
Company Introduction

85 Employees
台北市大安區光復南路 102 號 3 樓
Contact Person
PicCollage Team
嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage Company,我們團隊鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。產品開發近期以『Creative AI』為主軸,打造使用者能輕鬆發揮創意的各項影像編輯產品。 『Creative AI』 是創意 AI 的展現和延續 透過 Generative AI 和 ML 技術的研究,開發出具創意的 AI 並導入產品功能。Creative AI 不僅展現在我們挑選的技術領域,還有主打的產品開發類別,讓使用者在操作 app 的過程中展現更多創意! Hello! We are the startup team from Silicon Valley, PicCollage Company. Our team champions free creativity, embrace diversity and multiculturalism, and cultivates a work environment centered around "openness, learning, and sharing." We're currently focusing on introducing the concept of "Creative AI" into product development. Using technologies such as Generative AI, Machine Learning, we're committed to creating image editing products that allow users to reach their full potential.

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Main Products

主要產品『PicCollage 拼貼趣』是一個追求自由創造及分享的影像拼貼 app,主要使用者來自美國、英國及日本等國家。目前全球下載量已突破 2.6 億,每個月 1500 萬穩定用戶量,並穩定增長中。 另外,新產品團隊 Explore 持續開發新 app 產品,像是挑選片段就能產出的對拍影片 (OnBeat)、或是一張頭像就能生成你的專屬迷因 (MemeMe)、同時線上多組討論視訊軟體 (MixerChat) 等。再戰創意領域 app 的下一個產品里程碑! 欲更認識我們,歡迎參考以下連結: - Our Office ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7jqZdIugRs - Our Products ➤ https://picc.co/products - Tech Blog ➤ https://tech.pic-collage.com/ - 成員分享:團隊文化 ➤ https://bit.ly/3zyQrAl 想更認識 PicCollage 團隊和職缺嗎? 來參加每個月舉辦的 Online Info Session 線上招募同樂會,你能更了解招募中職缺、並與我們成員互動QA。 現在就報名登記:https://forms.gle/bkHk4QUPC4ACCnMcA


Flexible Work Time & Remote Work 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Maker Time 每週一天 Maker Time,不進行不必要的會議和討論 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會 (技術分享、Design Demo, Hack Days等) Fun, Creative & International 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各地 Free Lunch and Dinner in the Office 辦公室內提供團隊午餐晚餐 Sports Classes in Office/Online 和同事一起起來動一動 PicCafe 健康零食水果,永遠餵飽你的胃

