JR202409017_Global IoTMart Category Management PM
9/25 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

The Category Management PM oversees category management, pricing strategies, and GTM & Selling approaches to optimize sales and profitability within assigned product categories, while utilizing project management skills and focusing on business operation optimization.
[Responsibilities of the role]
<Category Management>
• Develop and implement selection strategies aligned with overall business objectives
• Collaborate closely with product divisions across Advantech to gather insights on product features and competitive advantages, ensuring the selection of high-quality products for the digital commerce platform
• Manage product listing and delisting mechanisms to maintain an optimal product mix
• Oversee product category management to ensure proper organization and classification
• Formulate and execute price strategies, including strategic pricing for selective products
• Set prices to maximize revenue while maintaining market competitiveness
<GTM & Selling>
• Create and implement product selection guides to accelerate the sales journey
• Optimize sales mix through effective configuration and combination of products
• Conduct regular category and sales analysis to inform decision-making
<Strategy & Optimization>
• Regularly review and assess the performance of product listings, utilizing data analytics to optimize product presentation, content, and user experience.
• Apply project management skills to effectively plan, execute, and monitor category initiatives
• Identify and implement process optimizations within the category management domain
• Contribute to overall business operation improvements through data-driven insights and best practices
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure smooth execution of category plans
• Education: Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or related field
• Experience:
1. Minimum 2 years of experience as a Product Manager in the technology industry
2. Demonstrated understanding of PC / Industrial IoT products and related knowledge
• Skills:
1. Strong analytical and data interpretation skills
2. Excellent project management abilities
3. Cross-department communication skills
• Personal Attributes:
1. Strategic thinker with strong problem-solving abilities
2. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
3. Strong attention to detail and highly organized
4. Ability to work collaboratively in cross-functional teams
5. Results-oriented with a focus on continuous improvement
6. Proactive mindset and ability to multi-task effectively
7. Ability to manage multiple projects and priorities simultaneously
8. Willingness to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs
• Technical Proficiencies:
1. Proficient in Excel and PowerPoint
2. Familiarity with project management software/tools and AI productivity tools (e.g. ChatGPT, Claude AI and such)
• Language: Fluent in English (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Project Manager
Product Manager
Operations Manager/System Integration/ERP Specialist
關於研華 研華為物聯網智能系統與嵌入式平台產業之全球領導廠商,並以「智能地球的推手」作為企業品牌願景。為迎接AIoT與人工智慧之大趨勢,研華將以Sector Driven策略全面展開佈署,以長期深耕市場行業,提升核心競爭力;同時,也將有AIoT + Edge Computing邊緣硬體平台產品群,工業物聯網軟體平台WISE-IoT,再加入產業AI解決方案及行業知識,融合成為產業整合應用的協同共譜之經營模式,以協助夥伴客戶串接產業鏈;此外,亦積極偕同各產業夥伴「共創」產業生態圈,以加速實踐產業智能化之目標。 提供員工「工作、學習、愛」的環境是研華集團對人才的承諾,透過ABLE Club(Advantech Beautiful Life)活動,以積極、健康、熱情的開放態度追求美滿人生,並提供彈性客制化的福利,以滿足員工、眷屬及合作夥伴的多元需求。 ■ 研華總部 : 台北市內湖區瑞光路26巷20弄1F ■ 陽光大樓 : 台北市內湖區陽光街365巷33號1F ■ 林口智能共創園區: 桃園市龜山區文德路27號 園區簡介: 最新林口園區開箱(影片) : Why Advantech【加入研華開創職涯的無限的可能?總經理親自與您分享】 【獎項與榮耀】 ※2024年榮獲《天下永續公民獎》及《天下人才永續獎》大型企業製造業組雙料獎項,較去年成績大幅躍進至第四名,創下此獎項歷年最佳成績。 ※《遠見》第20屆ESG企業永續「綜合績效-電子科技業」首獎/第19屆「綜合績效-電子科技業」、「傑出方案-教育推廣」雙獎楷模獎。 ※連續四年榮獲公司治理評鑑鑑【前5%】 ※2024年榮獲TIME全球500大永續企業(World’s Most Sustainable Companies) ※2024年榮登標普全球(S&P Global)2024年永續年鑑(The Sustainability Yearbook 2024)。研華從入選率僅8%、全球62個產業超過9,400家企業中脫穎而出,獲評為全球不分產業前5% 永續標竿企業、電腦、周邊與辦公電子設備產業(Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics)名列第四的殊榮。 ※2023年首度入選道瓊永續指數(DJSI)世界指數。 ※自2018年起、連續六年蟬聯台灣國際品牌前五名(2023年度品牌價值8.81億美元,品牌價值成長幅度13%)
0 ~ 5 applicants