【Bluebell】資深訓育講師Senior Trainer
10/8 更新
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(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)




【工作目標 】
1. 在店內進行實體指導,並就服務卓越情況向店鋪管理團隊提供反饋。根據品牌標準定期檢查品牌和產品知識,以評估持續培訓計劃的有效性。找出需要改進及重新培訓的項目。
Deliver face-to-face coaching in-store and provide feedback to the store management team on service excellence. Conduct spot-checks on brand and product knowledge regularly, as brand expected, to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing training programs. Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for re-training or enhanced training.
2. 新人入職培訓: 針對新進前線員工進行入職引導和培訓。傳達各品牌文化、產品知識和技能。
Retail Orientation and Induction: Conduct new retail employees on boarding orientation and induction Training. Introduce the brand’s culture, product knowledge and skills.
3. 全球數位學習系統: 協助數位學習課程的中文翻譯並於店內實施,並且推行並鼓勵前線員工使用並觀看線上學習課程,並做到追蹤使用率及學習計畫成效。
Support Global E-learning system: Assist with the Chinese translation of digital learning courses and implement them in-store. Promote and encourage frontline staff to use and watch online learning courses and track usage rates and the effectiveness of learning plans.
神秘客計畫: 定期安排店上神秘客計劃並確保規範與時俱進,根據神秘客報告成績與營運團隊合作發展後續跟進計畫。
4. Mystery Shopper program: Regularly organize in-store mystery shopper programs and ensure that standards are up-to-date. Collaborate with the operations team to develop follow-up plans based on the results of mystery shopper reports.
5. 與總部訓練團隊合作: 協助完成總部的訓育相關專案,持續評估正在進行的訓練計劃之成效並定期提供回饋給主管。
Co-work with Group training team: assist in completing training-related projects from headquarters, continuously evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing training programs, and regularly provide feedback to direct manager.
6. 進行全面的需求評估,以確保門店的培訓需求和不足之處。
Conduct comprehensive needs assessments to identify training requirements and gaps in stores
7. 開發和維護培訓課程、材料和資源,以支持零售團隊的持續發展。
Develop and maintain training curriculums, materials, and resources to support the ongoing development of retail teams
8. 設計和提供有吸引力的互動培訓課程(包括面對面和線上課程),使員工掌握產品知識、銷售技能和操作流程
Design and deliver engaging, interactive training sessions (in-person and virtual) to equip store associates with product knowledge, selling skills, and operational procedures.
9. 提供指導和反饋,以推動門店層面執行和顧客服務體驗的持續改進。
Provide coaching and feedback to drive continuous improvement in store-level execution and customer experience
10. 與集團培訓團隊合作,確保培訓與業務目標和升級的電子學習平台保持一致。
Collaborate with group training team to align training with business objectives and upgraded e-learning platform.
11. 觀察培訓計劃的效果,並根據績效數據和學員反饋,調整內容和授課方式。
Monitor training program effectiveness and adjust content/delivery as needed based on performance data and learner feedback
12. 協助新店開幕和新人入職及培訓相關工作
Support the onboarding and training of new store openings or acquisitions
13. 維護所有與培訓相關的活動和成果的詳細文件和報告。
Maintain thorough documentation and reporting on all training-related activities and outcomes
* 5年以上零售培訓經驗,並具有成功開發和實施培訓計劃的成功經驗。
5+ years of experience in retail training, with a proven track record of developing and implementing successful training programs.
* 良好的溝通能力和團隊合作精神
Good communication skills and good teamwork.
* 出色的會議報告技巧和溝通能力
Exceptional presentation, facilitation, and communication skills.
* 具備深入理解零售運營、客戶服務和銷售最佳經驗
Strong understanding of retail operations, customer service, and sales best practices.
* 熱愛學習和發展,致力於持續改進
Passion for learning and development, with a commitment to continuous improvement.
* 熟練掌握培訓技術,包括視頻製作技能以及在各種數字學習平台上的專業知識
Proficient in leveraging training technologies, including video production skills and expertise in various digital learning
Education and Training Specialist
| 萃選頂尖品牌,引進台灣,並且為不同特性的品牌打造最佳策略 | ************************************************************************** ||Blumarine|| 浪漫的形象和充滿女性魅力和色彩設計,散發沉靜自若的魅力。 ||Brunello Cucinelli|| 來自義大利的頂級喀什米爾織品,透過最優質的原物料、剪裁和匠心獨具的精湛工藝,表達對製作每件產品的熱誠和嚴謹精神。 ||Davidoff || 來自瑞士的世界第一雪茄品牌 Davidoff 伴隨著時尚品味的男仕配件。 ||Jimmy Choo|| 強調女性身型曲線搭配3/4吋的高度所散發出的性感,兼顧合腳的舒適度,時尚之餘讓實用性大大提升! ||LeSportsac|| 來自美國,輕巧的尼龍材質和獨一無二的花色選擇廣受全球消費者的喜愛。 ||Manolo Blahnik|| 優美的流線設計與精準的比例,襯托出女人的優雅與性感,讓每一個穿上它的人,都會變得與眾不同。 ||Moschino|| 有趣且富創意,專為喜愛年輕時尚的時裝愛好者而設計。 Love Moschino更是充滿玩味,不但貫徹品牌的設計特色,更向世界宣揚愛、熱情與感性的力量。 ||MSGM|| 以獨立音樂、街頭文化及現代藝術作為靈感啟發,使用鮮豔的色彩、視覺強烈的印花圖案與色塊拼貼,將立體剪裁融合在其設計中。 ||Paul Smith|| 融合英式傳統與現代前衛感,時尚、自然,真摯而充滿激情的創意理念,不追隨於流行的獨特款式和風格,呈現設計師Paul Smith的英式幽默。 ||Rains|| 來自丹麥的簡約時尚品牌,是個於2012年創立的年輕品牌。以品牌發源地的地理環境及北歐簡約生活為設計靈感,將產品設計理念專注於精進雨天外出的使用經驗,設計出簡約美感兼具防水實用機能概念之雨衣、包款及相關配件。 ||Venchi|| 來自義大利的百年老牌巧克力,140年來忠於Piedmonte 的傳統與文化的精神下,持續不斷創新,承傳對巧克力的熱情。 Know more about Venchi, a great and awesome brand and place to work. Video Link: ||Acne Studios|| 是一家總部位於斯德哥爾摩的多元化時尚品牌。創辦人兼創意總監 Jonny Johansson 對攝影、藝術、建築和當代文化深感興趣,因而將 Acne Studios 打造成備受推崇的服飾、雜誌、家具、書籍和展覽設計品牌。
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