

60 人
心誠鎂行動醫電由一群經驗豐富、胸懷呼吸治療創新願景的專業團隊於2014年成立。憑藉領先的技術與優秀的策略,心誠鎂除陸續取得美國、台灣、日本等知名投資人的支持。2019年9月,心誠鎂成為全球首批受邀進駐由阿斯特捷利康支持的無錫國家生命科學創新園,確立心誠鎂在呼吸藥物遞送技術的領先地位。2021年5月,心誠鎂與全球生物科技領導者CSL Behring共同進行血漿衍生免疫球蛋白的開發(CSL787)。團隊專注於吸入性藥械組合產品的開發,用於治療及緩解包含 慢性阻塞性肺病、氣喘、肺動脈高血壓、肺纖維囊腫及支氣管擴張症等呼吸道疾病,並藉此合作案正式將心誠鎂轉型為Drug-Device Combination product CDMO公司。 HCmed Innovations Co., Ltd. (HCmed) is founded in 2014 by a group of talents, who have dedicated themselves to the improvement of respiratory health for more than decades, with skills, knowledge, and passion. HCmed has been focusing on inhaled drug/device combination to ease respiratory diseases such us COPD, Asthma, PAH, CF, and Bronchiectasis. The innovative drug delivery system HCmed developed is aiming to trigger the efficiency of drug-device combination and optimize the inhalation therapy. As asthma, COPD and many respiratory diseases surge, what we want to fulfill, is not only a better therapy for our family and friends who suffer from those respiratory conditions, but also the cure and freedom for all in the future. By continuous improvement of science and technology, our diligent team strive to go beyond the borders and develop the cutting-edge solutions for clinical practice. HCmed is venture-backed with funding from Vivo Capital and other major investors from the US, Taiwan, and Japan. On Sept. 2019, HCmed was one of the first teams from around the world to be invited to join Wuxi International Life Science Innovation Park supported by AstraZeneca China, establishing HCmed's leading status in the respiratory drug delivery technology.



Deepro以及Pulmogine為心誠鎂自行開發的吸入式藥物遞送裝置,配置全球領先的網式霧化技術平台,能安全高效的將藥品以精確的氣霧遞送到患部,緩解並治療呼吸道病症。目前已經取得美國FDA、歐盟CE、台灣TFDA、巴西ANVISA、印尼BPOM、以及中國NMPA 等各國政府認證,並與全球各國頂尖藥廠進行前期開發與臨床試驗,以提供患者更好的吸入治療。Deepro 屬於主動網式霧化技術,與定量吸入器(MDI)或乾粉式吸入器(DPI)不同,使用者不需特別學習呼吸方式,即可有效遞送藥物進入呼吸道目標位置,特別適用於幼童或年長的呼吸道疾病患者。 One of HCmed's product, Deepro, focus on its proprietary delivery system as one of the leading mesh nebulizers to deliver great aerosol deep into the lungs, effectively easing respiratory disease burdens. With its quality and reliability, Deepro has been certificated rapidly by several authorities such as TüV SüD (CE mark), TFDA, ANVISA(Brazil), and BPOM (Indonesia FDA) and is cooperating with leading pharmaceutical companies to provide a better aerosol therapy.


◆ 休假福利: 週休二日、特休假、家庭照顧假、生理假、育嬰假、男性員工陪產假、彈性假、依職等給予生日假及福利假 ◆ 獎金福利: 年節獎金、員工生日禮金、年資禮品及獎金、里程碑獎金、員工提案獎金、專利獎金、員工介紹獎金 ◆ 保險福利: 勞保、健保、勞退金提撥、團體傷害險、團體職災險 ◆ 娛樂福利: 季度聚餐、尾牙餐會、各式休閒活動、員工旅遊、辦公室零食飲料 ◆ 津貼補助: 員工結婚津貼、婚禮禮金、生育禮金、喪葬奠儀、員工進修補助、年度健康檢查 ◆ 分紅配股: 員工紅利、員工認股 ◆ 訓練發展: 全方位的個人發展計畫,員工在職教育訓練、人才培訓計劃


行政總務專員 心誠鎂行動醫電股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 29,000~35,000
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