Project Manager 專案經理
10/2 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
30+ applicants

Salary & Location

Annual SalaryNT$ 1,100,000~1,800,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

作為 MetAI 的專案經理,將負責協助推動公司的業務發展,管理和執行各類專案,並成為客戶與公司之間的溝通橋樑。你將參與從業務開發到專案執行的全過程,確保公司在技術和服務能夠滿足客戶需求。
- 業務支援:維持與現有客戶的良好關係。蒐集和分析客戶產業信息及需求,製作提案簡報。負責業務的預售、商業發展、參展及拜訪活動。處理相關報價、合約等事務,確保商務流程順暢。
- 專案管理:規劃、執行及管理專案期程,確保專案按時完成。
- 跨部門協調:充當客戶與內部團隊之間的溝通橋樑,確保信息傳遞準確無誤。協調各部門資源,解決專案中出現的各種問題。
- 語言能力:英語口語必須非常流暢,能進行商務細節溝通。
- 團隊合作:具備高度團隊精神,能在壓力下工作,並具備靈活敏銳的應變能力。
- 獨立作業:能夠獨立執行專案,並具備良好的統籌、分析、策劃及解決問題的能力。
- 溝通協調:具備強烈的團隊意識,善於組織協調,能夠跨部門溝通並整合資源。
- 自主學習:具有自主學習的能力,並展現高度積極性。
- 擁有半導體或物流領域經驗者優先考慮。
- 熟悉 AI 領域與 Omniverse
- 卓越的工作心態: 我們深信這份創業能夠大幅改善現有的產業型態,一起高度的投入且聰明的工作。
- 成長思維: 我們渴望分享你新技能,一起成長,並且持續投資於你的個人發展。然而,學習需要付出努力,所以我們希望你樂於學習。
- 出色的團隊夥伴: 我們彼此關心,互相扶持。保持謙遜且開放的心態,但共同追求偉大的目標。
- 靈活性: 作為一家初創公司,你需要具備靈活性,能夠完成各種任務。
As a Project Manager at MetAI, you will support the company's business development, manage and execute various projects, and serve as a communication bridge between clients and the company. You will be involved in the entire process from business development to project execution, ensuring that the company's technology and services meet client needs.
▌Daily Responsibilities (Depending on specific projects):
- Business Development: Maintain good relationships with potential and existing clients. Collect and analyze industry information and client needs, and prepare proposal presentations. Handle pre-sales activities, trade shows, and client visits. Manage related tasks such as quotations and contracts to ensure smooth business processes.
- Project Management: Plan, execute, and manage project schedules to ensure timely completion.
- Cross-Department Coordination: Act as a communication bridge between clients and internal teams to ensure accurate information transfer. Coordinate resources across departments to resolve various issues that arise during projects.
▌Required Qualifications:
- Language Skills: Strong English Communication Ability.
- Teamwork: Possess a strong team spirit, able to work under pressure, and demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness.
- Independent Work: Capable of independently executing projects with strong organizational, analytical, planning, and problem-solving skills.
- Communication and Coordination: Have a strong sense of teamwork, excellent organizational and coordination skills, and the ability to communicate and integrate resources across departments.
- Self-Learning: Show a high level of initiative and ability for self-directed learning.
▌Preferred Qualifications (If you join us, you will learn these skills regardless):
- Experience in the semiconductor or logistics industry is preferred.
- Familiarity with the AI field and Omniverse is a plus.
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Business or Channel Development
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Customer Information Collection
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
業務或通路開發 業績目標分配與績效達成 客戶情報蒐集 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
Project Manager
Project Sales Supervisor
MetAI 宇見智能科技有限公司 (https://www.met-ai.net/),創立於 2023 年,是一家融合 3D 數位孿生技術與 AI 生成模型(Generative Model)的軟體即服務(SaaS)新創。MetAI 不僅是 NVIDIA Inception Program 的成員,亦被列為 NVIDIA 的策略夥伴,近期在 NVIDIA 創辦人兼執行長黃仁勳的 Keynote 中,MetAI 的技術在智慧倉儲應用方面的影片也在該演講中展示,突顯了我們在該領域的創新和實力。 我們的願景是透過 Real-to-Sim 和 Sim-to-Real 技術應用,推動智慧製造、智慧物流及產業數位轉型。MetAI 利用自主開發的生成式模型在 3D 虛擬環境中生成完全符合產線和產業需求的合成資料,建立精確模擬現實世界條件的數位孿生環境,幫助企業優化製程,從模擬順利過渡到實際應用,有效解決製造產業在邁向數位轉型過程過程中的資料不足和模擬整合難題。透過生成式 AI 的導入,不僅顯著減少人力成本浪費,縮短驗證時間,並能提供更佳的解決方案,助力企業在工業 4.0 時代取得成功,成為業界的領導者。 我們的願景是利用數位孿生、合成資料與生成式模型,透過 Real-to-Sim & Sim-to-Real 的成真。無論是針對瑕疵檢測、智慧工廠、解決方案驗證,MetAI 的技術都能夠有效模擬,大幅改善現有人力成本的浪費,縮短驗證時間,並且透過生成式 AI 的導入,提供出更佳的解決方案。
30+ applicants