Project Assistant / 專案助理
9/18 Updated
English Required
30+ applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 45,209~71,013


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 專案規劃與執行:協助專案需求規劃,清楚界定問題,並撰寫詳細的專案需求文件。積極參與專案各項任務的執行,確保能準時完成。
2. 專案管理:支援開發專案的執行,負責專案管理、問題追蹤與尋求解決方案,確保專案順利進行。
3. 溝通協調:負責內部和外部相關工作的溝通與協調,保持專案各方資訊的溝通流暢。
4. 數據分析與報告:收集並分析專案行銷數據和使用者回饋,製作報告,為團隊策略制定提供數據支援。
5. 社群管理:協助規劃和執行產品社群活動,維護社群管理,增加用戶參與度和滿意度。
6. 市場情報分析:定期的收集和分析競品與市場情報,透過數據更新和報告,準確掌握客戶趨勢。
7. 其他任務:執行主管指派的其他事項,有效控制進度並及時回報結果。
• 細心與責任感:您需要對工作持有細心態度,並對所承擔的任務負責。
• 邏輯思考與學習能力:具備優秀的邏輯思考能力,對學習新知識有濃厚興趣。
• 團隊合作與溝通能力:能主動融入團隊,重視團隊合作,具備良好的溝通與分享精神。
• 數據敏感度:對數據分析和數位行銷有基礎理解,或有強烈的學習意願。
• 特別優先條件:具備區塊鏈/加密貨幣/SEO相關基礎者優先考慮。
Job Overview:
As a Product Assistant on our team, you will play a key role in assisting projects throughout the entire process, from planning to execution. You will collaborate closely with cross-departmental teams to drive project development forward, ensuring efficient and high-quality project completion.
Job Responsibilities:
1. Project Planning and Execution: Assist in project requirement planning, clearly define issues, and draft detailed project requirement documents. Actively participate in the execution of various project tasks to ensure timely completion.
2. Project Management: Support the execution of development projects, responsible for project management, issue tracking, and seeking solutions to ensure smooth project progress.
3. Communication and Coordination: Responsible for communication and coordination of internal and external tasks, maintaining smooth information flow among project stakeholders.
4. Data Analysis and Reporting: Collect and analyze project marketing data and user feedback, create reports to provide data support for team strategy formulation.
5. Community Management: Assist in planning and executing product community activities, maintain community management, and increase user engagement and satisfaction.
6. Market Intelligence Analysis: Regularly collect and analyze competitor and market information. Accurately grasp customer trends through data updates and reports.
7. Other Tasks: Execute other assignments assigned by superiors, effectively control progress, and promptly report outcomes.
Qualities We Seek:
• Attention to Detail and Responsibility: You need to approach work with attention to detail and take responsibility for the tasks assigned.
• Logical Thinking and Learning Abilities: Possess excellent logical thinking abilities and a strong interest in learning new knowledge.
• Team Collaboration and Communication Skills: Proactively integrate into the team, value teamwork, and possess good communication and sharing spirit.
• Data Sensitivity: Basic understanding of data analysis and digital marketing, or a strong willingness to learn.
• Special Priority Condition: Candidates with foundational knowledge in blockchain/cryptocurrency/SEO are preferred.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Project Assistant
Product Manager
Other Project Managers
NEXT在專業經營團隊領航下,成為穩健札實成長快速的企業。 我們擁有國際化的軟體開發及維運技術,提供專業的在地化、客制化技術能力,並致力於拓展全球化市場。 我們深信員工不僅是公司資產,更是重要的夥伴,我們希望彼此的相處如同家人一般,我們聆聽尊重每一種聲音,同時打造方便交流及互動的開放空間,讓溝通更加輕鬆、自在,進而在其中取得共識與認同。因此採規畫性彈性上班制,工作環境比照歐美同業等級,福利甚佳,以『好奇心、勇氣、客戶滿意、誠信、團隊合作』為公司核心價值,並以提升夥伴幸福指數為管理目標,竭誠歡迎各路高手加入,共創更美好的未來!
30+ applicants