
Company Introduction

9000 Employees
Contact Person
仁寶電腦創立於1984年,即將邁入40個年頭。從電腦周邊製造發展成長,至今已成為橫跨通訊/數位媒體/智慧型裝置/車用電子產品/機構零組件/面板/網通等5C領域的整體性解決方案提供者。創新、和諧、超越的企業精神,促使仁寶掌握潮流、創造契機,邁向更寬廣的格局。 身為全球筆記型電腦以及智慧型裝置產業的深耕者,嚴謹細密的研發能力與卓越的經營管理團隊,使仁寶穩居世界500強企業。集團在大陸、越南、美國、巴西、波蘭及墨西哥均成立據點,我們持續精進研發製造及健全的全球化運籌體系,提供客戶彈性及快速的服務,具突破性的產品設計屢次受到國際獎項的肯定,至今榮獲: ◆德國iF產品設計獎118個獎項 ◆「世界設計指標WORLD DESIGN INDEX」排名居於第八位。 ◆富士比《Forbes》全球上市公司2000大企業。 ◆財星《Fortune》全球500大企業。 ◆天下雜誌2000大製造業-第4名。 ◆天下CSR企業公民獎大型企業。 ◆「亞洲企業社會責任高峰會(CSR Asia Summit)」百大永續企業。 ◆經濟部國家產業創新獎的「團隊創新領航獎」。 ◆「2022 第十五屆TCSA全球企業永續獎」-「台灣百大永續典範企業獎」及「台灣永續報告書-白金獎」 ◆人力銀行幸福企業大賞-科技研發類金獎 【創新】是我們共享的DNA,激發了仁寶許多超乎想像的產品設計,更造就我們進入新型產業的實力。我們隨時準備好與您一同迎接挑戰,開創未來科技新世代。

Industry Sector

Main Products

1. 筆記型電腦、IPC、AIO PC 2. 車用電子產品 3. Server 4. 物聯網IOT產品 5. 智慧型裝置(手機、平板) 6. 穿戴裝置(智慧手錶、AR/VR) 7. 視訊產品 8. 智慧醫療 9. 5G應用產品


【優質的薪資待遇】 ◆一年四季提供優渥獎金(年終/端午/中秋/分紅) ◆年年調薪之外,晉升也可調薪!增強薪資競爭力 ◆人人都有資深員工獎金 ◆內部推薦獎金高達4萬,介紹優秀人才與公司互利共好   【福利多到數不完】 ◆提供勞保/健保/勞退,讓生活多一層保障 ◆提供婚喪喜慶補助,陪你度過人生每一刻 ◆生育補助66,000元(每胎),鼓勵增產報國 ◆年節禮卷用不完,增加節日儀式感 ◆享有生活娛樂/藝文補助,讓錢錢變成你喜歡的樣子 ◆特約廠商範圍廣,處處都有小確幸 ◆全家無人智慧商店/販賣機享折扣,便利省荷包 【認真工作認真玩】 ◆ Stampede、太極拳、瘋羽無阻、芭蕾身形雕塑社團選擇多,結合興趣與工作 ◆綠活健康社對熱愛環境不遺餘力;志工社愛心不落人後,推動偏鄉、原民的教育閱讀 ◆旺年會/慶生會/歌唱/球類/雷射槍/麻將/德州樸克比賽,好禮獎不完 ◆基金會每年舉辦公益團體愛心市集、表演、藝廊畫展,六星級音樂饗宴 【仁寶的心肝寶貝】 ◆提供免費定期健康檢查,為你的健康把關 ◆提供員工協助方案(EAP),為你生活中的疑難雜症提供專業協助 ◆設置醫護室/哺集乳室,給同仁安心的環境 ◆集團陽光診所,就近提供同仁醫療服務 ◆專業舒壓按摩服務,為你的肩膀鬆一下   【裡外進修一把罩】 ◆多元化課程,提升個人硬實力,加強職場軟實力 ◆擁有e-Learning學習App,讓你知識帶著走 ◆舉辦高階經理人和業界達人講座分享,經驗學習不可少

Company & Workplace


SR0159 智慧型裝置事業群-FPGA Engineer 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Ownership of all aspects of the design verification of the FPGA chips and/or its functional blocks. 2.Experience with Xilinx FPGAs, DSP, and software defined radios is a plus. 3.Develops circuit, component, subsystem, and equipment interfaces and procurement specifications. 4.Supports in-house design reviews and technical meetings. 5.Supports the design, development and testing, including upgrades, parts reliability requirements, failure analysis/corrective action investigations, special laboratory tests, performance evaluations, and design audits of in-house and contracted projects and provides status to senior program management 6.Oversees the day-to-day development activities of the design team in support of the project manager's work plan. 7.Performs additional data systems and analysis work as required. 8.Work closely with HW engineers to define new FPGA. 9.Work closely with FW and SW Engineers. 10.Execute various technical aspects of a given program while ensuring that cost and schedule objectives are being met.
English Required
10/07 Updated
SR0303 智慧型裝置事業群-Thermal Department Leader 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Job Description】 1. 5-years+ experience on thermal system optimization, and manager experience on thermal team. Familiar with highly goal oriented simulation tools. (E.g. Anasys and Flotherm, preferred Flotherm.) 2. Developing, verifying and validation for smart device thermal systems, and co-work with HW, ME, for physical thermal solution design. As well as working with software team for thermal mitigation plan for products. 3. Integrating with multi-objective optimization, analysis and visualization of the entire product design space. Establishing ling-term collaboration with customers, so that we can thoroughly understand their research and needs and can be most productive in minimizing the time to market for new design. 【Core Responsibilities】 1. Leading thermal team to fulfill customer/products thermal optimization, requirements, and research needs. 2. Analyzing heats transfer and energy conversion components and systems including, but not limited to, thermal optimization on portable devices, e.g. mobile phone, tablet; smart watch, and smart speaker; IOT devices and related applications. 3. Utilize in-house, commercial, and custom developed software to provide customer thermal optimization solutions. 4. Develop, review and edit project reports, and report to customers. 5. Assist with developing proposals and new business leads. 6. Maintain and grow existing customer contact and relations.
English Required
10/07 Updated
SF1206 智慧型裝置事業群-Management Trainee印度專案儲備幹部(印度) 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Quality, quantitative assessment, achievement of introduction rate production, and establishing and following benchmark lines. 2. Assist in project management and implementation, under the guidance of senior management. 3. Support completing related assignments and projects. 4. Assist superiors in completing assigned tasks. 5. Assigned to different departments based on professional abilities and interests(OPM/TPM/TE/SQE/IQC)
10/07 Updated
PA0403 伺服器BMC/IPMI 韌體設計主任/經理(內湖) 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 領導BMC韌體的開發與系統整合工作,設計並優化BMC架構,確保系統穩定性與效能達標。 2. 負責BMC韌體更新,實現IPMI、Redfish等標準協議,用於遠程監控與管理。 3. 規劃和執行創新專案,推動產品技術迭代與升級 4. 與硬體、軟體、測試及產品管理等部門進行高效的跨部門溝通,協調資源,確保項目順利進行。 ***依學、經歷敘薪***
English Required
9/20 Updated