Gogoro Taiwan Limited_睿能創意股份有限公司
Data Office_Business Intelligence Engineer
9/26 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Position Impact:
The Gogoro Data Office serves as the hub for delivering company-wide data-driven
decision support. Backed by robust data pipelines and leveraging expertise in geospatial analysis, statistics, and artificial intelligence, the Gogoro Data Office creates solutions for KPI design, performance tracking, troubleshooting, and decision-making. All outcomes are delivered as interactive, highly visualized dashboards on a scalable platform.
We are seeking a business-oriented technical enthusiast to collaborate with us in
designing and developing this platform. This role presents an exciting opportunity to
translate insights from big data into user-friendly graphics, simplifying complexity at its core. If you’re eager to tackle this challenge, seize this opportunity!
Role & Responsibility:
In close collaboration with the team, this position can cover:
• Collaborate with product managers, data scientists, data analysts, data engineers,
and graphic designers to construct highly visualized decision support solutions
• Contribute to the design and enhancement of portals that integrate business
intelligence insights
• Create interactive visualizations and data analytics modules
To fit the positions’s capability, we are expecting you to have:
• Strong collaborative and interpersonal communication skills
• Knowledge of Python and its web frameworks such as Django, FastAPI, or Flask
• Experience in developing and maintaining web applications and component libraries
• Understanding of data engineering, including data structures and algorithms for
efficient data manipulation
• Passion for building products with exceptional UI/UX
• Commitment to writing high-quality code and taking ownership of projects
• Eagerness to learn and explore the latest technologies
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

System Integration Analysis
Software Engineering Development
Software Programming
Network Programming
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Database System Management and Maintenance
Database Programming
Database Software Application
系統整合分析 軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計 網路程式設計 Machine Learning 機器學習 資料庫系統管理維護 資料庫程式設計 資料庫軟體應用
Job Category
Data Analyst
AI Engineer
Algorithm Engineer
Gogoro從一個夢想開啟一趟射月的旅程,誠摯地邀請你來一起「改變世界」! 我們期待看到你發揮影響力並為團隊帶來質變,讓夢想成為可能。 我們需要你堅毅的心理素質、展現異於常人的洞察力,和我們一起定義未來! 我們是Gogoro,藉由把能量交給每個人重新定義能源,一起來吧,邁向更好的未來! 我們在找不一樣的人,一起走不一樣的路! 致力於創新科技產品的設計、生產、銷售與服務, 以及綠能生活的解決方案。 我們是創新者、發明家、設計師、以及築夢人,為追尋更好的未來,努力不懈。 團隊中包含來自全球和台灣各地的夥伴,因為看見這塊土地的創意與科技潛力,決定以台北為邁向全球市場的根據地。 這個團隊充滿活力、熱情與創造力。我們堅信好的設計,能夠透過產品影響世界,帶領人們走向更美好的生活風景。 歡迎一起加入Gogoro的行列!
6 ~ 10 applicants