
Company Introduction

80 Employees
Contact Person
我們是一家成立於2016年的年輕創新企業,在2022年取得金管會核發的「外籍移工國外小額匯兌」特許執照。我們立志成為台灣創新領域的領頭羊,在2023年入選國發會NEXT BIG新創明日之星,並於同年完成公開發行,股票代號7738。 我們以引領未來的金融科技公司為目標,以極具前瞻性的經營策略贏得業界注目,展現了我們勇於挑戰的企業精神。 在台灣外籍移工小額匯兌市場佔有一定市占率,並積極拓展東南亞和其他海外市場,在印尼及香港設有分公司。 我們重視每一位員工,提供自我發展的成長空間,歡迎願意和我們一起開創新章的夥伴加入。

Industry Sector

Main Products

我們首創台灣的外籍移工APP跨境匯款服務提,整合了資訊流和金流,致力於實現普惠金融,滿足台灣外籍移工的匯款需求。 我們的研發團隊開發了EUI Money APP,導入了RegTech、Big Data和身分驗證技術,同時符合國際標準的匯兌交易機制,經金管會和央行核准。 我們服務範圍包括印尼、菲律賓、越南和泰國等地,引導外籍移工合法辦理匯款,建立普惠金融,對外籍移工及其家人都具有積極的影響。


◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.獎金 (依公司營運狀況發放) 2.生日禮金 =================================== ◆ 休閒類 1.不定時國內/外旅遊 2.部門聚餐 3.不定時家庭日 4.慶生會 5.辦公室提供咖啡/飲料/零食 =================================== ◆ 請/休假制度 1.週休二日 2.特休/年假 比照勞基法相關規定: 滿六個月以上,未滿一年者,給予特別休假三日。 滿一年以上,未滿二年者,給予特別休假七日。 滿二年以上,未滿三年者,給予特別休假十日。 滿三年以上,未滿五年者,給予特別休假十四日。 滿五年以上,未滿十年者,給予特別休假十五日。 滿十年以上者,每一年加給一日,加至三十日為止。 3.男性員工給薪陪產假 4.家庭照顧假 5.女性同仁生理假 6.育嬰假 =================================== ◆ 其他 1.具市場競爭力薪資 2.彈性上下班制 3.辦公環境舒適 4.全方位工作配置支援: 公務機和筆電 (依職務需求)

Company & Workplace


Philippine Customer Service- Part-time 東聯互動股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 185~185
Mabuhay Kapamilya ! Gusto mo bang maging isa sa Team namin? Join our Team "Filipino" Students, Taiwan ID, ARC Taiwanese Spouse *must have valid Work permit *must speak Filipino & English, Chinese not require but a plus! *must have a laptop/ computer- Work from Home (WFH) -Job position: Customer Service Representative (Part time) *Replying to customers' inquiries via phone calls, Facebook, LINE *other duties assigned by Managers Working hours: Flexible *Hybrid Working Set up - mixed WFH and OFFICE (DIngpu, New Taipei) Applicants who can work LONG-TERM are given priority. Send your CV to: louie@eui.money
Filipino Required
Partially Remote
9/19 Updated
Vietnam Market Marketing Specialist 東聯互動股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 36,000~40,000
We are young and dynamic, looking forward to welcoming proactive and energetic colleagues who are willing to join us in shaping the future! Job Overview: You will be responsible for developing marketing strategies, promoting and maintaining good relationships with customers for the product line. In a highly competitive market environment, your role will be to drive the growth of the product line and provide excellent customer service experiences. Responsibilities and Duties: Marketing Strategy Development: Create and execute marketing plans for the product line, including target market positioning, competitive analysis, pricing strategies, product promotions, and brand management. Market Promotion Activities: Plan and implement online and offline activities such as advertising campaigns, physical events, etc., to enhance brand awareness, customer loyalty, and expand market share. Data Analysis: Collect and analyze market data and competitive intelligence to understand product demand trends, customer preferences, and market feedback, in order to support adjustments and optimization of marketing strategies. Customer Relationship Management: Establish long-term and stable relationships with existing customers, promptly respond to customer messages, address inquiries, and assist customers in completing transactions. Customer Feedback Management: Collect and analyze customer opinions and feedback, provide valuable information to internal teams for improving product features, quality, and service levels. Document Translation: Assist in translation to ensure clear understanding of the company's services and smooth operation of the app for customers. Job Requirements: 1.Minimum 2 years of work experience. 2.Education: Bachelor's degree or Master's degree. 3.Language Proficiency: English: Moderate level in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Chinese: Basic understanding in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vietnamese: Proficient level in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Mid to Senior Level
9/19 Updated
人力資源專員 東聯互動股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~45,000
我們很年輕,正在尋找細心、喜歡團隊合作且願意精進,讓自己及公司不斷進步的夥伴。 邀請你加入成為我們的一份子! 職務內容: 1.人力資源行政作業 2.人力資源發展 3.雇主品牌經營 4.費用核銷 5.還有任何你認為可以勝任的工作 語言能力: 因為我們是一個多元的公司,有各種不同的國籍,所以溝通能力很重要。 英文不用很好,但是懂得利用各種方法,達成溝通目的。 個人特質: 1.誠信正直、主動積極 2.數字觀念清晰 3.願意學習
English Required
9/19 Updated
PHP工程師 東聯互動股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
系統開發與維運,活動網站開發與維運,API 開發與串接
Mid to Senior Level
9/19 Updated