ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司

Company Introduction

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加入我們,探索你的新價值 這裡,我們以他人的立場思考問題,以誠實、開放、客觀的態度提出建議與行動。 這裡,我們堅信一切皆有可能,我們樂於不斷挑戰技術和專業的極限。 這裡,我們掌握自己的成敗,體驗著獨特的營運思維與流程。 ULTRON 獨家的跨晶片 Mesh WiFi 軟體技術在 2016 年被鴻海集團旗下的網通品牌採用 ; ULTRON 為南韓領先網通品牌廠 HUMAX 、 KAONMEDIA 的 Mesh WiFi 方案合作夥伴 ; ULTRON 為以色列電信 Bezeq 之 Be Mesh 方案提供商 ; ULTRON 為凱擘大寬頻 WiFi 滿屋 的 Mesh WiFi 方案提供商 ; 全世界已有至少 4500 萬場域使用我們的 Mesh WiFi 獨家專利技術。 ULTRON 為台灣大智慧家庭的 IoT 平台方案提供商 ; ULTRON 為全台灣至少 100 家家電品牌的 IoT 方案提供商 ; 在台灣,已經超過 100 萬戶的家庭使用我們的物聯網軟體技術。 我們正在開創一種跨領域合作的全新商業模式,並協助我們的合作夥伴實現經營目標的加速。我們與合作夥伴和客戶攜手合作,在全世界打造更優質的無線體驗。 Join us and explore your new value. Here, we approach problems from the perspective of others, offering suggestions and taking actions with honesty, openness, and objectivity. Here, we firmly believe that anything is possible, and we thrive on continuously challenging the limits of technology and expertise. Here, we take ownership of our successes and failures, experiencing unique operational thinking and processes. ULTRON's exclusive cross-chip Mesh WiFi software technology was adopted by networking brands under the Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. in 2016. ULTRON is a partner in Mesh WiFi solutions for leading South Korean networking brands HUMAX and KAONMEDIA. ULTRON is a provider for Bezeq's Be Mesh solution in Israel. ULTRON is a provider for KBro's Whole Home Mesh WiFi solution. Our Mesh WiFi exclusive patented technology is used in at least 45 million venues worldwide. ULTRON is a provider of IoT platform solutions for Taiwan Mobile Smarter Home service. ULTRON is an IoT solution provider for at least 100 household appliance brands in Taiwan. Over 900,000 households use our IoT software technology in Taiwan. We are pioneering a new business model of cross-disciplinary collaboration and accelerating our partners' business objectives. Together with our partners and customers, we are creating superior wireless experiences worldwide.

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【IoT 賦能 IoT Empower】:硬體上雲的智慧化方案與平台服務。 【網狀網路 Wi-Fi Mesh】:網狀網路的演算法軟體技術。 【Ultron SaaS】:IoT 與 Wi-Fi Mesh 的應用管理平台。 [商業周刊報導] https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/business/indep/1003965 [理財周刊報導] https://www.moneyweekly.com.tw/ArticleData/Info/Article/95204 [Yahoo新聞報導] shorturl.at/gjKLP [TVBS 專題報導] https://youtu.be/pO96QcmAtqE [華視 寶島5G go 專訪] https://youtu.be/op30SD4uyr4 [TTA好物開箱採訪] https://youtu.be/rKW-jiI2sHM [工商時報報導] 物聯網x家居 全包式服務讓產業快速轉型 https://ctee.com.tw/news/tech/158157.html 靠利他實現物聯網願景 https://ctee.com.tw/people/interview/285378.html


- 彈性8小時上下班制:上班08:00~10:00、下班17:30~19:30 - 夜晚加班返家計程車實報實銷 - 有競爭力的獎金與福利:績效(年終)獎金、Stock Option、生日假、人才推薦獎金、員購優惠 - 工欲善其事必先利其器:Apple/ Windows 電腦任你選 - 讓你安心工作的各項保險:勞保、健保、團保、意外險 - 讓你更享受工作的福利:單品咖啡無限暢飲、定期團隊活動/聚餐、開放式的辦公空間、放空專屬休憩區、充滿著綠色芬多精的環境

