BH Global 明輝環球集團_新加坡商歐美聖系統有限公司台灣分公司

Company Introduction

30 Employees
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Applying the technological advances gained from military applications, we design and develop new products and solutions for civilian, private, and public sectors such as pleasure yachting, commercial shipping, private and public security, emergency, and healthcare services. For over a decade, Omnisense Systems has been focused on developing, manufacturing, and marketing advanced night vision and EO/IR sensing systems, specifically for civilian applications and COTS solutions for military and law enforcement agencies. Recently, with the transformation of BH Global's subsidiary into a branch company, in addition to the promotion of the parent company's management, more resources have been introduced. A dedicated R&D company has been established in Taiwan to provide additional research and development resources and to support product line momentum. Additionally, through the parent company, we have gained access to more group clients, thereby enhancing our sales strategies.

Industry Sector
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Main Products

Applying the technological advances gained from military applications, we design and develop new products and solutions for civilian, private and public sectors such as pleasure yachting, commercial shipping, private and public security, emergency and healthcare services.


◆保險類 1.勞保 2. 健保 3. 勞工退職金提撥 ◆請 / 休假制度 1. 週休二日 2. 試用期滿特休假 十二天 ◆獎金/禮金 1. 年終獎金 2. 中秋 / 端午禮金 3. 生日禮金 4. 五一勞動節禮金 ◆制度類 1. 試用期滿調薪 2. 依照能力和工作表現調薪 3. 依照能力和工作表現升遷 ◆休閒類 1. 提供免費零食 2. 部門康樂活動 ◆設備類 茶水間免費供應茶包、咖啡等

Company & Workplace


Camera firmware engineer BH Global 明輝環球集團_新加坡商歐美聖系統有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. Camera firmware development with MCUs. 2. ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) standard program development. 3. Proficiency in C/C++ programming with experience in Linux environment development. **Preferred Qualifications:** 1. Familiarity with V4L2/Gstreamer/libcamera frameworks. 2. Familiarity with Android Camera HAL. 3. Experience with ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) standards. 4. Camera products validation and QC flow development. **Requirements:** 1. Familiarity with C/HDL languages. 2. Familiarity with camera sensor working principles and interfaces such as MIPI-CSI2 and I2C. **Preferred Qualifications:** 1. Familiarity with V4L2/Gstreamer/libcamera frameworks. 2. Familiarity with Android Camera HAL. 3. Experience with ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) standards.
9/19 Updated
Firmware engineer BH Global 明輝環球集團_新加坡商歐美聖系統有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Experiences on ARM Linux driver and SoC firmware development Experiences on UART/SPI/I2C development SoC driver protocol development Nice to have experience on TCP UDP RTSP protocol development
9/19 Updated
前端開發工程師 BH Global 明輝環球集團_新加坡商歐美聖系統有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 85,000+
熟悉網頁前端技術:HTML、CSS、TypeScript/JavaScript - 熟悉API串接- 熟悉Git版本控制工具- 能有效及妥善與UI/UX設計師溝通- 主動發現、提出、和解決問題- 有書面和口頭溝通能力,也願意主動溝通- 學習能力及學習意願強- 思想開放,有解決問題的能力- 認同/支持公司的宗旨和提供的服務- 不滿意表達自己想法,創造互相學習的機會- 對寫程式有熱情- 良好溝通能力、團隊配合度高、抗壓性高 1. 負責網站前端開發 2. 與 UI/UX 設計師溝通呈現方式 3. 和後端工程師合作確認 API 串接 4.能夠從0-1的開發 常用工具 開發以 VueJS、JavaScript、HTML、CSS(SASS)為主 使用JQuery,EmberJS,ReactJS,AngularJS,VueJS經驗尤佳 懂的web 如何用rtsp 等網路串流串接且有相關框架經驗更佳
9/19 Updated
QA test engineer BH Global 明輝環球集團_新加坡商歐美聖系統有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~50,000
1. 規劃測試機台運作流程與排程,以提升測試產能。 2. 負責保養測試設備硬體,並提昇機台的穩定性。 3. 負責機台量測,以及異常事件的即時防堵和調查追蹤。 4. 規劃、評估新廠及新機台的擴增效益。 5. 撰寫測試計劃及測試報告書。 6. 導入新產品時,協助製程或研發設計的評估、解析與改善。 7. 撰寫、維護與修改測試機台應用軟體,以提昇機台檢出產品缺陷的能力。 8. 評估並選擇合適的機台零件或耗材廠商,以降低成本支出。 9. 即時監控產品品質報表。 10. 即時解析異常產品,或協調研發、製程等相關工程師共同解析。 11. 建立及發展測試缺陷紀錄的資料庫。
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program manager BH Global 明輝環球集團_新加坡商歐美聖系統有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. The candidate will be responsible for integrating and communicating various software projects related to the company's products and providing regular progress reports. 2. The candidate should possess knowledge of embedded systems or front-end web design, be proactive in task completion, and willing to learn. 3. They should also have some software and coding skills and experience, along with a basic understanding of embedded system protocols. 4. Knowledge of RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol) and video streaming technologies, as well as basic image processing, is required. 5. The candidate should also have a certain level of coding ability.
Senior Level
9/18 Updated