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Điện thoại
宇智網通股份有限公司創立於民國93年,由一群網通產業的資深團隊,傳承對無線通訊產業的熱情,專注於無線寬頻及數位串流技術的產品開發及銷售。穩健的創新活動及堅毅的執行力,加上對細節的關注與堅持,讓宇智在網通產業 持續保持領先,並於104年11月3日股票掛牌上櫃 (股票代號:6470)。 目前宇智除在新竹及台北內湖的營運及研發據點外,並在新竹縣湖口設有生產基地。銷售市場遍及美國、歐洲及日本。近年產品研發聚焦工規5G設備、商用及車載M2M應用裝置,以及物聯網相關產品,陸續在市場嶄露佳績,並為國際大型電信營運商及知名網路品牌商之重要策略合作夥伴;112年年度營運績效,營收達新台幣2,577,8百萬元,基本每股盈餘 6.17元,締建新猷。 宇智以優秀的企業公民自許,除了在營運上追求全面創新與經營成效外,同時也積極推行對環境友善及落實社會公義的各項作法:研製綠色產品延伸綠色供應鏈;推動節能減碳措施;宣告禁用衝突金屬政策;長期響應公益活動;關注員工福利與人才培育…….等等,期以貢獻回饋社會,促進大環境的和諧美好。 延續我們對產業的熱情,騁乘著源源創新的引擎,屢攀顛峰的宇智正朝著更遠大的旅程前進,有志一同的你,歡迎加入宇智,與我們併肩同行…. 榮耀大事記: 111年 榮獲中華徵信所「台灣大型企業網路設備業」排名前20強 110年 榮獲「天下雜誌2000大企業」獲利率排行664名 108年 榮獲遠傳電信CSR「永續優良廠商」評等 105年 榮獲行政院環保署年度減碳行動績優獎

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính

■ 無線寬頻網路應用設備 - 5G電信用戶端設備 - 企業級雙5G連網設備 - 5G M2M連網裝置 - 工規車載連網裝置 ■ 多媒體數位閘道器 - 數位串流智能橋接器 - 數位串流音訊產品

Chế độ phúc lợi

◆ 保險類 1.勞保/健保 2.勞退金提撥 3.員工團保/眷屬團保(醫療險/意外險) ◆ 休閒類 1.國內旅遊 2.部門聚餐 3.社團活動 ◆ 制度類 1.伙食費/誤餐費 2.考核獎金/專案獎金 3.員工分紅 4.完整的教育訓練 5.順暢的升遷管道 ◆ 請/休假制度 1.週休二日 2.特休 3.陪產假/產檢假 4.家庭照顧假/同仁育嬰假 5.週末及親子週 9天長假期 6.創始第一家網通廠, 率先推出媽咪日/把拔日-母親、父親各享有薪公假一日 ◆ 其他 1.員工機車停車位 2.新進同仁及定期健康檢查 3.特約商店 4.年度尾牙/年度運動會/家庭日/聖誕派對 ◆ 補助類 1.婚喪疾病禮金/慰問金/生育津貼 2.三節賀禮 3.社團補助 4.同仁員工旅遊

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

(新竹)業務開發經理(歐洲、中東及非洲地區) 宇智網通股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
. Business Development to System Integrator, Telecom Operators and service partners in EMEA area. . Promote U-Media's entire product line, including WiFi, LTE/5G, Broadband and Industrial grade IoT devices. . Strengthen the relationship with Partners and customers to make sure U-Media is well position to bid compelling and competitive business. . Coordinate calls and meetings as appropriate with partners and customers to make sure technical and business alignments, solidify relationships and develop new business. . Provide tangible feedback and feasible U-Media solutions to customers, based on customers’ requirements. . ODM projects administer, maintain and co-work with team internally to fulfill customers’ requirements. . Develop strategic business relationships and long-term business plans with customers that maximize buying potential for the company. . Prepare necessary reports for internal consumption.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
9/30 Cập nhật
(新竹)業務開發經理(亞太地區) 宇智網通股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Job Description: . Business Development to System Integrator, Telecom Operators and service partners in APAC area. . Promote U-Media's entire product line, including WiFi, LTE/5G, Broadband and Industrial grade IoT devices. . Strengthen the relationship with Partners and customers to make sure U-Media is well position to bid compelling and competitive business. . Coordinate calls and meetings as appropriate with partners and customers to make sure technical and business alignments, solidify relationships and develop new business. . Provide tangible feedback and feasible U-Media solutions to customers, based on their application requirements. . ODM projects administer, maintain and co-work with team internally to fulfill customers's requirements. . Develop strategic business relationships and long-term business plans with customers that maximize buying potential for the company. . Prepare necessary reports for internal consumption.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
9/30 Cập nhật
(新竹)嵌入系統開發-工程師 宇智網通股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Linux 嵌入式SMB/CPE/Enterprise 網路裝置開發 在OpenWrt上開發GUI Linux Driver/Application移植和最佳化 軟體問題除錯修正 和HW engineer合作bring up PCBA 撰寫technical application notes
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật
(新竹)產品管理師/資深產品管理師(PM) 宇智網通股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Project Management 2.Biz Development 3.協助產品管理、廠商及客戶聯絡相關事宜 4.新產品規劃 5.英文聽說讀寫流利
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật