
Company Introduction

200 Employees
Contact Person
訊聯生技集團創立於1999年,以「再生醫學/細胞治療」、「精準健康/基因醫學」、「分子數位科技/智慧研發」三大核心能力,成為亞洲最具國際代表性的生技品牌。旗下「訊聯生技」(2007年-台灣第一家專攻細胞治療上市櫃公司)、「訊聯基因(原名:創源生技)」(2012年-台灣第一家專攻基因醫學及科學資訊上市櫃公司),已服務全台超過51%新生兒、90%婦產專科醫院及生殖醫學中心,拓展至海外17國,總客戶達150萬人次。 訊聯通過衛福部核准特管法細胞治療,包括脂肪間質幹細胞用於退化性關節炎、膝關節軟骨缺損、慢性傷口,以及免疫細胞CIK治療大腸直腸癌、肺癌、乳癌、肝癌等多種癌症。並持續拓展再生醫學及細胞治療應用範圍、精進醫美保養品/毛髮生長開發、Exosome等細胞衍生物及細胞製程的品質與技術。2022年更成立「訊聯細胞智藥股份有限公司」,加速開發再生醫療細胞製劑、外泌體Exosome的診斷與治療,並結合智慧研發、優異的基因和細胞療法開發技術、數位模擬創新能力,提供更廣大服務。 BIONET Corp. was established in 1999 as the pioneer company in the field of precision health and regenerative medicine in Taiwan. In 2007, BIONET successfully completed initial public offering (IPO) and became the first publicly traded company in the stem cell and genetic testing industry of Taiwan. The Genetics Generation Advancement Corporation (GGA Corp.) is a subsidiary of BIONET. In 2012, GGA became the first publicly traded company in Taiwan to specialize in genetic testing and scientific informatics. BIONET Group focuses in three areas: Cell Therapy、Precision Health / Genetic Medicine and Scientific Informatics- providing cells, genetic testing, skin care products and other technologies. BIONET serves more than 51% of newborns, 90% of gynecology / obstetrics clinics and reproductive medicine centers in Taiwan while expanding services to 17 countries overseas; meeting the health needs of more than 1.5 million customers at different stages in life. To date, BIONET received several cell therapy approvals from the Ministry of Health and Welfare under the special management regulation , including adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell treatment for degenerative arthritis, knee cartilage defects, chronic wounds, and immune cell (CIK) treatment of colorectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and other cancers. Furthermore, BIONET also expand the application scope of regenerative medicine and cell therapy, medical and skin care products/hair growth development, cell derivatives such as Exosomes, and cell processing. In 2022, BIONET Group established new company "BIONET Therapeutics Corp." which combines smart research and development, gene and cell therapy development technology, and digital simulation innovation capabilities to provide broader services.

Industry Sector

Main Products

1. 臍帶血儲存服務及應用   2. 臍帶間質幹細胞(MSC)儲存服務及應用  3. 牙齒幹細胞之儲存及應用 4. 成人周邊血幹細胞儲存服務及應用  5. 成人脂肪幹細胞儲存服務 6. 脊髓性肌肉萎縮症(SMA)基因檢測 7. 非侵入性胎兒染色體檢測(NIPT)技術 8. 子癲前症篩檢 9. X-染色體脆折症檢測 10. 各項基因檢測技術與服務 11. 醫美保養品「RE.O 原生動能」系列


1.上下班交通車 (台北車站/大坪林捷運站) 2.輔導員制度 (新人到職敘餐費、輔導員獎勵金) 3.彈性上下班工時、遲到假 4.年度資深員工表揚、年度卓越員工選拔及獎勵 5.年終獎金、年中分紅、信託持股、以及三節及五一勞動節禮券、績效獎金 6.員工生日禮券、婚喪喜慶禮金補助 7.免費咖啡機、零食小點 8.辦公文具補助 9.視障按摩 10.秋冬流感疫苗費用補助 11.節慶活動、Family Day、員工旅遊 12.新進人員教育訓練、員工教育訓練補助、各項講座 13.員工推薦獎金 14.尾牙聯歡活動 15.員工健康檢查 16.部門聚餐補助 17.勞保、健保、勞退金提撥、員工團體保險 18.職工福利委員會特約商店折扣 19.員購產品優惠

Company & Workplace


海外業務部_海外業務 (日本) 訊聯生物科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.需具備流利日語 2.外泌體產品服務與業務開發 3.市場競品資訊蒐集與分析 4.既有客戶維繫與銷售策略動態管理
Senior Level
9/18 Updated