

50 人
Ragic 要讓全球的大小企業不要再用 Excel 來管理資料了! 在企業IT領域中,無論公司規模,在什麼國家,身處什麼領域,都有一個大家都很熟悉的現象:就是大量的使用 Excel 試算表來管理資料。我們接觸全球各種大小企業,竟然連想像中資源應該非常豐富的全球財星五百大公司,大部份員工都有大量資料維護在 Excel 上面。Excel 作為一個「試算工具」是很方便的,可是拿它來管理資料,只要使用人稍多,或是資料稍微複雜,不但浪費員工大量時間,更是一個內控以及管理的漏洞,也無法讓企業高層即時從資料掌握大局。 因此我們推出了 Ragic ,讓企業所有員工都能夠像是設計一張 Excel 表單一樣,做出強大的雲端資料庫系統。藉由賦予每天實際接觸公司營運的人設計資料庫的力量,我們相信這能夠把企業電子化,變成一個所有無論公司大小都觸手可及的一件事。



產品詳細資料請見 www.ragic.com 對我們公司工作有興趣的夥伴們,建議先註冊一個免費的帳號,清楚的了解我們產品在做什麼,想清楚是否對這樣的雲端資料庫產品有興趣,對改變目前企業資料管理方式的熱情,會是我們重要的工作前進動力!


Ragic 有著效率導向的文化, 追求工作效率而不是加班時數, 內部極少耗時沒效率的會議。我們公司還小,工作滿一年會有員工配股,上班時間和請假都很彈性,只要工作進度ok,一切好談!



Enterprise Customer Success Specialist Ragic_立即科技有限公司
Ragic is a cloud software for building business applications with simple Excel-like interface. Our users are all over the world, most of them outside of Taiwan. We're looking for a new Enterprise Customer Service Specialist to help our new customers learn and adopt Ragic to digitize their business. Qualifications: 1. Tech savvy and being able to learn new software quickly. You don't need to know how to create business database applications, we will teach you how, you will be an expert at this. But you will learn a lot faster if you're tech savvy and enjoy this job a lot more if you like technology. 2. English communication ability. Because more than half of our users are outside of Taiwan, you will need good English writing ability. 3. Some fundamental knowledge on business administration is a big plus. Ragic is a tool for our customers to build database systems to digitize their workflow, so having basic knowledge of some common business operation like sales order, inventory, accounting, or purchasing will be very helpful. Responsibilities: 1. Help answering support tickets on questions that users have on Ragic. They may be in English or Chinese. They are mostly e-mail and sometimes phone calls (phone calls are in Chinese) 2. Help edit English user documents. We already have complete documentation, but it still requires frequent update on new features or updates. 3. Write blog articles to communicate with our current users and reach more potential users to learn about Ragic. This can be in either Chinese or English. Ragic is not a big company. But we're a profitable, stable and truly focused on our core product. We don't do any projects. We are focused on perfecting our product and making it known for all businesses around the world. We are efficient, don't have much meetings and don't work overtime. If you're interested, please first go to www.ragic.com and register for a free trial account and get an idea on what we do.
10/21 更新
Content Marketing - Cloud Database Ragic_立即科技有限公司
Ragic is a cloud software for building business applications with simple Excel-like interface. Our users are all over the world, most of them outside of Taiwan. So we're looking for a new English content marketing to our team to boost our English content to reach more users. Qualifications: 1. Most importantly: excellent English writing ability. Need to be able to write articles that are interesting and professional that can reach potential target audience. 2. Being tech savvy is a big plus. You don't need to know how to create business database applications, we will teach you how, you will be an expert at this. But you will learn a lot faster if you're tech savvy and enjoy this job a lot more if you like technology. 3. Chinese reading and speaking ability is a plus, but not necessary. We have quite a bit of Chinese content material that you can refer to if you can read Chinese. And speaking Chinese helps you communicate with some of our team members who's not as fluent in English. 4. A good understanding of internet marketing would be a plus. We are open to any fresh new ideas on how to promote Ragic internationally. 5. We can help apply for a work permit if needed. But it would really make it easy for us if you already have a working permit to work in Taiwan. Responsibilities: 1. Your main responsibility will be writing English content for blog, Facebook page, Twitter feed, announcements and other channels. This should take the majority of your time. 2. Help answering English support tickets on questions that users have on Ragic. All of our marketing team helps answer customers questions. This would give you a good insight on how Ragic is used in real-world scenarios, and give you lots of good ideas for writing new content. 3. Help edit English user documents. We already have complete documentation, but it still requires frequent update on new features or updates. Ragic is not a big company. But we're a profitable, stable and truly focused on our core product. We don't do any projects. We are focused on perfecting our product and making it known for all businesses around the world. We are efficient, don't have much meetings and don't work overtime. If you're interested, please first go to www.ragic.com and register for a free trial account and get an idea on what we do. Also we would appreciate it if you can send us some of your English writing samples for our reference.
10/21 更新
數位廣告企劃及投放 Ragic_立即科技有限公司
Ragic是一個企業雲端資料庫的 SaaS 服務,讓不會寫程式的人也能夠快速地利用像是 Excel 一樣的試算表介面,製作出各式各樣電子化表單,協助企業電子化。我們的客戶分布在全球各個國家,我們在找廣告企劃及投放專員,瞭解產品功能及客群後規劃受眾,製作並投放廣告。建議可以先試用免費版Ragic,來確認是否對我們的產品有興趣! 【必備條件】 1. 對行銷概念及數位行銷有基本認識,有商業或其他相關背景佳。 2. 對資訊科技、網路產業有熱情,願意且有能力去深入應用及議題。 3. 軟體自學能力佳,能透過網路學會使用產品並親自動手體驗、測試。 4. 良好溝通及合作能力,工作中可能會需要團隊的設計師或影音編輯來協助製作素材。 5. 清楚的邏輯及文字表達能力,瞭解系統功能及應用後,要能夠分析產品提供給使用者的價值並產出文案。 5. 一定程度的英文能力,會需要投放中英文廣告。 【工作內容】 1. 廣告發想,獨立產出文案、素材或是與行銷團隊合作製作。 2. 投放數位廣告,管理及優化既有廣告平台 Google Ads(中英文的搜尋廣告及影音廣告)、Meta Ads,同時也可以持續探索其他平台的可能性 3. 到職後,需要透過線上教學資源自學使用 Ragic。前三個月新人訓練期間需要回覆客服信件,透過第一線客服經驗,掌握產品概念與使用者需求
10/21 更新
客戶成功專員 (企業SaaS雲端資料庫產品) Ragic_立即科技有限公司
Ragic是一個企業雲端資料庫的 SaaS 服務,讓不會寫程式的人也能夠快速地利用像是 Excel 一樣的試算表介面,製做出各式各樣電子化表單,協助企業電子化。我們的客戶分布在全球各個國家,我們在找客戶服務專員,來協助我們客戶學習使用 Ragic 並且回答他們對於用 Ragic 設計資料庫上可能有的疑問。 條件: 1. 對於資訊技術有熱情,學習能力快!你不需要會設計電子化表單,但是進入 Ragic 以後會需要你能夠快速學習如何利用 Ragic 讓企業電子化!建議可以先用免費版玩玩看我們的產品,來確定是否對這類型資訊技術有興趣。 2. 英文能力好的話是很大的加分,因為你就可以協助回答英語系國家的使用者的問題。如果會其他語言也都是有幫助的! 3. 對於一些企業管理,商務上常見的商業流程熟悉有概念,會很有幫助。Ragic 是個讓客戶根據自己企業的需求製作資料庫系統的工具,因此如果對於基本的估價單、訂單、庫存、應收應負帳款、傳票、採購等等常見的企業流程熟悉的話,會讓你在跟客戶溝通的時候順暢很多。 4. 如果對於一些傳統的 ERP, CRM, HR 等等各式資訊系統有使用經驗,也會有幫助。你會比較清楚客戶在使用這些傳統的套裝軟體上常常會碰到的問題,也能夠在客戶需要 Ragic 跟其他傳統資訊系統整合的時候,提出比較明確的解決方式。 職責: 1. 協助回覆客戶寄出的客服 email 、處理即時線上交談中以及客戶來電時,客戶所提出對於 Ragic 使用的問題,或是必要時與客戶進行線上會議。這些 email、即時交談或線上會議可能是中文或是英文的。 2. 協助維護技術文件。技術文件是提供客戶服務時的好夥伴,任何常常被問到的問題,都應該在文件上面找得到,減少客戶需要特別提問的機會。 3. 整理及回報客戶的需求並與開發團隊討論。除了回覆客戶的問題之外,若針對產品功能有優化的空間,都應該與內部的開發團隊做回報及討論。
10/21 更新