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Visual Graphic Designer (UI) 視覺平面設計師 ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000+
《About this Role》 UltronSMART 團隊正在尋找具有創造力的視覺平面設計師來加入我們充滿活力的團隊。理想的候選人應對設計充滿熱情,並能夠在各種媒體平台上創作出視覺上令人驚豔且具有影響力的設計。您將與我們的行銷、內容和產品團隊緊密合作,開發能夠有效傳達我們品牌訊息並引起目標受眾共鳴的視覺內容。 #UI #WebDesign #Graphic 《About Responsibilities》 1. [產品包裝與說明書設計] 參與產品包裝和說明書的創意構思,提供視覺設計解決方案,並負責視覺設計稿的輸出與切圖。 Participate in the creative conceptualization of product packaging and instruction manuals, provide visual design solutions, and be responsible for the output and slicing of visual design drafts. 2. [Icon 元件標準化設計] 將公司內部和部門的元件形象進行標準化設計,並輸出 UI 組件、規格及色彩等規範文檔。 Standardize the component imagery within the department and company, and produce documentation for UI components, specifications, and color guidelines. 3. [網頁與產品形象設計] 根據企業品牌形象,設計並整理視覺風格,創造符合品牌形象且具視覺震撼力的設計作品。 Design and refine visual styles in line with the company’s brand image, creating visually stunning designs that align with brand identity. 4. [品牌吉祥物系列設計] 配合市場部門的形象推廣需求,設計將品牌吉祥物融入品牌形象和產品中的創意方案。 Collaborate with the marketing team to design and integrate the brand mascot into the brand image and products to meet promotional needs. 5. [官網設計與維護] 協助事業部持續開發新網站頁面並維護現有頁面,確保網站設計的更新與一致性。 Assist the business unit in continuously developing new website pages and maintaining existing ones, ensuring consistency and updates in website design. 6. [影片設計與剪輯製作] 協助事業部進行影片的設計、拍攝和剪輯,旨在支持業務推廣目標。 Assist the business unit in designing, shooting, and editing videos with the goal of supporting business promotion.
Mid to Senior Level
10/08 Updated
Account Executive_Telecom ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
《About this Role》 電信客戶專案執行負責與現有客戶和新潛在客戶建立長期、信任的關係,以推廣和銷售我們的無線軟體解決方案。這個職位將與關鍵團隊成員建立積極的、可信賴的關係。您將運用您的技能開拓新的機會,透過管道發掘潛在客戶和挖掘未被開發的市場機會。 The Account Executive_Telecom is responsible for establishing and nurturing long-term, trusted relationships with existing customers and prospective leads in order to promote and sell our wireless software solution. In this role, you will cultivate positive and trusted connections with key team members within your assigned territory. Utilizing your expertise, you will pursue potential leads through warm connections as well as actively exploring untapped markets. 《About Responsibilities》 1. [售後服務] 協助現有客戶解決問題與需求,提供高品質的客戶服務支援。 Assist clients in troubleshooting issues and answering inquiries, providing high-quality customer service and support. 2. [業務市場分析] 分析產品與服務的成長機會,提供具說服力的數據與分析報告。 Illustrate the value of products and services to create growth opportunities; compile and analyze data to identify trends. 3. [業務拓展] 參與行銷活動以獲得新的業務拓展機會,在各種機會中介紹公司的產品服務給有潛力的客戶。 Attending marketing activities (such as trade shows) to achieve new sales opportunities, and present products to prospective clients. 4. [業績追加銷售] 促進現有客戶名單更高的獲利與銷售機會。 Drive sales margin and revenue growth with existing customers. 5. [雙贏的緊密合作] 探索多元的市場合作關係,與現有客戶有更深入或延伸的業務合作機會,以創造雙贏的業務成效。 Source opportunities from existing customers, with a focus on expansion of the relationship and helping customers accelerate their success. 6. [業務陌生開發] 透過各種管道探詢新的業務機會,並成功促成合作機會。 Unearth new sales opportunities through networking and turn them into sales achievements. 7. [客戶關係管理] 了解目前已合作客戶的需求,維護現有客戶關係,並視需要提供的相對應的解決方案。創造電信客戶對奧創黏著度、 能見度的能力 (提案、執行、維護、成效追蹤)。 Build strong partnerships with existing clients, understand their business needs, and provide appropriate solutions. To generate opportunities for Telecom partners and prospective clients consistently draws attention to ULTRON, demonstrated through effective proposal creation, execution, maintenance, and result tracking. 《Nice to Have》 1. [獨立完成業務開發工作] 可獨立完成從開發、拜訪提案、跟進追縱、服務維護...等一條龍的業務流程。 Capable of independently completing end-to-end business processes, including development, proposal presentations, follow-up tracking, service maintenance, etc. 《Salary Structure》 競爭力的薪資待遇,包括基本工資、績效年終獎金和銷售獎金等激勵機制。 Competitive salary package, including base salary, the year-end performance bonus, and sales bonus. #Telecom #sales #AE #Account Executive
Senior Level
English Required
10/08 Updated
Integrated Marketing ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
《About this Role》 We are seeking an experienced and creative Integrated Marketing to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in digital and traditional marketing, with a keen understanding of IoT technology and the ability to develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies that drive brand awareness and sales growth. 《About Responsibilities》 [行銷專案企劃] 根據專案需求,提出創意概念、規劃活動、撰寫企劃案,並進行專案背景資料的收集和分析。 Based on project requirements, propose creative concepts, plan activities, write project proposals, and collect and analyze project background data. [行銷活動專案管理] 負責專案管理和執行,包括時程控管、進度追蹤、預算評估和結案,同時負責客戶維護和廠商聯繫。 Responsible for project management and execution, including schedule management, progress tracking, budget assessment, and closure. Also responsible for client maintenance and vendor communication. [產品方案市場溝通] 策劃公司產品的價值定位和溝通策略。通過社群媒體(LinkedIn, Meta, Instagram 等)或線下渠道推廣產品與服務,促進潛在商業機會。 Able to strategize the positioning and communication strategy of company products. Promote the services of the Business Solutions Team through exposure via social media (LinkedIn, Meta, Instagram, etc.) or offline channels to enhance potential business opportunities. [行銷資源整合管理] 根據部門策略目標,協助開展線上與線下的整合行銷活動,包括異業合作、媒體資源、KOL/KOC以及數位廣告投放。 Assist in developing integrated online and offline marketing campaigns according to departmental strategic objectives, including cross-industry cooperation, media resources, KOL/KOC collaborations, and digital advertising. [線上曝光] 熟悉數位廣告投放和社群營運,包括操作Facebook、Instagram、Google等平台。 Proficient in digital advertising and community management, including platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google. [官網內容規劃與維護] 協助官網架構與內容規劃、設計執行(內部設計 or 發包)、上線前測試、成效追蹤、內容維護等,以確保方案事業群部門每階段的產品服務明確的透過網站呈現。 Assist in website architecture and content planning, design execution (internal design or outsourcing), pre-launch testing, performance tracking, and content maintenance to ensure clear presentation of Business Solutions Group products and services at each stage. [推廣活動規劃與執行] 獨立規劃各種線上/線下行活動專案,一條龍負責專案提案、籌備、任務發包執行、現場管控、成效追蹤與檢討。 Independently plan various online/offline event projects, responsible for end-to-end project proposal, preparation, task outsourcing execution, on-site management, performance tracking, and review. [參與客戶互動] 制定並實施策略,以吸引和培養與現有及潛在客戶的關係。 Develop and implement strategies to engage and nurture relationships with existing and potential customers. #整合行銷 #行銷企劃 #網站行銷 #產品行銷 #品牌行銷 #社群行銷 #活動行銷 #KOL
Senior Level
English Required
10/08 Updated
Sr. App Developer ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
[About this Role] 資深App開發者的使命是將應用程式轉化為自然且直觀的使用者體驗,使智慧生活在應用程式的功能架構中實現。你將有機會開發可讓人們與各種產品互動的應用程式,從而使我們的合作夥伴能夠為用戶提供更好的產品和服務。這有助於產業轉型並創造更多價值和服務。我們重視使用者體驗並致力於提供使用者友好的智慧功能。程式語言和工具會因時代與功能需求不斷迭代,因此持續學習的心態是必不可少的。 The mission of the Sr. App Developer is to translate applications into a natural and intuitive user experience, enabling the realization of a smart lifestyle within the APP's functional framework. You will have the opportunity to develop applications that enable people to interact with various products, resulting in our collaborative partners being able to provide better products and services to users. This helps industries transform and create more value and services. We value user experience and strive for user-friendly smart features. Programming languages and tools will continuously iterate due to the evolution of technology and functional requirements. Therefore, a mindset of continuous learning is essential. [About Responsibilities] - 開發高品質程式碼的跨平台應用程式,按計劃時間表進行完整應用程式的編程。 Develop cross-platform App with high-quality code to program complete applications on schedule. - 負責技術交付物並就前端相關的架構決策進行負責。 Be responsible for the technical deliverables and front-end related architectural decisions. - 與其他工程師、產品經理和利益相關者合作,為產品和用戶獲得最佳結果。 Collaborate with other engineers, PM and stakeholders to come up with the best outcomes for the product and its users. - 在發布前進行單元和整合測試,並提供測試報告。 Perform unit and integration testing with testing report before launch. - 評估現有應用程式,重新編程、更新和添加新功能。 Evaluate existing applications to reprogram, update and add new features. - 重視Clean code及Object-oriented design,能持續關注及優化程式碼 Pay attention to Clean code and Object-oriented design, and be able to continuously follow and optimize the program code. - 技術文件和手冊,準確呈現應用程式的設計和程式碼。 Develop technical documents and handbooks to accurately represent application design and code. [Essential Requirements] -熟悉原生開發程式:Swift/Objective-C or Java/Kotlin。 Familiar with native development programs:Swift/Objective-C or Java/Kotlin. -有使用跨平台開發應用程式的經驗。 Have experience in developing Apps using cross-platform engines. -熟悉Git且能靈活運用於日常開發工作 Familiar with Git and able to flexibly use it to daily development work. -具 Clean code、Refactoring、Design patterns and Object-oriented design相關知識。 knowledge of Clean code、Refactoring、Design patterns and Object-oriented design. [Nice to Have] -熟悉 Flutter及Dart。/ Familiar with Flutter and Dart. -API整合經驗。/ API integration experience. -全端經驗 / Have experience of Full -Stack -熟悉AWS/GCP雲端服務 / Familiar of AWS/GCP cloud platform. -熟悉敏捷開發和Scrum / Familiar with agile and Scrum. #App Developer #iOS Developer #Android Developer #Mobile Developer #Flutter
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated