Because we offer different languages courses: Chinese, Spanish, French, Germany, Russian and Japanese, etc.)
8.) Possess the unique ability to motivate, engage and inspire learning.
9.) Be fun, be friendly and be enthusiastic to your teaching.
10.) APRC is preferred.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Language Tutoring Teachers
Other Tutoring Teachers
Other Types of Lecturers
官網: 線上平台: Podcast頻道【中文,華的法課】: TLI Group是一間提供教育服務和文化輸出的教育傳媒集團,以《TLI臺北語文學院 》為核心事業,最早成立於1956年,是世界第一所專門教授外國人學習中文的語言學校。 語言文化的傳播帶動了台灣經濟起飛,1967年時承蔣經國先生與TLI創辦人何景賢博士商討並創辦「海外華僑子弟返國研習團」,此研習團將海外優秀華僑導回台灣產業發展的道路,也吸引了世界跨國集團的資金到台灣。至今TLI已在世界設立了60多處分校和教學點,培育了上萬名漢語教師及校友,其中許多人成為各國政府領到要員、駐華使節、議員或學術、教育、新聞、工商及宗教界的領袖。 2008年成立「TLI漢網學院」,開始全球性漢語教學。目前我們正在將「TLI漢網學院」更新為智慧學習平台「TLI Park」協助學生透過系統,掌握自己的語言程度與學習軌跡、獲得深刻且富成效的學習體驗。讓TLI的學生能一關接著一關的突破就是我們的目標! 我們正在建立的是一座與世界的互聯網橋樑,整合文化與教育相關的內容產業,將優秀的藝術作品如刊物、影視、音樂等內容以更多元動態的形式展現,連結人與人、國與國之間的文化交流。
6 ~ 10 applicants