Company & Workplace


Content Design Manager PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,600,000~2,000,000
【About PicCollage 公司介紹】 We use friendly design and serious tech to build meaningful products that make the world more fun and creative! 嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage Company,我們團隊鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。產品開發近期以『Creative AI』為主軸,打造使用者能輕鬆發揮創意的各項影像編輯產品。 歡迎參考以下連結更多的認識我們! Our New Products: https://picc.co/products Life at PicCollage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVyWO-qWIBQQebwef-s7Cg Tech Blog: https://tech.pic-collage.com/ ------------- As the Content Design Manager at PicCollage, you will spearhead the innovation initiative, crafting content that merges creativity with technology. Your role will involve producing high-quality materials such as stickers, backgrounds, templates, fonts, and more for the PicCollage app. You will both oversee and actively engage in the creation, management, and strategic planning of content. This position demands a mix of creative vision, leadership skills, and technical expertise. [Responsibilities] - Collaborate with Marketing to generate decorative content (stickers, background, templates..etc) based on user feedback and consumer research. - Ideate and advocate for product changes that enhance app content usability and discoverability. - Act as a representative of the Content team, liaising and communicating with other teams including PMs and developers. - Lead and represent content initiatives and structure teams to achieve goals. - Participate in strategic planning meetings and facilitate the implementation of strategies. - Stay ahead of industry and design trends in both content strategy and technology to continually enhance content impact and delivery. [Requirements] - Fluent in English (written & verbal). - 5+ years experience in content design and strategy. - Skilled in Adobe CC (Illustrator and Photoshop) and Figma. - Strong project management skills and ability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment. - Exceptional communication skills and ability to advocate content innovation. [Plus] - Familiar with US culture and trends. - Understand AI and interested in the potential of using AI to create better content. - Fluent in Mandarin. 【Interview process 面試流程】 After you submit your application, the next steps are one or two video interview calls (with short written questions), followed by an onsite interview. Our interview process includes interesting exercises with our team members (e.g. pair programming, design brainstorming). Through this process, we hope you can get to know what it's like to work with us, and get to know our team and culture! If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey of being part of a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us! 【Benefits & Culture 公司福利 & 工程師文化】 Invent the future - 一年兩次定期舉辦 Hackday,翻玩最新技術! Always be learning - 各種內部工作坊(ML/Frontend/Backend/Mobile)、每週五固定新技術分享、Design Demo分享、定期協辦技術社群活動(Cocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei) Fun, Creative and International team - 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各國,辦公室就是小矽谷! 還有還有 ... Awesome Office 舒服的辦公室 Flexible Work Time & WFH 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Flexible PTO 彈性休假制度 Free Lunch and Dinner 每日團隊午餐晚餐 PicCafe 各樣零食飲料不怕餓 Sports Classes in Office 辦公室內建 TRX & Yoga 教室 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Machine Learning Engineer (Visual Creativity) PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 2,100,000~3,500,000
【About PicCollage 公司介紹】 We use friendly design and serious tech to build meaningful products that make the world more fun and creative! 嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage 拼貼趣,主要產品『PicCollage』是一個追求自由創造及分享的照片拼貼app,主要使用者來自美國、英國及日本等國家。目前全球下載量已突破 2 億,每個月 1500 萬穩定用戶量,並且持續增長中! 在PicCollage 拼貼趣團隊我們鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,致力於打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。另外,新產品團隊正式成軍!積極開發新產品運用新科技如 3D、AR/VR、Machine Learning、Data Analytics等,以快速開發進行多種圖像、影片實驗,讓人們用創意拼貼生活中值得分享的時刻。歡迎各方高手與我們一起創造下個破億下載量的產品,為世界帶來趣味! 歡迎參考以下連結更多的認識我們! Our New Products: https://picc.co/products Life at PicCollage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVyWO-qWIBQQebwef-s7Cg Tech Blog: https://tech.pic-collage.com/ ------------- Are you enthusiastic about transforming innovative ideas into actual products which will provide fun, creative experiences for millions of people around the world? Then come and join our team! As a senior machine learning engineer, you will build the machine learning models which power PicCollage’s creative and visual applications, using the latest in computer vision and generative AI technology. You will work with company leadership and designers to understand the challenges facing our team and users, help us set technical directions, and promote promising new technologies. You will work together with a team of machine learning engineers to research and implement models and algorithms, and help your team members grow in their career. 【Responsibilities】 - Design and implement machine learning models for visually creative applications, including computer vision and generative AI. - Keep up to date with the latest advancements in machine learning, and apply new technologies to improve our products. - Work with company leadership to set technical directions and promote promising new technologies. - Lead other machine learning engineers to deliver high quality results and improve their knowledge and skills. 【Qualifications】 - A MS degree or higher in a related field (machine learning, computer science, etc.) - Has experience in visual creativity-related machine learning engineering for 3+ years or above, including computer vision and/or generative AI. - Has experience with computer vision and machine learning projects(preferably at the MS/PhD level), using ML libraries like Tensorflow, Pytorch, Caffe, etc. - Has familiarity with one or more of these: OpenCV, C/C++, Python, Java. - Has great math and analytical abilities, but also an artistic side! - Is self-motivated and focused, but also creative and energetic. - Has good communication skills in English. 【Interview process 面試流程】 After you submit your application, the next steps are one or two video interview calls (with short written questions), followed by an onsite interview. Our interview process includes interesting exercises with our team members (e.g. pair programming, design brainstorming). Through this process, we hope you can get to know what it's like to work with us, and get to know our team and culture! If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey of being part of a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us! 【Benefits & Culture 公司福利 & 工程師文化】 Invent the future - 一年兩次定期舉辦 Hackday,翻玩最新技術! Always be learning - 各種內部工作坊(ML/Frontend/Backend/Mobile)、每週五固定新技術分享、Design Demo分享、定期協辦技術社群活動(Cocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei) Fun, Creative and International team - 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各國,辦公室就是小矽谷! 還有還有 ... Awesome Office 舒服的辦公室 Flexible Work Time & WFH 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Flexible PTO 彈性休假制度 Free Lunch and Dinner 每日團隊午餐晚餐 PicCafe 各樣零食飲料不怕餓 Sports Classes in Office 辦公室內建 TRX & Yoga 教室 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會
Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
Senior Visual Designer PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,800,000~2,500,000
【About PicCollage 公司介紹】 We use friendly design and serious tech to build meaningful products that make the world more fun and creative! 嗨!我們是來自矽谷的新創團隊 PicCollage Company,我們團隊鼓勵自由創造,擁抱差異與多元文化,打造『開放、學習、分享』的工作環境。產品開發近期以『Creative AI』為主軸,打造使用者能輕鬆發揮創意的各項影像編輯產品。 歡迎參考以下連結更多的認識我們! Our New Products: https://picc.co/products Life at PicCollage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVyWO-qWIBQQebwef-s7Cg Tech Blog: https://tech.pic-collage.com/ ------------- We are looking for a Senior Visual Designer to help lead visual design and vision on PicCollage app. This role demands a blend of creative skills, time management capabilities and the ability to elevate designs as a whole. As a Senior Visual Designer, you will play a pivotal role in defining and enhancing the visual experience of our app to keep us at the forefront of the industry. [Responsibilities] - Lead visual design initiatives, overseeing all stages of the design process from concept to execution. Enhance and maintain our visual and brand identity, ensuring that all visuals are compelling and aligned with our strategic goals. - Collaborate with marketing team visually and strategically to deliver high quality design assets including video ads, app store graphics and a/b testing visuals, to achieve key metrics. - Collaborate with cross-functional product teams including product design, management, and engineering to establish targeted visual output. - Provide art direction and visual guidance to in-app content curation with trend research and constructive feedback. - Communicate effectively with stakeholders, ensuring their understanding and buy-in for design strategies and solutions. [Requirements] - Fluent in English (written & verbal). - 5+ years professional visual design, marketing and content. - Proficient in Adobe CC (Illustrator and Photoshop), Figma, After Effects, Premiere Pro. - Strong portfolio that demonstrates expertise in detail oriented design and visual strategy. - Strong communication and presentation skills, able to clearly articulate ideas, design decisions, and provide constructive feedback. [Plus] - Understanding of US market. - Understand AI and interested in the potential of using AI to create better content. 【Interview process 面試流程】 After you submit your application, the next steps are one or two video interview calls (with short written questions), followed by an onsite interview. Our interview process includes interesting exercises with our team members (e.g. pair programming, design brainstorming). Through this process, we hope you can get to know what it's like to work with us, and get to know our team and culture! If you believe you fit the bill above, and are eager to start a new journey of being part of a fun and creative startup team, hesitate no more and join us! 【Benefits & Culture 公司福利 & 工程師文化】 Invent the future - 一年兩次定期舉辦 Hackday,翻玩最新技術! Always be learning - 各種內部工作坊(ML/Frontend/Backend/Mobile)、每週五固定新技術分享、Design Demo分享、定期協辦技術社群活動(Cocoaheads Taipei, Android Taipei) Fun, Creative and International team - 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各國,辦公室就是小矽谷! 還有還有 ... Awesome Office 舒服的辦公室 Flexible Work Time & WFH 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作 Flexible PTO 彈性休假制度 Free Lunch and Dinner 每日團隊午餐晚餐 PicCafe 各樣零食飲料不怕餓 Sports Classes in Office 辦公室內建 TRX & Yoga 教室 Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated