Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司

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自台灣,在地優質品牌 ADAM elements 亞果元素 來自台灣、行銷全球,您的智慧生活解決方案專家。 用更貼近消費者的巧思, 結合時尚美學與尖端功能、融入更理想的使用體驗,創新研發的各種科技產品,都讓您的生活更加順暢、與網路世界無縫接軌,為工作、資訊、以及個 人風格找到完美連結。 以各種生活科技周邊,作為您與最 新行動裝置之間的溝通橋樑,除了滿足您生活與工作上的各種需要,也讓筆電、手機、平板等隨身助理發揮潛能、切合您獨一無二 的個人需求。 產品範疇 亞果元素產品涵蓋 iOS 隨身碟、集線器、線材、充電器、行動電源等周邊設備,隨時隨地滿足您數位生活的需求。除了實用、耐用、好用之外,亞果元素產品的造型更是精巧出眾,多次獲得德國紅點設計獎等國際設計競賽肯定! 接軌國際 當您的行動裝置需要連線、儲存、充電、轉接的時候,總有一款亞果元素產品適合您;而在全球超過 50 個國家的 Apple 專賣店、精品百 貨、以及各大機場商店,您也都可以和我們驚喜邂逅。 About ADAM elements -Your Smart Mobile Solution Expert The solutions from ADAM elements make the most out of your laptops, smart phones and tablets-They are elegantly interconnected with other devices and networks seamlessly as their pleasant user experience and advanced features get your jobs done. The world’s expert of professional Apple peripherals-ADAM elements bridges you and the latest mobile wonders with meticulously designed technology products to meet your unique everyday needs. Products Ranging from flash drives for iOS, hubs, cables, chargers to external battery packs and more, the ADAM elements products empower your digital life to the fullest. In addition to their highly acclaimed functionality, durability and usability, the products are also recognized by international design awards such as Germany’s Red Dot Award. All Over the World When you need to get connection, storage, recharge or conversion for your mobile devices, there’s always an ADAM elements product for you; and you can meet them easily in Apple Stores, boutique electronics stores and airport shops for your global-trotting convenience.

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法定項目:勞保、健保、產假、產檢假、陪產檢及陪產假、育嬰假、生理假、特別休假、勞退提撥金、職災保險 福利制度: 1. 經常舉辦部門聚餐活動,聯繫部門感情~ 2. 三節獎金、生日禮金,全勤獎金,績效獎金 3. 生育補助金~鼓勵大家增產報國 4. 員工健檢福利 5. 員購超優福利 6. 不定期舉辦團建激勵士氣 7. 不定期規劃員工旅遊聯絡大家感情  8. 完整入職及專業訓練 9. 在職人員進修課程 10. 良好升遷制度

Cơ hội việc làm

Global Product Marketing Specialist Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 32,000~45,000
- maintain global social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Be responsible for performance tracking and reporting regularly. - Plan and develop social contents and campaigns. - Develop social media content calendar. - Assist in communicating with social influencers. Requirements: - Proficiency in English communication to create copywriting and product features into social media posts. - Interested in Apple devices and peripherals industry. - Familiar with meta ads and GA4 reporting. - Spanish communication skill (nice to have).
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật
Product Manager Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
▋Your Role # Product life cycle management You will be working as strategic product planning including target audience analysis, product roadmap planning, marketing, selling strategy, and profit analysis. # Cross-functional communication and collaboration Working with multiple teams including Sales, Marketing, Industrial Design, Suppliers (manufactures), Product testing, Operation, and Customer Services, to gain maximum values. # Manage supply chains You will be deeply involved in consumer products supply chain and elaborating the ODM operation process and logic. In which to understand the up-to-date market trend and develop the capability for market analysis and global trend projection. # Global market trend analysis and strategy planning You will be involving different consumer habits under different cultures with multi-nation sales teams, also to coordinate internal resources for outlining appropriate marketing strategies to promote products over the world. ▋Your Responsibility 1. Developing and maintaining all product-specific messaging and positioning for funds and mandates in both English and Chinese. 2. Creating, preparing, maintaining, and overseeing the updating of a range of marketing presentations and materials on each of products. 3. Providing internal and external marketing and sales support, and training for products where required. 4. Running detailed competitor products analysis.
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Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật
品牌駐點銷售代表 Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 200+
1.亞果經銷門市,假日品牌銷售代表。 2.銷售亞果全系列產品,提供客人啵兒棒的購物體驗。 3.門市商品陳列擺放/商品陳列位置調整。 4.經銷商客戶關系維護。 5.希望可長期配合,有興趣者可往品牌通路代表進行培育。 6.時薪:200up 外加銷售達成獎金
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/23 Cập nhật
Social Media Marketing Specialist (TW / HK market) 社群行銷專員 (台灣 / 香港市場) Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 38,000~50,000
對社群經營具熱情,熟悉Facebook、 Instagram 等社群網站經營操作 發想每月社群平台創意企劃(線上與線下活動) FB、IG、YouTube 等社群媒體營運,包含貼文排程及撰寫、留言回覆。 各社群平台表現、KOL 合作成效追蹤與分析(包含 GA4 成效) 喜愛使用 Apple 裝置或對科技知識有興趣,曾在科技產業具行銷相關經驗者佳。 需跨部門協調及完成主管交辦事項。 加分經驗: - Meta 廣告投放經驗(Instagram 為主,非外包合作) - 影片企劃、腳本及拍攝的相關經驗 - KOL 接洽合作經驗(非外包)
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật
跨境電商行銷助理 Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 32,000+
- 負責海外市場電子商務平台上架及維護 (操作過 Shopify / Lazada / Amazon 等各大電商平台者佳) - 更新社群平台內容 (需具備英語寫作能力) - 協助聯繫海外市場銷售通路夥伴,接洽及管理當地行銷活動。 - 執行海外展會相關宣傳計畫與執行、輔銷品規劃。 - 接洽媒體、influencers、廠商,討論合作項目與執行,並協助準備溝通素材及文件。 - 有責任感及主動學習求知精神,並有良好團隊精神、內部溝通能力。 - 積極完成主管交辦事項並協助部門目標達成。
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật
跨境電商行銷PM Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
- 負責海外市場電子商務平台上架及維護 (操作過 Shopify / Lazada / Amazon 等各大電商平台者佳) - 整理業績銷售報表 - 規劃主責市場銷售預測計劃表 (數量、金額) 。 - 具產品活動策略操作之規劃能力,並有效掌握活動成效及數字分析。 - 並作為各大平台主要聯絡窗口,需具備溝通談判能力及耐心。 - 海外市場社群平台內容優化(以英文為主) - 協助規劃及執行主責海外市場通路行銷計畫,管理行銷預算與分析計畫成效。 - 作為海外市場銷售通路夥伴主要聯繫窗口,接洽及管理當地行銷活動。 - 執行海外展會相關宣傳計畫與執行、輔銷品規劃。 - 接洽媒體、influencers、廠商,討論合作項目與執行,並協助準備溝通素材及文件。 - 有責任感及主動學習求知精神,並有良好團隊精神、內部溝通能力。 - 積極完成主管交辦事項並協助部門目標達成。"
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật
平面設計 Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000~50,000
1.負責網頁設計、製作與維護、多媒體設計。 2.熟諳 FB 廣告素材製作及廣告投放者尤佳。 3.設計銷售工具(B2C、B2B目錄、各類文宣用品)設計 4.平面文宣美編設計、DM、海報、名片。 5.展場攤位平面視覺設計。 6.負責公司形象與產品照片設計。 7.與業務、行銷、企劃等相關人員配合,協同執行專案。 8.具國際品牌零售業設計經驗者佳與熟悉歐洲或美國設計風格。 9.具溝通協調、問題處理能力,做事細心且有耐心,以及樂觀進取,主動積極的工作態度。 10.須有實務經驗至少二年。
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật
Sales Manager 國內外業務開發專員 Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
(1) 開發國內外蘋果配件相關銷售通路 (2) 須對iPhone/iPad, Apple 相關產品有充分熱愛 (3) 須具備熟悉相關手機平板配件市場生態 (4) 國外業務須經常性出差開發拜訪國外客戶
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Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/23 Cập nhật